2014.08.25 Today In the pictrues, the girl is only 9 years old, - TopicsExpress


2014.08.25 Today In the pictrues, the girl is only 9 years old, three years before, her left knee was so painful and her mother sent her to the hospital and tried several ways to treat it,but it was pity,all of them failed and the doctor suggested her mother to do an operation for her knee. It was sad for her mother had not no any idea about the operation, and followed the doctors advice and made the operation. But after the operation, the pain is still there, Three years, her mother suffers for her poor daughter. When I first sight to this girl, I was shocked for her so long operation suture needle mouth on her knee, and when I knew the reason, I was so sad for this girl and doctor who suggested her to do the oepration. I can say that this operation will hurt this girls life in the future, because now, her muscle which is operated has been depauperated, and pains full of her left knee, each time when I checked her knee, any forces on her knee, her tears come out in silent, so young, for a wrong operation, suffering the pain for many years! After checking, I suggested her mother the followings: 1. Make her my taoist herbs on her knee to take the pain away and take the extravasated blood out of her knee, at the same time, to have my taoist herbal pill to drive the extravasated blood which in deep away. 2. I pity this girl so much, she makes me to think of my elder daughters case when she was 2 and also hurt by the business hospital for the similar case when I see this girls knee, and this made me to make a decision and told her mother if her husband allows, I will make her daughter as my Taoist Longmen disciple and will teach her my taoist Gongfa to help her to change her poor operated knee and improve her health by Taoist special Gongfa. Only this way can make this little girl a good future when she grows up and can treat her by herself in her rest life. But my terms are that everything will carry out after her mother must get her husbands permiting and will do a ceremony for Longmen disciple. The lady agrees and will give me the answer after her family meeting. 图中小女孩,今年九岁,三年前膝盖疼痛,经广州某医院诊断,肌肉发炎,用药后不效,医院建议做手术。其父母医儿心切,毫无疑问同意手术。开刀后,缝针20针。术后,疼痛依旧。朋友介绍,来我处。当看到小女孩膝盖上如此长的开刀缝合口,惊讶之时且为小女孩痛心。查看触按女孩膝盖时,小女孩疼痛反应剧烈,且暗暗流泪。观女孩开刀膝下小腿肌肉因血气供应不畅而出现明显的瘦弱。仔细观察女孩瞳孔情况及面相,先天基础不错,可惜由于父母对健康知识的缺乏,错误的决定毁其终身健康。 建议先敷我门内秘传之草药,以消痛拔瘀。再建议其母亲,为使小女孩成长后不受手术创伤带来的后果折磨,如果同意,拜入我门下,从小教她习练道家内功功法,从根本上逐步逐步更正和恢复创伤恶果。嘱其母亲回家与丈夫商量好了,再做决定。
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 09:21:15 +0000

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