20 THINGS YOU NEVER WANT TO SAY TO SOMEONE WITH RA. (HAHAHA) MY SISTER ASKED ME AT THE ZOO LAST WEEK DO YOU REALLY NEED A WHEEL CHAIR TO MAKE IT THROUGH THE ZOO? OMG Aren’t you feeling better yet? Some days are better than others. I know where you can donate to help find a cure. You’re not old enough to have arthritis. No one of any age should have to suffer with a disease like this, especially the children who have it. I guess I’m blessed for the years I grew up without it. Oh, I know; me too. I’m sorry if you don’t feel well. But if your doctor didn’t prescribe chemotherapy, I doubt you have the same diagnosis. Exercise would really help you feel better. Regular exercise didn’t keep me from getting sick. I really miss the things I can’t do anymore, especially tennis, running, and swimming. You don’t look swollen, sick, or ______ Thank you. Have you tried counseling? Maybe you’re depressed. Part of the reason I’m not depressed may be that I sought counseling after receiving this serious diagnosis. It helped me to accept it. Why do you walk so funny? I’m not sure; it may be the damage to my hips or knees. But all of the joints in my ankles and toes hurt so much today, I can’t be sure. No, it’s not heavy. Here, hold this. That might not be a good idea; I do drop things. Have you tried the blue stuff? I’ve tried almost every color of medicine you’ve heard of. If your blue stuff successfully treated RA, it would cost a lot more. You’re feeling achy. / The aches & pains of arthritis. Usually, RA pain is sharp so patients often compare it to an ice pick or a knife. Why didn’t you try glucosamine (or Omega3 or gluten-free…) before you tried that medication? I actually do take some of those supplements, but they don’t treat my RA. Just drink this juice. (Or eat blueberries…) I would have to drink several gallons of that juice day to get the temporary anti-inflammatory effect of taking an Advil. I take four Advil every few hours. Is that your handicapped parking tag? Yes, sometimes I can walk to get into a store, but I have a hard time making it back to the car. You just need to lose some weight. (Or gain weight!) Thin people and heavy people both suffer from RA. It is a wasting disease, so eating well to be a healthy weight is a real concern, but it won’t make the disease less harmful. I’m glad you’re better now. I wish you could see how I really feel, but not as much as I wish I really were better now. At least it’s not cancer. It’s not like it will kill you. Some cancers kill more quickly than RA, but RA has a similar mortality rate to other cancers. I read about a woman who cured hers with…vitamin supplements, antibiotics… I don’t know what her illness was, but I’m glad she feels better. You just have a low tolerance to pain. I actually have a high tolerance for pain, but sometimes I have less tolerance for ignorance about this serious illness. My Grandmother had that. I’m sorry. At what age did you lose her? Some of my relatives died of RA also. I used Tylenol arthritis and mine went away Good. If it was RA, it will be back. Unfortunately.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 01:56:37 +0000

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