2014-06-18 CHINESE BUSINESSPEOPLE INVEST IN SHIPYARDS IN MOZAMBIQUE Chinese businesspeople, who are partners in fishing company Yi Nuo Lda, are investing in ship building in the Angoche district of Mozambique’s Nampula province, according to Mozambican newspaper Notícias. Xiao Guang Han, managing partner, told the newspaper that the vessels built at the shipyard were in line with requirements of the Mozambican maritime authorities for semi-industrial fishing, despite being built from wood. The vessels are around 20 metres long and five metres wide and, based on the engine capacity, can carry 210 tons of fish caught out at sea. The fish is kept fresh in refrigeration chambers installed on the boats. The license granted by the Mozambican fishing sector authorities to Yi Nuo Limitada is for shrimp fishing and Xiao said that four of the boats that have been built have already been fishing out at sea for eight days and returned safely to port. The managing partner of Yi Nuo, Lda, also said that Mozambican workers that have been trained up were slowly replacing naval engineers and carpenters hired in China.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 06:41:43 +0000

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