20 Marriage Principles for a happy marriage After identifying - TopicsExpress


20 Marriage Principles for a happy marriage After identifying the reasons that create problems in a marriage, the next step is to take some corrective actions to solve those problems and give the marriage a chance to be successful. One of the ways to do that is to follow some proven marriage principles. Marriage principles are in essence things that you should do and things that you should not do or say in a marriage. If the couple follows these principles then the chances that marriage will be successful are increased. 1. Be fair, you are not always correct Be fair with your self and partner and have always in your mind that you are not always correct. You may be sometimes wrong in your decisions and thoughts. It is a fact that when two people disagree, the truth is somewhere in the middle. And when two people separate then certainly the blame is in both. If from time to time we forget the middle ground and we do not compromise then this will create severe problems to our marriage. The marriage principle in this case is to compromise and accept the fact that you are making mistakes and sometimes exaggerating more than needed. 2. Do not promise anything you cannot do If the marriage was based on our many promises, but these promises were never made into reality, it is perfectly logical to be full of frustration and anger. The words and promises are made too easily when we love and when things go well. But when you get into a difficult situation things change. This is the time to stop the unreal promises and start making actions. 3. Everybody makes mistakes Accept the simple principle, that all people make mistakes. The mistake is part of human nature and we should be able to forgive and look to the future. If we rehash the mistakes, and if in any disagreement we mention one hundred other reasons we should in the past being angry with our partner, then this will kill our soul and will fill it with anger and bad memories. 4. Respect to be respected Perhaps while we promised respect, eternal love and devotion, we do not follow this oath? Maybe we did not understand that the marriage is a commitment to life and we must respect and honour the person with whom we connected our lives. Showing lack of respect to our partner, whether occasional or on a permanent basis, is perhaps the biggest mistake that we do. When respect is not mutual in a marriage then it is more likely that marriage will end up in a disaster. 5. Show your interest to your partner Marriage is like a flower that wants watering every day or else I will be destroyed. So we must not rest on the fact that now that we are married we should not show any interest in our partner but let things as they come. It takes a lot of trouble and struggle to maintain quality and a genuine relationship. We need every day to show our interest in our partner not only in words but also in deeds. 6. Be consistent We need to be consistent between words and acts so that the other person can trust us. Even taking care to be together and supportive in every difficult moment of our partner and not only look on how we can have a good time. 7. Be open for discussion with your partner All issues and disputes must be settled and resolved through dialogue and not by absolute positions that are dogmatically imposed from one person to the other person. As a good principle, do not avoid discussions and never try to impose your opinion on your partner. Everybody has his or her own opinion and this should be respected. In case of a disagreement the best way to find a solution is through discussion. 8. Do not take advantage of your superiority Do not exploit your possible superiorities in a particular area over your partner. For example if you are in a better financial position or have a better job than your partner do not try to take advantage of that and make your partner feel inferior. Instead, as a principle try to support and help your partner to improve with out criticism. 9. Make mutual decisions with your partner Decide together for the birth and education of your child. No one has illusions that everything will be rosy and everyone knows that within life there is routine, boredom, and disconnection. You need to have patience and faith in the strength of the relationship and always try to find ways to tackle a difficult situation together through dialogue and mutual decisions. 10. Do not neglect your partner In the context of marriage you have to give your partner the attention he/she deserves. You should not always deal with your work or children and neglect your partner. The principle is that you should have a balance in your life, so as to manage your time efficiently and have enough time to devote to your partner and family. For those who like quick and easy to remember ‘rules of thumb’ here are 10 more marriage principles you can easily follow to make your marriage better. 11. Do not get nervous all the same time 12. Do not shout to each other unless the house is on fire. 13. If someone must win a ‘fight’ then let the other win. 14. If you must judge and criticise your partner then do it with love. 15. Do not repeat mistakes you made in the past. 16. Neglect the word around you than neglecting your partner. 17. Never go to bed without being in terms with your partner. 18. Try at least once a day to compliment your partner. 19. If you make a mistake, be ready to admit it and apologize. 20. It takes two to make a brawl, and usually the one that is wrong talks more.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 09:14:25 +0000

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