2013-06-05 Osifu開示 Osifu’s Discourse - TopicsExpress


2013-06-05 Osifu開示 Osifu’s Discourse (Jun-05-2013) 无形的救度相对有形的人而言很容易。有形的人的救度太难太难,固有的、偏执的、自以为是的、民族的、历史的、宗派的、利益集团的东西让他们很难接受新思想、新观念、新理论、新智能、新开启。 抽烟、吃肉、喝酒、淫欲、安于享乐,让他们舍离五欲甚难甚难! It’s relatively easier to rescue the invisible than the visible. To rescue the visible is much too difficult. Because of their innate, paranoid, self-righteous, ethnic, historic, denominational opinions and opinions from the interest groups, it’s very difficult to have them accept new ideas, new opinions, new theory, new intelligence and new opening. They smoke, eat meat, drink, pursue lust and are attached to pleasure. How difficult it is for them to abandon the five desires! 今天考察了罗马城和梵蒂冈,重点考察了圣彼得大教堂,师父和罗马神祇和天主教神祇进行了沟通,希望众神祇齐心协力、密切配合为大救度精诚团结、凝聚起来。 Today, Osifu inspected the city of Rome and the Vatican. We focused on the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter. Osifu communicated with Rome Gods and Roman Gods and wished that all Gods make concerted efforts, cooperate closely and with great sincerity. 东方神祇和西方神祇大融合、大团结、大同一的时代已经到来,这是宇宙规律使然,这是地球文明发展的大势所趋,这是大救度的需要。当然这需要做大量的协调、调整、平衡工作。 The time of great blending, fusing and unifying of oriental Gods and Western Gods has come. This is a result of the cosmic laws; this is the general trend of civilization development of the earth and this is the need for the Great Salvation. Of course, it needs lots of harmonizing, adjusting and balancing work. 大救度是全宇宙的事情,大救度是宇宙中最大的公益事业,所有的天地神祇、所有正面的宗教、所有的万物生灵都必须无条件参与、投入、奉献。这是宇宙运行的需要,也是宇宙的号角、法令、天条。 The Great Salvation is an undertaking of the whole universe. The Great Salvation is the greatest public welfare undertakings in the universe. All heaven and earth Gods, all positive religions, all the living things need to participate, get involved and devote themselves unconditionally. This is the need of the universe operation. It’s also the trump, order and heaven laws. 任何一个高维次生灵或宗教都不可以领导其他,不可以独大,不可以至高无上,都是平等的。佛门也好、天主教也好,各教都是大救度中一份平等的力量而已,教主教徒都不可以狂妄自大。 Any high dimensional being or religion can not lead others, can not dominate others, can not be supreme to others. All are equal. Buddhism or catholicism, each religion is an equal force in the Great Salvation. Either hierarch or disciple is not allowed to be arrogant or conceited.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 01:25:38 +0000

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