20 years ago on Good Friday, I remember it like yesterday. Walking - TopicsExpress


20 years ago on Good Friday, I remember it like yesterday. Walking into my churchs sanctuary, the lights dimmed low, the quiet instrumental hymnals playing through the speaker system. One sole spotlight shone upon the wooden cross that was carried in on the back of one of our elders portraying Jesus during our Passion play on Palm Sunday. The cross, now draped with a black sash stood poignantly alone on stage. Only a few other members of the church were there, each quietly reading through the booklet telling the story of Jesus. As I read through mine, rereading the words from Scripture I had read countless times before, I knew this time was different. I had come to a crossroad in my faith and knew it was time to make a decision, one that would forever change the path I would walk in my life. Sitting next to my mom, I chose to accept Jesus into my heart & as I did an amazing joyful warmth washed over me & a small smile spread across my face as if I had a little secret to tell that couldnt be contained. As our time of prayer ended, my mom and I walked up the church aisle hand in hand. I leaned into her and whispered my decision to follow Christ to her. She squeezed my hand and whispered back, Happy Birthday Baby, I love you! because she knew I had been born into the family of Christ. Each Good Friday morning that followed I would wake up to a call from my mom and would hear, Happy Birthday Baby, I love you!. 20 years later and it was THE. BEST. DECISION. EVER.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 15:33:22 +0000

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