2014 Conservative Tribune. The White House Tuesday morning - TopicsExpress


2014 Conservative Tribune. The White House Tuesday morning announced that, regardless of the outcome of the elections, President Barack Obama was “bound and determined” to move forward with executive orders to implement “immigration reform.” Read that as “amnesty.” White House press secretary Josh Earnest made the proclamation during a press briefing Tuesday. The White House has promised (or maybe “threatened” would be a better word) executive action on immigration before the end of the year, only holding off this long in hopes of salvaging some Democrat seats in the Senate — a strategy that may have worked for them in New Hampshire and Virginia but apparently nowhere else. Obama has made no bones about his willingness to bypass Congress to grant de facto amnesty to four million or more of the illegal immigrants currently residing within the borders of the United States. Such an action would swell government assistance rolls, increase unemployment among American citizens, and encourage more illegal immigration through a southern border that President Obama simply refuses to secure. The president clearly does not care about those consequences. “The president has indicated that before the end of the year he is prepared to use his executive authority to try to fix those elements of the immigration system that he can fix using his executive authority,” Earnest said. He told reporters to look for an announcement before the end of the year. If President Obama is to have any hope at all of retaining any sort of legacy for his presidency, this is not the way to go about it. The American people voted Republicans into Congress to restrain the president’s liberal agenda, not to enact it. Some sort of comprehensive immigration bill — one that includes heightened border security and enforcement — is possible, now that Republicans control both chambers of Congress. If the president insists on acting alone, however, he is setting himself and the nation up for a very contentious two years. Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you agree that President Barack Obama needs to stop trying to govern by executive order and work with Congress to implement comprehensive immigration reform.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 00:44:00 +0000

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