2013 Sports Evangelism Mission Trip Day Five Update May 30th - TopicsExpress


2013 Sports Evangelism Mission Trip Day Five Update May 30th Quinn McGinnis Today we woke up extra early. It was our last time in San Jose until Monday because we were now travelling to Isla Venado. Breakfast was at 6 a.m. Costa Rican time and Danny said the bus was leaving at 6:10. We had sandwiches with ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato and a weird orange and pink sauce. Shortly after we sat down Danny made us get on the bus to go. We had 2 and a half hours ahead of us and after 3 days of intense soccer, only a couple hours of sleep and a few games of pool basketball, most of us slept like babies. We arrived at the port (Puntarenas) and bought some snacks and drinks while waiting for the ferry and finally departed for the port of the mainland on the other side of the gulf. The ferry took about two hours. We had some fun dancing to the Costa Rican music, looking at the beautiful mountains and learning some martial arts moves from Danny. While we were the dummies for most of his demonstrations, he didn’t hurt us too bad. After another short bus ride, we arrived at a marsh. We took our luggage and took off our shoes and trekked through the mud. It was knee deep at times and smelly. Most of us had 2 or 3 bags and we couldn’t put them down in the mud and water. We saw some monkeys which gave us enough to talk about while we slowly waited for the fishing boat to ferry us over to the island. It was low tide and so we were standing in the Pacific Ocean. When it finally arrived, we loaded all of our luggage and our 10 passengers in. The island is humid and almost tropical even though the overcast skies helped. It is extremely rustic and the people are simple. All the roads are dirt and most houses are very small. Dogs, chickens, hammocks made from fishing nets, and fresh mangoes are everywhere. After gathering some of the delectable fruits straight from the trees, we were served fish caught that morning, and of course, rice and beans. It was phenomenal. After lunch we went our separate ways. Some slept, others watched a soccer game or played one in the rain, and some went hiking and found the most beautiful view ever. For dinner we had some shrimp and rice, and we also had a great meeting with Danny. We eventually wound down and went to bed. Tomorrow we begin construction first thing. -Quinn
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 17:50:04 +0000

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