20. What are we to think of Medjugorje? Gino: John, what do you - TopicsExpress


20. What are we to think of Medjugorje? Gino: John, what do you think about Medjugorje? Are these valid apparitions or are they from the devil? J.Salza: Gino, here are the facts. The Church has not approved the apparitions at Medjugorje. The two bishops in that diocese (Bishop Zanic and his successor, Bishop Peric) have called the Medjugorje apparitions a hoax. The bishops of Yugoslavia in 1991 also denied the authenticity of the apparitions. What bishop would not want to declare that the Virgin Mother of God is visiting his diocese? How much spiritual and material benefits would the diocese enjoy from a simple affirmation from their bishop? And yet, the bishops who have studied the matter have never failed to denounce these supposed apparitions. Before Pope John Paul II appointed Bishop Peric to the diocese, the pope knew the bishop’s opinion about Medjugorje. The bishop told the Holy Father that “it is certain that these events do not concern supernatural apparitions.” Why have the bishops held this opinion? And without any rebuke from the Holy See? There are many reasons, and I would refer you to E. Michael Jones’ book The Medjugorje Deception for a thorough treatment of this topic. Before even addressing the messages in the apparitions, one must question the frequency of the apparitions. The Blessed Virgin Mary is said to appear daily to the six seers since 1981? There are tens of thousands of apparitions since 1981? Surely, if Our Lady were really appearing with such frequency to a given area, we would expect to see a transformation of the area (peace, holiness, religious vocations and a return to Tradition), and expect to also see the Church supporting the phenomena. This has not happened. Sure, there are many people doing penance and hearing Mass. But the seers (the profiteers) have not gone into religious life (like Lucia of Fatima). Rather, they have profited financially from the spectacle and live in big homes with tennis courts and nice cars. We also know of a loss of religious vocations and other negative spiritual and material phenomena (e.g., pilgrims involved in serious accidents, disobedience, cult-like ethos, etc.). Then we get to the messages themselves. The seers allege that Our Lady said that “all religions are dear to my Son,” and that “there is not enough unity among the worlds’ religions.” This is the message of Freemasonry, not Jesus Christ. All religions are not “dear” to Our Lord. The only religion that is “dear” to Jesus Christ is the Catholic religion, the one He founded. Moreover, there cannot be “unity among the world’s religions” because there is no communion between light and darkness, between Christ and Belial, as God has revealed through St. Paul. The message of Medjugorje is Masonic, not Catholic. We also note that the Blessed Mother is alleged to have denounced the local bishop for excommunicating and defrocking a priest who lived a life of fornication, which is also a hint that these “apparitions” are demonic. Medjugorje apologists are quick to claim that the seers truly go into trances and hypnotic states, as if that is confirmation of heavenly activity. They even attempt to demonstrate these conditions with medical evidence. But the devil can also make a person evince preternatural powers and go into trances. We know this from exorcists. Hence, the supposed trances of the seers shows that something supernatural is going on in Medjugorje, but it doesn’t prove that it comes from God. In fact, there is also evidence that the seers are faking their “supernatural conditions.” When a skeptic who was gathering data about these phenomena poked at one of the seer’s eyes during a supposed trance, the seer fell back in fear, a natural reaction of someone who is not in a spiritual ecstasy. The seer claimed that she fell back because she saw Mary dropping the baby Jesus (a ridiculous claim on its own), but couldn’t explain why she didn’t move forward to catch baby Jesus but fell back instead (another example of the suspicious, and even evil phenomena taking place at Medjugorje). The seers claim that they get thousands of messages from Our Lady, but these messages do not include her divine order to pray the daily Rosary. This is another tell-tale sign of the fraudulent nature of these visions. We also note that the seers never see the entire body of Our Lady (usually her feet are covered). Theologians say that God does not allow the devil to imitate the entire body of Jesus, Mary or any saint. If Our Lady were really appearing to the people of Medjugorje, then why didn’t she warn them of the genocide that they were to suffer at the hands of the Serbians? And why doesn’t Our Lady speak about the need to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, which is the key to heaven’s peace plan as she revealed at Fatima? In my opinion, based on the objective evidence, Medjugorje is a creation of the devil to divert souls away from the message of Fatima, which is the real and authentic message of our Lady.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 22:23:21 +0000

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