20 Reasons to Eat Bananas !!! After this advice you will never - TopicsExpress


20 Reasons to Eat Bananas !!! After this advice you will never look at the banana in the same light as you did before, once you discover its power and health reasons why you should have it in your daily diet. Bananas are good at fighting against depression, it makes you smarter, alleviate the morning sickness (nausea), protects you against kidney cancer, osteoporosis, and are also good at against against blindness the difficulty of getting up in the mourning. They can also relieve the itching after the mosquito bites, and even give an incredible shine to your shoes after scrubbing them. 1.) Because of the high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter, that is responsible for the good moody pleasure (a pleasure hormone), the banana may help fight depression. 2.) Before a hard workout, eat two bananas so you will level the sugar in the blood in order to maintain a optimal level and have enough energy. 3.) A banana can help to ease the cramps in the legs that may occur when training or while sleeping. 4.) After the urinating comes to a loss of calcium in the body. To prevent this and to have strong bones, eat bananas :). 5.) Banana contains high amounts of iron, so if you have anemia, you will know now what to do ;). 6.) Due to the high level of potassium in the banana, and 0% salt, the world’s scientists gave the highest scientific rewards to this wonderful fruit, because the features that she has reduces pressure and protect from a heart attack or a stroke. 7.) Rich in pectin, the properties of banana helps the digestive system and the ejection of metals and toxins from the body. 8.) Banana acts as pro-biotic and stimulates the growth of the good bacteria in the intestines. It also produces enzymes that help in the digestion in absorption of the nutrients. 9.) Diarrhea? The banana has a calming effect and helps to restore the electrolyte after a diarrhea. 10.) The banana is a natural antacid and is quite useful in cases of heartburn. 11.) Eating a banana prevents the development of kidney cancer, protects against the development of muscular degeneration and strengthens the bones by increasing the absorption of calcium in the body. 12.) Eating a banana makes you smarter as well, where it improves the memory and concentration while learning something. 13.) Is also rich in antioxidants that eliminate the free radicals and protects the body of developing the chronic diseases. 14.) Eating bananas between meals helps to stabilize the level of sugar in the blood. Also, the banana will help alleviate morning sickness. 15.) To ease the itching and irritation after the insect bite, rub the sore spot with the inner back of the banana.. 16.) Banana can lower the body temperature during fever and cool you as well during the hot days. 17.) The tryptophan that is in the banana can help alleviate seasonal affective disorder. 18.) To restore the shine on your shoes or a bag/purse, rub them with the inside of the crust of the banana and then simply just wipe them with a dry cloth. 19.) The banana helps to improve the mood and to calm the symptoms of a post menstrual syndrome. 20.) It also reduces the swelling, protects against type 2 diabetes, helps fight weight loss, improves the nervous system and helps in the production of the white blood cells, and all of these facts because of the high levels of vitamin B6. COOL ADVICE: You only need 1-2 bananas per day, and its best to consume it because of the above reasons. They are available everywhere today and whether they are in fresh or in a overripe banana, It still have the same effects.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:54:26 +0000

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