2014: A YEAR IN REVIEW Another year. Done. Well, Ladies and - TopicsExpress


2014: A YEAR IN REVIEW Another year. Done. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, this has been quite the year. 2014, as I promised myself, changed my life in ways that I could have never imagined going into the year. For better and for worse, 2014 counts a formative year in assuring that I have a better understanding of who I am. Lets put the year under a microscope, why dont we? Heres my year in review. January: THIS WAS TWELVE MONTHS AGO. HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO REMEMBER SO WELL? Well, what changed my life? I quit my job as an expo at the Sawmill in Fort Saskatchewan (my first job in the Hospitality industry was only 14 months ago? Wut?), and became a server at the Skyview Bistro. I also realized that I couldnt see a future for myself with a Bachelors of Arts, instead deciding to go into Hospitality Management. I also opened up about my mental illness. Oh, and I pretended to be a library wizard. Notable date: January 17th. My first serving shift at the Skyview. February: Still, eleven months ago. This is hard to remember back this far. February was an interesting month for me. I became chair of the Finance, Development and Advocacy committee, and I became a certified bartender, along the way, finding a passion for booze that I never knew that I had before (A good passion.) Notable dates: February 3rd. I became the Chair of the Finance, Development and Advocacy Committee for the Fort Saskatchewan Public Library Board. February 21st. I became a certified Bartender. March: Oh my god. March. You were crazy. After watching the 2014 Academy Awards, I decided to start writing a screenplay, finding a huge passion within me for film, and screenplay writing. In March, I hosted an amazing night of music at the Skyview Bistro, as well as having my first photoshoot ever. And it was amazing. Just a few days later, one of my biggest political inspirations, Alison Redford, resigned from office amidst talk of corruption. All in all, march was shocking, changing, and crazy for me. Notable dates: March 5th. Started writing AUTENBERRY. March 15th. Hosted Kellys Musical Skyview Revue AND had my first photoshoot. March 19th. One my biggest political inspirations, Alison Redford, resigned from office (She was a huge inspiration for me). April: Well, the main thing that happened in April, for me, that was noteworthy was that I finished the first draft of my first screenplay ever. As anyone I talked to around that time, Autenberry was a huge accomplishment for me. If anyone is wondering, Autenberry has been shelved right now. Im rethinking it as a TV drama. Notable dates: April 3rd. Finished my first draft of my first screenplay ever (AUTENBERRY). April 11th. I saw Brandi Carlile and cried a lot. May: Yeah. Not much. June: I started working as a bartender/server and musical curator at Bistrou 2100 in Sherwood Park. July: Just as my summer was starting to get really boring, things got fun as we started up the 4th year of the Deadwood Haunted Tour in Fort Saskatchewan. I was the Creative Director for the event for the second year in a row, and we fundraised again for the Fort Saskatchewan public library. More on deadwood down below. Notable dates: July 15th. Deadwood Haunted Tour Board of Directors meeting. August: An amazing month. Between directing my first film project, flying to Sudbury in order to be an animateur at the 2014 National Forum for Young Ambassadors, my month was filled with finding new (and old) passions in my life. I was able to meet a great group of friends to speak French with, as well as found that I have a love for directing film projects. I also did the ALS ice bucket challenge. September: September was an interesting month for me. I started in the hospitality management program at Nait, which is so far a wonderful program. I also started writing my second screenplay, For The Crown and Empire. On the 24th, I got my first supervisor position, as a shift supervisor at Bistrou 2100. The Skyview Bistro closed down. Notable dates: September 22nd. Started writing For The Crown And Empire. September 24th. Promoted to Shift Supervisor at work (my first supervisor position). October: To note: Until Deadwood was over, I was crying all the time. Just kidding. I ran the 4th Deadwood Haunted Tour, with the help of over 35 volunteers (a record-breaking year). We also broke attendance and donation records. So, I was quite pleased about that. In early October, I left Bistrou 2100 over professional differences, which allowed me time to work on other projects, most notably, the Deadwood Haunted Tour, and my commitment to the Liberal Party of Canada, through serving on the executive committee for the Sherwood Park - Fort Saskatchewan constituency. It was the day of a Liberal open house, the 22nd of October, that Canada was shaken by a gunman, attacking and killing an unarmed soldier, and then running to Parliament Hill. Thanks to the courageous actions by the security team of the Hill, the gunman was stopped, and Canada was brought together without partisan lines, something that happens very little. Canada united as the true north, strong and free. Notable dates: October 17th and 18th. Deadwood 2014: Year of the Massacre. October 22nd: Attack on Parliament Hill. November: I celebrated being on the earth for two decades. It was fun. I also was selected as a judge for Naitsas Top Chef challenge. One of the biggest things for me in November was the awesome opportunity to nominate Rod Frank as the Liberal Candidate for the riding of Sherwood Park - Fort Saskatchewan. I look forward to the election next year. Notable dates: November 11th. 20th birthday. December: Finally, a month I can remember. The most notable thing was finishing the First Draft of For The Crown And Empire. I enjoyed a quiet holiday season with my family, and I look forward to 2015. In closing, 2014 was an amazing adventure. I finished two first drafts for screenplays in the same year. Which is mind-blowing. I went from supporting the Conservatives to the Liberals, and from supporting the Progressive Conservatives to the Alberta Party. I found a love for screenplay writing and film directing, and re-discovered my love for the French language. There have been so many amazing people that have influenced and shaped my year, and I would like to thank them for all that they have done. I also want to take this moment, for each and everyone one of you reading this, to remember everyone that we have lost in 2014. Some recent, some long passed, some close, and some distant...take a moment. Remember those whos lives have ended, but keep their memories living on. Also, think of the celebrations that we have experienced this year. With death comes life, and with sadness comes joy. While it easy to see the darkness that fills the worlds and attacks our hearts, we always need to remember that the light is always there. We just need to turn it on. I think the late Joan Rivers summed it up best when she said, I enjoy life when things are happening. I dont care if its good things or bad things. That means youre alive. Things are happening. Heres to 2015. May it be greater, more extravagant, more loving, more successful, more inspiring, and above, may it bring you good health, good friends, and memories that will last a lifetime. No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change this world - Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 06:58:59 +0000

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