2014-07-15 I wake up. Tired. I look at the clock and see that - TopicsExpress


2014-07-15 I wake up. Tired. I look at the clock and see that its only 6am. Too early! I try to go back to sleep. After a bit I do. Next time I look its almost 8am. Time to get up. Yellowstone is a long way off so I need to get going. Still tired. I think of the camera and all the drama last night. Ohhhhh... OK. Get it together. I toss the blankets off. Sit up. Rub my sleepy eyes. Put my eyes in. I try not to think too much about the camera as I get ready for the day. (Is it dry? Will it work? ...?). While getting ready I retrieve the still soaking jacket from the front passenger floor where I had left it last night. (I had wanted to leave it outside to dry overnight, but 5 minutes after I did so it started raining again so I had to bring it back in. Figures!) I hang it on the side mirror as well as my also soaking wet fanny pack. Its sunny and almost 80° outside so it shouldnt take long for em to dry. I check the phone to se if there is any signal. Nope. Wait. Whats that line across the top? A smudge? I look closer. Oh no, its cracked! My brand new Galaxy S5 is cracked. Its not even 3 weeks old! When did that happen? Then I knew. Last night I had the phone in a holder suctioned to the windshield up high so that I could do hands free and/or use it for navigation with Google Maps, and the holder gave way. Because the phone was attached to the charging cord which was looped around the rear view mirror it swung down (rather than fall straight) and must have hit the one hard edge around - the Sirius Satellite radio unit mounted on the dash just below the climate controls. Just what I need. Another (big) expense (to get it repaired)! When it rains it pours... Bathroom time so I walk down the bank to an out of the way spot. Coming back up I duck under the large branch of a tree, but come up too soon and bang my head against the adjacent branch. Hard. Ouch, that hurt! I reach up and feel the newly sore spot. Sure enough, its bleeding. Sure, why not? I walk back to the Expedition and grab a Wet One and a paper towel to clean and staunch the bleeding. What else?, I think. I figure now is as good a time as any to check the camera. (When I hung the jacket to dry I had also put the camera in the sun to heat up and drive any remaining moisture out. Theoretically.) I get one of the 2 camera batteries (both newly recharged) and put it in the camera. I turn the camera on. I spin the main dial. Hey. It seems to be working! I adjust the secondary dial. It works too! Looks like Im back in (the photo taking) business. The trip is saved! Praise Jesus! Energized with the happy ending I finish readying myself for the day. (Dont forget the sunscreen.) Breakfast consists of a couple of gluten-free blueberry muffins, yogurt, and a Sprite Zero. Yum! By the time I am ready to go its about 10am and the temp. is in the mid-80s. Going to be a hot one (again). I drive down to the highway Rt. 50/Rt. 6 and head east towards Utah. (By the way, Rt. 50 east of here has been designated the Loneliest Hwy in the US, and having driven it, I agree.) Just past the turnoff south to the park entrance is a gas station. Though I had just filled up yesterday, I stop because maybe... Yes! They do have a soda fountain! The day is good! I refill my big gulp and the gas tank and off I go. Earlier I had agonized over where I would go today. To Yellowstone (another 500+ miles and cooler weather) or Dinosaur NM (a lot closer, but probably pretty darn hot). Both were on the itinerary, it was a matter of the order which didnt matter too much overall. I finally decide that I would at least head towards Yellowstone, though perhaps not make it all the way there today. That way I could enjoy whatever opportunities todays drive afforded me without adding any stress. The way to Yellowstone would take me east, then north on I-15 to just above Ogden, UT, then onto scenic US Rt. 89 north to the Grand Tetons to the southern entrance of Yellowstone at Flagg Ranch. The drive along Rt 50/Rt 6 until I-15 was through nice scenic desert and mountains. I dont think I had ever been this way before and I enjoyed the drive. Just outside of Hinckley, UT I passed one of those trees which inspire people (for some reason) to toss pairs of shoes up into its branches, there to dangle for all to admire. I backtracked to get a few pics. North of Delta I saw a sign for White Sands. I checked my map and saw that it was in the Little Sahara NRA. I have never heard of it. I mark it as a possible destination on another trip. Then on to the interstate where I was able to make good time, even when passing by Salt Lake City during rush hour. I gassed and gulped up again right after getting on to Rt 89. Then up and through the mountains as the road wound its way north and east. Once I got past Logan, UT, the road turned quite scenic as it cut through several river canyons and valleys. I entered Idaho briefly as Rt 89 cut its southeast corner, then finally into Wyoming well after 8pm. Replenishing one last time for the day, I continued north again, now looking for a place to park for the night. About 20 minutes later I pulled into The Allred campground in the Bridger-Teton NF. I found a nice site, paid my fee ($10), and settled in for the evening. Not much for pictures today, but a very nice drive through some scenic and new to me areas, which I love. Tonight I will try to get to bed at a reasonable hour and try to catch up on my sleep, and tomorrow continue north to Jackson, then the Grand Tetons where I will decide which area gets my attention next. Grand Tetons or Yellowstone. Tomorrow will tell...
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 16:22:00 +0000

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