20 THINGS YOU NEED TO DO BEFORE YOU TURN 30. Note:i jotted - TopicsExpress


20 THINGS YOU NEED TO DO BEFORE YOU TURN 30. Note:i jotted this down while i was listening to a message yesterday night and decided to share with you, HAPPY READING! 1)You must discover yourself-life is all about contribution,you must discover what you have to contribute to your generation. Until you know your gift/talent you cannot be a gift to your world. 2)Learn how to use your gifting to solve problems. Continue to improve your problem solving abilities. 3)Learn how to make money- you make money from other peoples ignorance because people wont pay you to tell them what they already know. 4)You must have known the definition of love- you cannot love someone you dont really know, you can only like the person you are just seeing for the first time not love.Love is a choice, love is more about giving,love doesnt try to take the dignity out of the other person. Love is patient, any guy who loves you should be able to wait for you. Note that its expensive to take care of a lady.Before a guy turns 30,he should have learnt how to propose to a girl.If you like somebody, tell the person-be plain & clear & articulate. 5) You must have read at least 30 books, he who doesnt read isnt better than he who cannot read.Empty minds attracts themselves & Heavy minds attracts themselves!. To look beautiful without having wisdom is a waste,add value to your beauty by investing in your mind. 6)You must have a pastor. Dont always change church, take your time to discover your pastor and stay with him. 7)You should have something you are known for- Great men are not known for everything but for something specific. Have you discovered what you would be known for? Write it down! 8)You should have a mentor-A day with a great teacher is better than 100 days of personal search.A good mentor is someone who seems to be where you want to get to,you need to be disciplined to be mentored. When you stand on the shoulders of people who have gone ahead,you see farther!.Locateyour mentor, stay with them,celebrate and respect them!Learn from them and apply to your own life what youre learning. 9)You must learn how to say NO without feeling guilty because its the highest height of maturity. Dont be too emotional about everything, you are where you are today because you are too concerned about others feeling towards you. 10)You must have conquered procrastination- procrastination is a lazy mans apology. 11)You should be free to use your mind- if your life isnt going well, try check who has been doing your thinking for you, Be free from the influence of your parents/peer etc.Live for what you want to be.Life is measured by the capacity of your mentality, free yourself in your mind!. 12)You should have a bank account-infact if you are really serious about life, you should have more than one bank account, one should be your proposed family account and the other one should be your personal account, become coordinated & organized. 13)You should have an investment-one of the cheapest investment is to buy shares from a good company. An hint to know the company to partner with is to look out for those that produce what people consume daily.. Example is the oil company and network providers. 14)You must have developed stability of character- you should be taken for your words,say what you mean and mean what you say! Learn how to keep your tongue when you really have nothing to say.Put yourself under self control by not going after everything that glitters. 15)You should be able to choose your friends- decide who you want to keep around you, an eagle that hangout with chickens will one day forget how to fly. 16)Learn professional dining etiquette. Some of the big things of life are hidden in little details. 17)You should be able to define your vision. In one sentence define who you are and what you want to live for. 18)You should be able to know how to drive a car.Not knowing how to drive a car can restrict you from gaining big opportunities in life. 19)You must have a financial ability to feed somebody else. 20)You should be BORN AGAIN, know how to love God.Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things shall be given to you-Matthew 6:33. Lets make this post lively by mentioning your top 5 from the list.Mine is 4,7,9,14,20. Ill be very glad to hear from you..... ALL IS WELL. Source: Www.ojomike.blogspot
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 22:42:01 +0000

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