20% of Americans are far Right Wing Conservatives 15% of Americans - TopicsExpress


20% of Americans are far Right Wing Conservatives 15% of Americans are far LEft Wing Liberals who embrace Socialism the remaining 65% of us are considered "moderate" My challenge with this crop of representatives in Washington (R, D and I) is the lack of compromise and working together. I also have a distaste for this administration pushing legislation that is opposed too by a vast majority (most of the 65% mentioned above and more). I have a distaste for Congress spinning their wheels trying to repeal Obamacare when it will never pass the senate is Obama has promised to Veto any legislation. I have a massive issue with the influence in Washingtton that supercedes the will and well being of the American voter. We need BOTH sides to meet in the middle to: Reduce spending (NOT increase taxes) Limit the size of government (Maybe meet in the middle?) Admit the unemployment numbers are "smoke and mirrors" and that many americans are unemployed beyond the statistics or severely underemployed. (the average McDonalds worker has gone from 17 to 32 years of age) Focus on increasing professional paying jobs If I had my druthers I would fight for: 28th Amendment requiring Congress to live by the law they pass. (This is currently ridiculous) Term limits Reduce or eliminate Union, big business and special interest influence on lawmakers decisions and try to put this influence back in the hands of the voter. balanced (or an attempt thereof) budget Line item veto Voter ID laws assuring that all voters are eligible for the awesome right of ours. Basically, I would love to bring America back to the middle.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 12:12:04 +0000

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