20 Random Facts About me: 1. I am completely and madly in love - TopicsExpress


20 Random Facts About me: 1. I am completely and madly in love with Jesus. 2. I have conversations in my head and they come true a lot. 3. If I say Im sleeping, its a rare moment.... SO LET ME SLEEP. 4. I used to envision Jesus as a dude with long hair, hazel eyes, white skinny jeans a black t-shirt, and a red snapback.... (DONT HATE!!!!) 5. Costume animals scare me... Like Cow from Chick Fil A... I know whose behind the costume. I just get super scared. Even if it were my mother. Idk. Costumes freak me out. Especially ones with big heads. 6. I like the think I am August Rush sometimes and I bang my guitar but it doesnt sound nearly as cool as his music does... :/ 7. Purple is my favorite color but I like to wear red and black... which is what most of my wardrobe consists of. 8. I think bikinis are like underwear. I could never wear them in public 9. I have an obsession with tiny things. Especially tiny animals... I dont feel threatened by them ;) PS- watch a baby turtle eat lettuce and you will die from adoration!!!!! 10. I really really really hate feet. 11. I speak really fast and I get super red when I realize I did something wrong. 12. Going off of number 11, I hate knowing I did something wrong and I hate disappointing people. 13. I once read a statistic about spiders crawling in your mouth when you sleep so I have always been afraid of spiders being in my mouth at night. 14. When I am asked what I like to do for fun, I generally say A. Love people, B. play music, C. Play sports and, D. make people smile 15. I am actually a shy person but I have learned to force myself to be very open. Sometimes, the shyness still comes out. Only a few people very close to me get to see it. 16. Music speaks a language that only some people can understand and I understand that language. When Im at loss for words, I generally find a song to describe perfectly how I feel. 17. I tried shaving underneath my eyebrow once in fifth grade and I shaved off half of the eyebrow. I also tried trimming my eyelashes that year but luckily they actually grew back :D 18. I am obsessed with eyes. If I stare into your eyes, Im not trying to be creepy. I just love EYES!!!!!! 19. I think water is disgusting. The only time I like it is after a long run and it has to be super cold. I also dont like eating fruit unless it is cold. 20. I sing when people start arguing. Generally the song of choice is, Oh Happy Day :D
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:16:58 +0000

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