20130714《人間菩提》契入空性除驕慢The True Meaning of - TopicsExpress


20130714《人間菩提》契入空性除驕慢The True Meaning of Giving youtube/watch?v=ch7mcAif9io 真的每天面對著菩薩,還是要自我警愓。看到大家那麼精進,從一大早,慈誠隊開始,慈誠隊愈來愈有道氣。 Every day, the people I face are all bodhisattvas so I need to be all the more diligent in my own cultivation. I see everyone cultivating diligently, such as the Tzu Cheng volunteers who came early this morning. In them, I see more and more a sense of self-discipline and cultivation. 接下來就是榮董,過去的在社會的拼啊!鬥啊,都可以轉一個念頭回來,縮小自己同時也改變了過去的習性,同時真正的落實家庭,還要關懷社會的付出,真的是很感恩,大家付出。 Next, I saw our honorary board members who are entrepreneurs who used to focus on making money and beating out their competition. But they were able to change their mindset and become more humble. They gave up many bad habits they had developed while doing business, and became more devoted to their families. They also started supporting charitable causes, I am very grateful for all their contributions. 希望不是只有錢的付出,錢只是一個數字,真正能夠得到智慧的,就是要身體力行,我們光出錢,當然,這能夠成就好的事業,不過自己沒感受到,只是,我捐一百萬元,你捐一百萬,常常心這樣限在一百萬,三百萬、五百萬。 But, I hope they will not just donate money. To truly gain wisdom, we need to get involved in the good works ourselves. If we only donate money, though it accomplishes good works, yet we don’t gain any insight from the experience. We only think: “I’ve donated NT$1 million around US$30,000 ” We only focus on the amount we’ve donated be it NT$1 million, NT$3 million, or NT$5 million. 心只在那個地方,你沒有投入人群,沒有感受到那分做了之後,很開心,這都感受不到,所以,還是自己修、自己得。 Our experience is limited to that. When we don’t personally get involved in the good works ourselves, we don’t get to experience the unique joy that comes after we’ve given our efforts. It’s the case of the one who cultivate reaps the benefits. 所以希望大家要用心、付出,當然師父很感恩你們,我更期待人人要自己修,投入去感受人生的疾苦 So, I hope everyone can mindfully get involved. I ‘m of course grateful for everyone’s contribution but I hope even more that everyone can get personally involved and have the chance to encounter the reality of suffering inherent to life. 還有我們高屏地區的人醫會,守護健康、守護愛,還要守護我們的法親,還要山上、鄉下無處不在,也都是為了苦難人,而且因貧而病的。 There are also our medical volunteers in Kaohsiung and Pingtung safeguarding the health of people in the community as well as our fellow volunteers. They go to the mountain areas or the countryside to help the people in suffering, many of whom become ill due to poverty. 這都是我們的社會,不管是企業家,或者是從事醫療工作的,這樣的上遊社會的人士,還是那樣真誠有愛,不只是追求名和利,但是人人還是打從內心的,誠懇的愛心去付出。 This is how people in our society, whether it’s entrepreneurs, or people of the medical profession who’re from the upper echelon of society help the people in need with sincere love. They don’t focus on seeking fame and profit. They genuinely give of themselves to help others out of sincere love. 大家用心付出,才能編織出了菩薩網,這種菩薩網,菩薩一定要有法,假如法不入心,那就不是「覺有情」,會變成了「迷有情」,只是迷在,我是能布施的人,執著名相。 It is through everyone’s mindful contributions that we can come to have bodhisattvas everywhere, forming a bodhisattva network. But, as bodhisattvas, you must have Dharma. Without the Dharma in heart, instead of developing the enlightened love of bodhisattvas, you become deluded, priding yourself in being “the giver”, “the one who helps others”. 那樣執著名相,沒有法在內心,高高在上的心態,有我很有錢可以救濟,有我,所以你才能接受到,救濟的東西,這種的有我相、有物質、有被救的人。 You get attached to that. Without the Dharma in heart, you will start to feel self-important. “I have money and I do philanthropy. It’s because of me that you people can receive these relief goods.” There’s a sense of self, of what is given, of who benefits from the help. 這樣的心態總是會貢高、傲慢,但是,應該就是要,諸法空為座,有這個,諸法空為座,我們才有辦法法入心,現在人人可以,晨鐘起、薰法香,和精舍的生活。 Such a mentality breeds arrogance and conceit. But, in giving, we ought to not be attached to anything at all. Only by not being attached to anything can the Dharma enter our hearts. Nowadays, all of you can participate live in the morning service and listen to my Dharma talk at the Abode via videoconferencing. 一大早三點多就開始要起床,要克服那個那麼早起來,不容易,要克服睡眠要縮短,真的都會考慮到,我的身體哪有辦法。 This means you have to wake up before 4 A.M. It is not easy to overcome yourself to wake up that early. You have to shorten your sleeping hours. You will probably think that there is no way your body can do it. 但是真正的也可以克服過來,這種使命必達,對誰的使命呢?其實對自己慧命增長的使命,這是為自己,總是開始早起了,但是要懂得調適;晚上有時候看電腦,打電動,或者是等等。 However, you can do it when you set your mind to it. Your sense of mission comes from your duty to develop your wisdom. This is for your own good. That’s why you begin to rise early. But you need to adjust accordingly by reducing your late-night activities such as being on the computer, playing video games, etc. 把那些收起來,他可以早睡早起,我們生活都是一個習氣,習氣若克服過來,養成了好的習慣,沒有困難,法入心,我們現在,大愛臺的「靜思晨語」播《法華經》。 Then, you can go to sleep early in order to get up early. Our schedule is all about our preferences. We can overcome our preferences to develop good habits. Then, it’s not hard to have Dharma in our heart. Right now, “Wisdom at Dawn” on Da Ai TV is my Dharma talk on the Lotus Sutra. 你們現在這樣在聽,我自己也在聽,每天我也在聽,所以感覺到,那個法在幾年前,累積下來,在這幾年我們的,臺灣的社會背景是不同,變化很多,我若在講經,常常都會和這個社會背景,去配合。 As you are watching this program, I am also watching it. I watch it every day and think back to the period when I gave that talk several years ago. That was an earlier time period and the background of the society was different. A lot has changed. When I give my Dharma talk, I often match current events to the Dharma. 所以不要想,我現在在聽,一大早,大愛臺的靜思晨語,我就不用聽,不同,法是一樣,但是在說的方法是不同,不過裡面的真理是永恆不變,我自己也感覺到,這樣聽,我現在在說,聽過去的還是一脈相傳,法脈沒有讓它分歧掉,沒有,還是這樣大菩提道直 So, don’t think: “I’m already listening to the live Dharma talk. So, I can skip the Dharma talk on Da Ai TV.” Both are Dharma talks but with different approaches to explaining the Dharma which is about life truths that never change. I also sense that, as I listen to my past talks, the talks I’m giving now still center on the same values as before. There is no divergence from our Dharma lineage because our path to enlightenment is the same. 這條道理是這麼直,只是那個過程的社會背景不同,所以我們過去的要聽,我們才能想到,那個時候,幾年前那個時候,我們的社會背景是什麼? It’s still the same, straight path. It is just different time periods have different societal backgrounds. So, we should listen to the past Dharma talks to remember what we have been through to remember what we have been through rom the talks of several years ago. 又現在開始的我們要用心,真的是,《法華經》是佛陀他的本懷,本來佛陀覺悟之後,第一個直接要說的,他的心靈世界,人人可成佛。 Also, we should listen attentively to the current Dharma talk. Truly, in the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha shares the ultimate truth he has always wanted to speak on. Upon enlightenment, he wanted to share the ultimate truth he realized which is that everyone can become a Buddha. 但是我們凡夫就是這樣迷茫,已經養成了這個習慣,所以要改除這個習慣,沒有那麼容易,就像師父在說,要叫你們那麼早起來,要叫你們等等,那就是要培養多久的時間呢? But, we mundane beings are so very blind and caught up in our delusions and bad habits. So, giving up bad habits is hard. It’s just like how I’ve encouraged you to wake up early for my morning Dharma talk. How long did it take for you to do this? 所以我告訴你們,時間不可懈怠,法還是一樣要聽,對修行的弟子,我自己裡面的弟子就是這樣,當然你們,我也對你們同樣的要求,希望你們也是一樣能修行,希望你們是在家修行。 So, I have to tell you that we cannot slack off. You have to listen to the Dharma talks. This is what I ask of my monastic disciples. Of course, I also ask the same of you. I hope you can also cultivate yourselves as a lay person. 法都是一樣,你們在利益人群,那個精神的法脈不能沒有,所以常住師父們,他們還是要很用心,在修行叢林裡面,我們若沒有僧就沒有法。 The Dharma is the same. As you’re in the community helping people, you have to have the Dharma and the principles of our Dharma lineage. So, my monastic disciples are very mindful in cultivating themselves in the monastery. Without the Sangha monastic community, there won’t be the Buddha’s teachings. 所以出家也是很重要,我也是很重視我的出家弟子,才有辦法能夠傳法脈;在家弟子就是,承受這個法脈的精神,才能入人群去付出,所以各位菩薩,真的是很感恩,沒有離開靜思法脈,更沒有離開我們的慈濟宗門。 So, it’s very important to have Sangha. I also value my monastic disciples for they are needed to transmit our Dharma lineage. My lay disciples need to take in and follow the principles of our lineage in order to go out into society to serve. So, everyone, I’m very grateful that you really do practice the spirit of our lineage and are truly walking the Tzu Chi path. 靜思法脈就是要勤行道,就是要很勤,要勤於我們法要修,慈濟宗門就是人間路,入人群,所以這種靜思法脈,能夠體解大道,入人群就是無量法門,自然法,人人都是一本經,這就像那個智慧的海。 Our Jing Si Dharma Lineage is about diligently cultivating ourselves with the Dharma, and the Tzu Chi path is about going amongst people to serve. Our Jing Si Dharma Lineage guides us to develop the awakened mind while going amongst people we learn innumerable Dharma, as every person is a living sutra. There is a sea of of wisdom there. 深入這每一個人的一本經中,這個芸芸眾生,就是智慧海,我們來納受,所以我們若能這樣,在人群中,用我們自利、利他這個精神,豈不就是能夠領導眾生嗎?所以我們一生無量,無量從一生。 When we go to understand deeply, every person’s life story and the truths in it, we’ll gain wisdom. By helping many people, we develop wisdom vast like the sea. If we can do this, while we’re amongst people and serving with the spirit of cultivating ourselves while benefiting others, won’t we naturally inspire others to follow us? This is the principle of one seed giving rise to innumerable seeds. 每一個人都能夠度無量的眾生,無量的人,所以希望大家真的在家好修行,智慧如海,能夠一生無量度眾生,你們有各種的方法可以去度,不過法一定要入心。 Every one of us can inspire and guide many, many people. So, I hope everyone will truly cultivate, gain wisdom as vast as the sea, and be able to inspire and help countless people. There are many ways to help and inspire people but you must take the Dharma to heart.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 11:22:20 +0000

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