2014 In Retrospect! WHY YOU MUST THANK GOD Life is in - TopicsExpress


2014 In Retrospect! WHY YOU MUST THANK GOD Life is in different phases depending on how you see it. What makes others go up will make one come down. 2014 has been a year of many colors depending on how one sees it. I will say is been a great year for me, base on my personal views. Awesome year! Because your view point might not be the same as mine, we are not the same. What one sees as a failure in 2014 is a success for one. As a Christian I have learn to consider every year, month and day as an opportunity for my next level in life. My Manual for life teaches me to count it all joy when I go through diverse temptations or trials. The bible says, But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. (Proverbs 4:18 KJV) So you see the life of the righteous is upward and forward only. So shining and brightening each day. That is how i have been train by the word of God to see and approach life as a child of God. When the Israelites saw Goliath as a challenge, David saw an opportunity to shine. Hallelujah! How you see life is very important for your Christian growth and maturity in growing your faith. 😄😄 In spite of the difficulties and challenges life is always getting good, better and best. We making progress and not retrogression. There is one open secret many Christians dont consider in life. And that is giving God thanks always and at every given time. What does the bible says about this. Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; (Ephesians 5:20 KJV) This is the procedure of giving thanks to God. 1. For all things 2. In the name of our lord Jesus Christ. You dont be selective in your thanksgiving. Because you had a good job, a good wife or husband, a car, money etc. and the other side of life you shut your mouth. That is not right and sound. It says at all times and for everything. Instructive and precise. Dont add dont subtract. And again, you dont just get up and start giving thanks to God the father, make it a moment of importance like any other best moments with him. And it must be done in the name of our lord Jesus Christ as the bible says. In Christianity, you dont do things your way, it must be done Gods way. He has shown us How to do things. That is why Jesus said, you err because you dont know the scriptures. Please find out how to do things Gods way. Those who do things Gods way always see his fulness and not partial of Him. Today in the church, there are too many, their way rather than His way. That is why is only a few seeing the full manifestation of God in Spirit and in Power. That must change. So you say thank you father in the name of our lord Jesus Christ for all things in the year 2014. If you can list at least 90 percent of them go ahead and do so. Let God know you are thanking Him for this or that. Take stock of your life. Bad debt and good debt. Dont be selective ok! Never look at the good side of 2014 and give God thanks. No! All things means the good, the bad and the ugly so to speak! More deeper in him. I have grown in my faith to know that there is nothing like a bad or ugly thing for me a child of God. My bible tells me all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Remember once you are in his purpose for your life nothing is considered bad or ugly so to speak. All things are perfect in the eyes of God towards you child of God. This is a revelation of his word that everyone old or young in the faith must come to terms with. By so doing, you are fulfilling something bigger than yourself. Watch this: In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV) Did you see that! It says this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you! Hallelujah!! How can the will of God be a bad or ugly for you? Never! God forbid. The will of God for you is good and not bad or ugly. Praise God. This is bigger than you! The will of God. Glory!!! So do you see why you must thank God for your life in 2014 no matter what? To avoid any other pitfalls of ungratefulness, just fulfill the will of God for your life in Christ Jesus by thanking God. A grateful heart is a blessed heart. A thankful heart is a fatten heart. A thankful hands are blessed hands. Why wait? Start now. Is now or never. Just start thanking God for all things in the year 2014. You might have lost a dear one, thank God for that, you were fired from your job, thank God for that. Greater testimonies and miracles awaits you come 2015. Hallelujah! The voice of the LORD twists mighty oaks and strips the forests bare. In his Temple everyone shouts, “Glory!” (Psalms 29:9 NLT) Listen, thanksgiving in the spirit opens bigger and greater doors for you. If you want to see greater miracles always thank God first( John 11:41) and ( John 6:11) Come to the throne room with a thankful heart and see what your life will become 2015 A lesson learnt from the Holy Spirit and want to share with you. God bless you dear. Jesus loves you so do I. Let all men be liars and let the word of God be true. GY BOANSI ( Angel Gabriel)
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 13:42:45 +0000

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