20. Ways Rich People & Poor People Think Differently 1. Rich - TopicsExpress


20. Ways Rich People & Poor People Think Differently 1. Rich people believe that They create their life, Poor people believe that life happens to them. 2. Rich people play the money game to Win, poor people play the money game to lose. 3. Rich people are committed to being Rich, poor people want to be rich. 4. Rich people think Big, Poor people think small. 5. Rich people focus on finding NEW Opportunities, Poor people focus on obstacles and stuck in a JOB. 6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people, Poor people resent successful rich people. 7. Rich people associate with positive successful people, Poor people associate with negative people. 8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their values, Poor people don’t. 9. Rich people are bigger than their problems, Poor people are smaller than their problems. 10. Rich people are excellent receivers, Poor people are poor receivers. 11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results, Poor people choose to get paid based on time. CALLED A JOB 12. Rich people think Both, Poor people think either/or. 13. Rich people focus on their Net Worth, Poor people focus on their working income. CALLED A JOB 14. Rich people manage their money well, Poor people mismanage their money well. NEED NEWEST GADGET 15. Rich people have their money work hard for them, Poor people work hard for their money. CALLED A JOB 16. Rich people act in spite of fear, Poor people let fear stop them. 17. Rich people constantly grow, Poor people think they “know it all”. 18. Rich people plan for 4 generations of family Poor people only plan for the weekend 19. Rich people use social media for making income Poor people use it for games and photos 20. Rich people read all the time about success Poor people read a little or not at all
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 09:10:44 +0000

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