20 things you may not know about me. (because my friend Kathryn is - TopicsExpress


20 things you may not know about me. (because my friend Kathryn is a sadist) 1. I was the youngest of four kids until I graduated High School and am the only boy. 2. My little sister Melissa was born about 3 months after I graduated Navy boot camp and is 18 yrs younger than me. 3. I probably won the stepfather lottery somehow. Rufus Slaughter treated as all like his own kids and he and I share a lot of interests. Man even got my titles in his box at the comic store in North Duke Mall back then, and I dont ever recall really asking him to do that. 4. I was the stereotypical 80s nerd in school. I read comics and sci-fi, collected toys, played D&D, and played both trumpet and tuba in marching band. Okay apart from band, that hasnt changed much. lol 5. I am still friends and play RPGs regularly with that same group of guys with a few additions and omissions due to life changes. Even so the ones that arent around still keep in touch. 6. Probably the single person that influence my life the most outside my parents and other family would be Michael Garrett. He taught me how to use my mind creatively and logically, to make up my own mind about things, and to treat others with honor and integrity, usually through those same sci-fi books. With his best friend Patrick Jones, he instilled in me a love of engineering, science and music that inspires me still. Everything a 14 year old boy needed in a big brother when biology failed to provide one. 7. My fathers parents were home missionaries in Texas and Arizona for the hispanic communites there. Summers in Texas were filled with typical fun on the ranch: horse rides, hay bailing, goat and cattle herding, etc. but punctuated with a faith so deep you could not question the truth of it. Unlike a lot of pastors, reverends, etc. that you see that seem to be a little short on substance, they LIVED it and showed you how to live it instead of constantly preaching to you. And thats the way it should be. 8. I wish I had gotten to know my moms parents better. They died when I was 9 and 13 respectively, and even though they only lived in Fayetteville we didnt get to spend much time with them. I do remember Grandmas cooking, especially the 13-layer cake I try my best to make. It is the most awesome thing you will ever eat to me. 9. I can be particularly verbose when describing things much to the consternation of my friends. (see above paragraphs for examples) 10. In the Navy I was an Electricians Mate and started off studying nuclear power plant operation. I got removed from that program for disciplinary reasons and got assigned to the USS Eisenhower working on the aircraft catapult and arresting gear. 11. After the Navy I went to the University of South Alabama majoring in Electrical Engineering. I closed at Subway so much I worked my way out of college after a year. Sleeping through AM classes does that to ya. 12. Like most everyone else I look back and see the path I could have taken had I chosen to fight for myself more when I was younger. Truth be told, I also would not have some of the awesome friends I have now, though. 13. Aside from feeling like I was stuck carrying a lot of the load due to lackluster coworkers, I enjoyed working at Walmart. I met some good people (like the aforementioned sadist) and the work itself was generally fulfilling to me because I like helping people in a very basic way. 14. I take after my mom because I never really have met a stranger. I can find something to talk about with nearly anyone. 15. Mom passed away in 2008 and there are very few days when I dont think about her. Yeah, Im a mommas boy... lol 16. I still say I can fix just about anything given enough time, tools, and a tech manual. Parts are situationally optional. 17. I really want to have kids someday, but first things first. 18. I can honestly say that I dont hate anyone. Yes there are people that have cut me off or gone away, but not because Ive pushed them. There are even some people I would rather not be around, but simply due to the awkwardness that would create. I can forgive anything, forgetting is a different matter, however. 19. I really do think about people I miss a lot, even though I dont talk to them often enough. Nope, not introverted a bit... 20. I am a total gamer still. PC, xbox, PS, Nintendo, pen-and-paper RPGs, board games, even some TCGs. If it looks fun I will play it. (though sometimes with prodding) LIKE and I will give you your number. I promise I will be sane about it, unlike some folks :-p
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:55:05 +0000

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