2014 ELECTION: CANDIDATES PLEDGE I Ariana Paretutanganui-Tamati - TopicsExpress


2014 ELECTION: CANDIDATES PLEDGE I Ariana Paretutanganui-Tamati pledge to require the New Zealand Superannuation Fund to divest our taxpayer dollars (i.e. withdraw its investment) from companies which profit from the occupation, siege and attacks on the Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank. In particular, I note the following companies, and I pledge to support moves to require the Superfund to divest from them: 1. G4S: a British-Danish private security company that provides services and equipment to Israeli prisons, checkpoints, the Apartheid Wall (which has been ruled illegal) and the Israeli police. ($542,755) 2. United Technologies: produces Blackhawk helicopters used to attack cities, refugee camps and villages. ($7,290,126) 3. Boeing: sells Israel F-15A fighter jets and Apache AH 64 helicopters used in attacks on Gaza. ($6,579,342) 4. General Dynamics: manufactures diesel engines used in Israels Merkava battle tanks and produces bombs for Israel. ($1,967,381) 5. Raytheon: produces bombs used in attacking Gaza. ($1,797,902) 6. Caterpillar: produces militarised bulldozers used to destroy Palestinian homes and carry out extrajudicial killings.($4,710,251) 7. Israel Chemicals: produces white phosphorus, a chemical which the Israeli military employs to “smoke out” combatants, but which chemically burns away the flesh of victims who have included Palestinian children caught in the “collateral damage”. ($327,668) 8. Hewlett-Packard: produces technologies for the Israeli military and profits from business in illegal settlements ($4,434,988) Signed Ariana Paretutanganui-Tamati 23/08/2014
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 06:08:19 +0000

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