2014 Compass- Part C of 14 Sure and irrefutable points in the - TopicsExpress


2014 Compass- Part C of 14 Sure and irrefutable points in the Compass to the year Yeshua emphasises to Occupy, until I come. Yesterday, we saw #8 of the 14 sure and irrefutable Pillars upon which to stand and occupy until our King returns. Let us continue today with pillars #9-11. #9. Embrace the Kingdom message. What this means is that you need to truly enthrone the King in your heart, seeking His heart and face in all things. As you do so, trust Him to provide all your needs as and when it pleases Him. Matthew 6:19-34 The Kingdom is not about what to eat or drink but a new way of living whose pillars are Righteousness (Right standing with the Father), Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17-18). The Kingdom message is not another message. It is the Message! It is about a life of true relationship with the Father flowing from Yeshua in us, the hope of glory. It was what John preached to announce the ministry of Yeshua, Jesus in Matthew 3: 1-2. It was also the first message that Yeshua preached when He began His public ministry. Matthew 4:17(KJV) 17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The Sermon on the Mount was preached to show how saints should live on this side of eternity if the Kingdom is in their hearts. The parables which King Yeshua gave were to demonstrate how the Kingdom of Yahweh works in contrast with the lifestyle and pattern of earthly kingdoms. In the whole counsel of the Word, the Kingdom has two dimensions: 1. Now: The Kingdom is functional when Yeshua, Jesus reigns in the hearts of the redeemed as Sovereign King. When saints become dead to themselves, they vacate objective and subjective leadership of their beings to He who bought them with a price and who owns them. He now rules them by the Holy Spirit who indwells them.-Galatians 2:20; 1 Corinthians 6:20. All they think and say is by Him at work within them who leads them both to will and do of His Own good pleasure. In this mode of life, stress disappears as saints trust Him with their future. As they seek first His Kingdom, they have faith in Him to supply all their needs as they live for Him, manifesting His Presence, Glory and Power as witnesses. Matthew 6:19-34. 2. Future. Great as the Kingdom life is on this side of eternity, all true saints know through the Word and their personal walk with Yahweh that the real deal lies ahead when mortality puts on immortality at the return of King Yeshua. Their translation is for a purpose: flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom, they are given eternal bodies with which they will function-1 Corinthians 15:50. When King Yeshua returns, physically (with that body He ascended into heaven with in Acts 1:9-11) He will, from the Throne of David in Jerusalem, rule the world in righteousness for 1000 years. Saints who were faithful till the end will exercise the full scope of their function as Priests and Kings over cities, nations and peoples reporting to Yeshua in Jerusalem. This is why He is called King of kings and Lord of lords!-Romans 8: 17-25; Revelation 1:6; Revelation 5:9-12 It should be noted that we are in a dress rehearsal for such roles at this present time! In summary, when Yeshua, Jesus asked saints to seek first the Kingdom and its righteousness (Matthew 6:33) here is simply what He meant: Live for the future, not today; live your life on earth with eternity in view! Be so focused on the King and the ultimate Kingdom to come that you are able to willingly lay down your rights, privileges, comfort, wealth and esteem on earth for His sake. Since the heart of humans cannot have two controlling influences at the same time, He asks us to deliberately lay down every other affection and fill our hearts and consciousness with Him and the Kingdom! To do this successfully, He asks us to live in the righteousness (right standing) of Yahweh that is in Yeshua, Jesus alone. In other words, the King was warning of the danger of self-help or recourse to humanistic practices by which many try to use to gain acceptance of Yahweh! If you study all the parables in Matthew 13 and His teachings generally, you will understand Matthew 6:33 which Satan has tried to twist and use to lead many astray! This is why among other things, Yeshua, Jesus reminded us to pray for the Kingdom to come in Matthew 6:10. #10. Make soul winning the main thing of your life. Engage in intentional lifestyle evangelism that makes you a bonded co-labourer with Yeshua in the spiritual business of reconciling the lost to The Father! His main mission on earth is clearly articulated as: Luke 19:10 (KJV) 10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. We who He redeemed have an automatic ministry of reconciliation entrusted our their care. 2 Corinthians 5:17-19(KJV) 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. What this means is that all saints–male and female, in Pulpit or Market Place ministry; ordained or not-are primarily called to be His witnesses, in spite of any other assignments that are entrusted to our care. This is the main reason the Holy Spirit was given–to make all of us witnesses!-Acts 1:8. The Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 is not a good idea or nice suggestion! It is the command of the King to His Church, showing us what we need to do until He returns. Matthew 24:14(KJV) 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Let us be intentional and strategic in preaching the gospel using the model in Acts 1:8 to touch our spheres of responsibility (We need to determine by the Spirit, what is our Jerusalem; Judea; Samaria and uttermost parts of the Earth and have a systematic strategy for reaching those we are assigned to using all media available, including Face book). To do this successfully, our ministries need to have Evangelism; Discipleship; Ministerial Training components using the T.T.EA.R process. We should also have in place a charity component which caters to the needs of the needy within our sphere of influence. #11. If you are a minister renounce all Babylonian patterns you are building by and renounce ownership of saints and the ministry. Recognise that building with wrong motives and substances will lead to divine rejection no matter the size of seeming success.-Matthew 7:15-23; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. To this end, let us note that there are three forms of Priesthood on earth today and they will produce three different outcomes in the lives of Christians they lead: 1. The Nimrod Priesthood - This is the priesthood passed down generations of natural humans from Nimrod the son of Cush. As Genesis 10:8-10 and Genesis 11 shows, he was: 1.1 A hunter of souls. Nimrod was not a hunter of animals but of souls of fellow humans. He subdued and controlled the will of fellow humans for his own selfish purposes. The Nimrod priesthood does not believe saints can ever grow. It rather gives them enough revelation or prophecy to keep them bound to their ministers as the next great personalities after Yeshua. Nimrod priests fight against the concept of individual responsibility before Yahweh and want to spoon feed saints under their care. The Nimrod priesthood goes further to want to make decisions for the sheep since they are assumed to be unable to hear from the Father. The Nimrod priesthood is very oppressive to spiritual growth and therefore stifling. It cannot contemplate release of saints to serve in full ministry since it does not believe saints can grow on their own. They try to take the place of Holy Spirit, if given space. They use threats to intimidate saints to believe that outside their covering, there is danger. They curse the flock who cross their path. 1.2 Nimrod also built contrary to the plan of the Most High. Elohim had declared in Genesis 1:28 that humanity was ordained to increase, multiply and spread over the earth. Nimrod was the first man to try to reverse the Divine Order. He inspired humans to build the Tower of Babel. Those who function in the Nimrod order are ministers who deliberately or ignorantly set aside the Divine Plan of the Church as One single entity, the Body of Yeshua, Jesus that produces and scatters sons of Yahweh on earth. They then proceed to build their personal religious empires centred on themselves, their jaded theologies contrary to His established order. If you follow the money trail, it leads all the way to themselves. The denominations they build, even as independents are supposed to have a fire wall which keeps off other ministers (except those who will preach what reinforces their perceptions). They do not open to Holy Spirit to empower saints to emerge in the Fivefold anointing. Even where they allow saints to function in fivefold offices, they insist on giving them topics and direction to preach, making a mockery of the Divine Plan. This priesthood is all about gaining control of the lives of people to build structures that are contrary to the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 reveals that their works will not pass through the fire of Yeshua. 2. The Levithical Priesthood - This order of Priesthood was fulfilled and taken away permanently the day King Yeshua declared on the Cross, It is Finished. For good measure, the veil to the Holiest of Holies, which symbolized privileged access to Yahweh by only sons of Levi represented by the High Priest who went beyond it once a year was rent into two. By that heaven made it clear that all who believed on the sacrifice at Calvary now had equal access to the Father for a vibrant personal relationship through the Blood of King Yeshua! Religion dies hard and many did not get it. Those who tried to cling to what heaven had ended were in for a rude series of shock. The first was that in AD 70, Yahweh allowed the rampaging Roman army led by General Titus to utterly destroy the Temple, focal point of the Levithical Priesthood. When Israel still failed to get it, The Most High allowed the ultimate loss: the General who conquered Jerusalem on behalf of the Othman Empire decided to build the third holiest Mosque of Islam–the Dome on the Rock right on top of the Temple Mount. That effectively put the Levithical Priesthood into obscurity. When the Religion of Rome rose, one of the things it settled on in order to effect the Replacement Theology and enjoy validity as heir of the promises of God as His special people (since according to them the Jews had fallen off permanently by killing Jesus), they settled on reproducing the Temple in buildings called Cathedrals. To mediate between the Most High and sinful humans, there was need for a professional caste of people who would be trained specially to perform religious rites and be distinguished by special robes they wore with a Father figure to assume the role of the High Priest. Though Martin Luther rebelled against Rome and blazed the trail for Protestantism, he did not go the whole hog. Anti-Semitism and the Replacement Theology still lingered in the movement he founded... The Protestant Movement continued to foster religion by allowing a professional priestly caste to emerge who minister to people inside buildings where they come to once or twice a week to quieten their consciences, receive ablution and get prayed for. That priesthood found validity by wearing of special robes some of which are exotic and structures which keep saints permanently down as a laity only good enough to bring money! 3. The Melchizedek Priesthood - This is one based on the effective deployment of the fivefold–Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers to synergistically empower the flock to function as the Royal Priesthood that we are on earth. It was this priesthood that King Yeshua functioned in and we are also called into.-Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 5:6,10-11; 6:20; 7:1-21 1 Peter 2:9(KJV) 9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; Ephesians 4:11-16 shows the effect of the fivefold is the activation of Body Ministry based on releasing and receiving grace from one another which is then imparted to others. They thus become fully matured, abiding in Yeshua and His Word in them and to that extent, led entirely by the Holy Spirit in matters pertaining to life and godliness as they process instructions from the Pulpit and the Bible in prayer and receive understanding which makes them live and function as sons of Yahweh and Ambassadors of His Kingdom on earth! It is only through the empowered Priesthood of the Order of Mechizedek that sons of Yahweh, who are led by His Spirit rather than fellow humans, are raised in the earth realm. Romans 8:12-16 #.12-14 continues tomorrow. Please share freely as is no Babylonian copyright restriction is allowed to restrict the Word of the King! You do not know how many Prophets the King can save world-wide because they brush aside ego and repent for misusing their office. You also do not know how many saints Abba can save from ungodly soul ties with those who fore tell for them! Saints, King Yeshua is cleaning up His House! Wanted: We are grateful to Yahweh for Evangelist Tracy and the inimitable team of saints who are part of this move to place the messages Abba is releasing daily to 10 million souls! The target of 1 million before March 2014 was already attained before Mid-January! WOW! By Faith, we consider it a done deal that the 10 million mark will be attained before December 2014, if King Yeshua, Jesus tarries!!! You too can be part of an incredible divine Kingdom Project! If you are led to respond, please join the FB Group GSOM-Distribution or write to: visionarymail7@gmail Wanted urgently: Editors! If you have grace and skills to edit we need you to co-labor with us! You will edit these messages Abba has released for the remnant world-wide to ensure that they are perfect for publication so that many more can be blessed. Abba has raised this commission to empower His remnant world-wide through cutting edge revelation He put in our trust to distribute. Please feel free to check out various resources Abba released to us that will help you to resolve this identity and asset issue on the website of globalschoolofministry.info
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:20:33 +0000

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