20 Unusual Uses for Mayo 1. Prevent lice. If you catch wind that - TopicsExpress


20 Unusual Uses for Mayo 1. Prevent lice. If you catch wind that head lice is going around your child’s school, apply a little mayo to their hair and comb it through. Rinse well. It will leave an oil on the hair that lice will not want to stick to, and it can also help repel current lice. 2. Repair scratched wood. If you have a scratch in your favorite wood table or chair, apply some mayo. Rub a generous amount in the crack and it will moisturize the wood leaving the crack less noticeable. The rich fats will also help seal and fill in the crack allowing you to stain over it. 3. Remove price tags. Don’t you hate it when you can’t get price tags off of glassware? Use a small amount of mayo on a soft cloth and wipe over the tag. Soon it will loosen and you will be able to peel it completely off. 4. Soften your hair. Mayo makes a fantastic and frugal hair conditioner. Apply a generous amount to the dry ends of your hair and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Rinse well and shampoo as usual. You will notice lush and moisture rich hair in no time. 5. Lessen the pain of burns. Many people enjoy using mayo on sunburns and minor burns. Its moisturizing properties make it perfect for soothing skin and lessening the pain and redness. 6. Treat your skin to a spa day. Your skin will love the moisturizers in mayo. Apply some mayo mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil to your skin. Allow it to sit for 5-7 minutes and then rinse with warm water. You will notice an instant glow! 7. Clean light switches. Wall light switch plates can become dirty and dingy from being touched, so take some mayo on a washcloth and apply it gently. Wipe away with a clean cloth. The oils in the mayo should help loosen up any dirt and grime. 8. Treat your cuticles. Cuticles love the moisturizers in mayo. Apply a dab to your cuticles, massage in, and rinse. You will notice how soft they become! 9. Wipe away crayon marks. Did the kids write on the walls with crayon? No worries. Take some mayo and a sponge, add in a little elbow grease and start scrubbing. The crayon should loosen and be able to be wiped away. 10. Give houseplants a boost. Clean your houseplants and make their leaves bright and shiny when you add a dab of mayo to their foliage and massage it in. 11. Clean outdoor furniture. Clear away the dirt and grime on your outdoor furniture by applying a generous dab of mayo to a sponge and scrubbing away. Rinse when done for a brilliant clean. 12. Heal flaky heals. Dry winter skin loves a good dose of mayo. Apply mayo mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil to your heals. Rinse when done. 13. Remove bumper stickers. Want to take an old bumper sticker off your car? A little mayo is happy to help you out. Simply rub the sticker with mayo and a soft cloth and off it should come. 14. Make your nails shine. Use mayo to make nails nice and glossy. Simply massage mayo onto your nails in a circular motion, allow to sit for several minutes, then rinse. Your nails will sparkle, no polish required. 15. Remove bubble gum. Did you get bubble gum in your hair or on the carpet? Apply some mayo and massage it into the gum. The oils will help the gunk release and you should be able to clean away any trace. 16. Shine up your silver. Make your silver shine with a nice mayo rub down. Simply apply the mayo to the silverware with a soft cloth then rinse. Your silver will shine, no chemicals required. 17. Clean up paint spots. When cleaning up wet paint splatters, use a drop of mayo to make the job easier. It will help loosen up the paint and clean up will be a breeze. 18. Use as a dip base. You can make all sorts of dip bases using mayo. Stir in your favorite seasonings, hot sauce, or herbs to make your own flavored sandwich spreads and dips. 19. Remove a ring. Ring stuck on your finger? Add a little mayo to help make it slippery and easier to remove. 20. Silent the squeak. Add a dab of mayo to a squeaky joint or door and it should silence it right up! As you can see, there are so many fun and innovative ways to use mayo around the house. So grab a jar the next time you are at the grocer, and give some of these tips a try! -Stacie
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 04:21:09 +0000

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