2014/2015 Trends that Hitched loves: Wedding hashtags: - TopicsExpress


2014/2015 Trends that Hitched loves: Wedding hashtags: Because they make it so easy to Instagram stalk your own wedding! Some useful tips to remember when hashtagging your wedding - 1. Be punny. The best hashtags involve a good pun or play on an idiom. It keeps things lighthearted and fun. 2. Play the name game. Think about ALL of your names - your first name, your middle name, and any nicknames. Even consider your initials. Youre not limited to just using your last names or new family name, so mix and match to find the best combination. 3. Its rhyme time. Again, consider all of your available names here. Do any of them rhyme with a wedding word, like hitched, love, or I do? If so, youre all set for a playful hashtag everyone will easily remember. 4. Capitalization is key. To help avoid any potential readability issues, capitalize each word. This will show your guests where each word starts and will prevent any misspellings or awkward misreading. When your guests go to use your hashtag, they dont have to capitalize every word—it will still work the same either way. 5. Keep it simple. You want your friends and family to use the hashtag on their photos, so make sure theyll be able to remember it! 6. See if its available. As soon as you have thought through all the possible hashtag creations and picked the one, check to see if it already exists. 7. Dont forget to let people know! As soon as youve decided on a hashtag, make sure you spread the word.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:29:00 +0000

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