20130803《人間菩提》人間菩薩鋪大道 The Changed Lives - TopicsExpress


20130803《人間菩提》人間菩薩鋪大道 The Changed Lives of Formerly Conjoined Twins youtube/watch?v=chvFXJsb3WE 剛剛我們大家所看到的,記憶猶新,才過十年,這一樣連體嬰,現在亭亭玉立站在臺上。 師公上人,慈濟人,感恩幫助我們,我們長大了,謝謝大家。 What we just saw are the footages of the life of a pair of conjoined twins for the past 10 years. This pair of twins can now stand on stage separately by themselves. Grandmaster and Tzu Chi volunteers, thanks you for helping us. We have grown up now. thank you all so much! 也會打拳,那麼的可愛,其實在二00三年的元月,就是在菲律賓的慈濟人接案了,很慎重的去了解,了解到她的家境,也了解到在菲律賓,鄉下人的迷信,都把她們視為不祥之物。 They also performed martial arts, they are so adorable. In fact, it was in January 2003 that Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines encountered them and very meticulously assessed their case. They learned about their financial situation and also learned about the local villagers’ superstitious beliefs which regard the conjoined twins as ill omen. 所以這一對年輕的夫妻,不知道要往哪裡求助,不過她們生命中有貴人,李居士把這樣的個案,就通報本會。 So this young couple, husband and wife, didn’t know where to turn for help. But, they happened to encounter our volunteer, Mr. Li, who referred their case to our Taiwan Tzu Chi headquarters. 看了以後,就請我們的花蓮慈濟醫院,是不是評估看看,也很感恩在二月,現在在蘇州的李超群院長,還有彭海祁主任,他們兩位即刻,在這一天。 After reviewing the information, we asked our Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital about evaluating the feasibility of separation surgery. I am very grateful that in February, Dr. Lee, who now serves as head of Tzu Chi’s Health Promotion Center in Suzhou, and Dr. Peng, our chief of pediatric surgery, promptly arranged a visit to the Philippines. 二月八日、九日,從臺灣到了菲律賓,去了解孩子的情況,先去做一個很基礎的評估,然後訊息帶回來了,然後我們評估了以後,也是很快,二月十四日,就給了他們訊息,可以帶回花蓮來手術。 On February 8, they flew to the Philippines from Taiwan to better understand the twins’ case and do a basic evaluation. With this information, we assessed whether surgery would be possible. Shortly after, on February 14, we informed them that they could come to Hualien for separation surgery 。 就這樣在四月十七日這一天,由媽媽雙手抱著到花蓮,孩子到來的這幾個月中, 要第一個步驟,就要把連體嬰養胖,因為他們太瘦了,這樣黏住的肚皮要割開,肝也要分割等等。 On April 17, the twins were brought to Taiwan, with their mother carrying them in her arms. During the months the twins were here, the first thing we had to do was to help them gain weight because they were too thin. In the separation surgery, their conjoined bellies and livers would have to be separated. 要第一給她們的營養,再來要養胖她們,而且肚皮開了以後,還要有多餘的肚皮來補上。所以這都是,那幾個月間有用心,差不多有兩個月,本來預算要三個月。 Before them, we needed to make sure they had more nutrition and was at a healthier weight. Also, they would need to grow their bellies could be closed properly. So, for months, our hospital worked very mindfully to prepare them for the surgery in this way. The original estimate said it’d take three months. 可是兩個多月,我們就開始評估,可以為孩子,來做分割的手術,其實,為了要分割這對連體嬰,做了多少、多少次的,這樣模擬再開會,開會再模擬,等等很慎重的,那樣的尊重生命,要如何讓孩子很成功地,把她們分開。 But after two months or so, we were able to begin preparing for the separation surgery. Actually, in order to perform the surgery, our medical team went through many rounds of meetings and simulations. They were very careful about it. Such was their respect for life. They were very dedicated to the mission to successfully separate the twins. 所以,在六月二十八日,把她們就是分割了,她們在分割的時候,我也跟著傳出來的訊息,看著他們的過程,好辛苦啊!多少多少漫長的時間在等待,為了這一刻。 On June 28, the separation surgery was performed I followed the surgery progress closely and also waited for the news of their successful separation. The operation was a challenging one that took many hours. The whole process leading up to that moment was long and arduous in terms of time and preparation. 醫院再增添了儀器,多花了七、八百萬,就是為了這一刻,在苦難中救拔了這一對,活生生這樣地黏住,被綁住一樣的人生,讓她們分開、解脫,這都是過程,說來真是話長,那幾個月 。 Our hospital bought state-of-the-art equipment which cost NT$7-8 mil over US$200,000 just for this separation operation, just in order to help give these conjoined twins the freedom to move about independently and lead their own, separate lives. It was a long process which spanned several months. 她們從花蓮回去,我們和當地的人醫會來聯絡,回去了以後,先把她們安住在,菲律賓崇仁醫院,在那裡住了一段時間,同時也在他們天主教的殿堂裡,為這一對姊妹辦洗禮。 After they returned to the Philippines, we contacted our local medical volunteers to arrange for their rehabilitation therapy at the Chinese General Hospital in Manila. They stayed there for a period of time. During that time, the twin sisters were baptized at the chapel of the hospital. 緊接下來,總統接見這一對姊妹,還有,崇仁醫院的董事長,認這一對姊妹,認為義女,還有參議員來認作乾媽,然後就要回到鄉下去。 Then, they had an audience with the president. Furthermore, the director of the hospital accepted the twins as his goddaughters. Also, a senator became their godmother. Afterwards, they returned to their rural village in the mountains. 我們就很擔心,回到鄉下,到底這一對孩子將來呢?會怎麼樣?能照顧好嗎?將來的教育怎麼辦呢?回去了以後,我們都為這一對的,大愛、感恩的姊妹很擔心。 We were very worried about what the twins’ future would be like living in their rural village. Would they be able to receive the care they need? would they be able to get an education? After they went back home, we were all very concerned for the twins, Lea and Rachel. 所以有一次的颱風,我們就警愓到了,趕快,是不是把他們接下來?讓他們在城市裡生活,慈濟人幫他們,找一個安身之處。 Once, there was a typhoon and our volunteers were worried for their safety and wondered if they could help relocate the family to live in the city. The Tzu Chi volunteers started helping them find a place to live. 所以就找一個分會的空間,讓他們來安住,環保工作由他們來做,他們的生活安定下來,住的地方安身下來,所以這都是他們都一直,很用心、努力地在做回饋。 They set aside a place within the Tzu Chi campus for the family to settle down there. They also provided the father a job to take care of Tzu Chi’s recycling station so that they have a stable income and a place to live. So, the parents worked very hard as a way to give back for the help they received. 大愛、感恩,現在她們叫做慈愛、慈恩,她們也時時都是,師姑、師伯的疼惜,教育的過程,都讓她們時時記得,人間很多的愛。所以,像日本的「三一一」的地震,她們也去街頭勸募; Their daughters’ Chinese names are Ci Ai and Ci En, which mean love and gratitude, respectively. As they were growing up, Tzu chi volunteers often gave them a lot of love so that they know there’s a lot of love in this world for our 3.11 Earthquake relief work in Japan, they also helped fundraise on the street. 在花蓮慈濟醫院,二十五周年,她們有回來,手語歌,還用華語感恩。現在十一歲了,今年是她們的離開花蓮的十年。 They also came to Taiwan for our Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital’s 25th anniversary celebration to express their gratitude in Chinese. They also sang a song. They are now 11 years old. This year is the 10th year since they left Hualien after their separation surgery . 這都是歲月不留人,孩子的生態會轉變,剩下的人生,假如沒有生命中的貴人,如何能解脫呢?現在她們還是很純真,還是會跟著父母親投入做環保。 Time flies by very fast. Children will grow up and live their own life. If they had not encountered the bodhisattvas who came to their aid, how could they have been separated? Now, their hearts are still very pure. They follow their parents in doing recycling work. 現在我們開始在菲律賓,就是要擴大助學金的範圍,所以就是也要募基金。這一次有「愛在陽光下」的,這樣的節目的藝人,藝聯會也跟著慈濟人,一起到菲律賓,去舉辦兩場的晚會,所以,她們也在那裡展現身手,真的是看了很可愛。 Now in the Philippines, our volunteers are expanding the coverage of the scholarship program. So, they need to raise funds. This time, actors from our Da Ai Drama, “Love in the Sunshine”, joined our volunteers to go to the Philippines for two charity concerts. In the concerts, we also saw the twins on stage. They look very adorable. 看到了孩子,在這樣的歷史上的,生態的改變,的確很開心,所以,連體嬰的因緣,牽起了長情,醫療科技能拔苦與樂,讓他們有快樂的人生, Seeing what they’ve gone through to become separated individuals and how they have turned out makes me very happy. Because of this pair of conjoined twins, love is formed between Taiwan and the Philippines. Medical science can help alleviate people’s suffering which gave them a chance for a happy life 讓她們有快樂的人生,真的,感恩的心,還是滿滿地感恩,所有所有的慈濟人,和我們的醫療團隊,真感恩。也感恩菲律賓的,人間菩薩的接引,許多的感恩,還是拉長情,還是擴大愛,還在繼續中,真是都是感恩滿滿。 Had the twins still been conjoined today, what would their lives be like? We have witnessed the power of science in. My heart is truly full of gratitude to all the Tzu Chi volunteers and our medical team. Also, I’m grateful to our volunteers in the Ohilippines for inspiring people to join Tzu Chi I’m very grateful to our volunteers for continuing to extend and expand the Great Love I am truly very grateful.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 18:48:23 +0000

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