2014 Merdeka Day Message By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan - TopicsExpress


2014 Merdeka Day Message By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 30.8.2014. An Uncertain 57th Merdeka Anniversary Overshadowed By Increasing Racial Extremism, Twin MH 370 and MH 17 Tragedies As Well As Loss Of Jobs For 6,000 MAS Employees, Selective Political Prosecution Of PR Leaders, Depriving Top Students Of University Places Of Their Choice And Rising Costs Of Living. Malaysia celebrates an uncertain 57th Merdeka anniversary overshadowed by increasing racial extremism, twin MH 370 and MH 17 tragedies as well as loss of jobs for 6,000 MAS employees, selective political prosecution of PR leaders, depriving top students of university places of their choice and rising costs of living. Whilst Malaysian united together in memory and sorrow for those who lost their lives tragically in the twin MH 370 and MH 17 tragedies, BN political leaders continue to raise the political temperature with extremist actions and divisive statements. PR leaders are subjected to selective prosecution and double-standards of laws with charges of sedition against DAP MP Teresa Kok, the late Karpal Singh and DAP Penang State Assemblyman R.S Rayer, PKR MPs S. Surendran, Rafizi Ramli and Tian Chua as well as PAS MP Khalid Samad. Is there any stern action against those who demonstrated outside former Bersih co-Chair Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan’s home with butt exercises? Or why was there no action against the lies made by former Chief Justice Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad that the Penang state government was anti-Islam merely because it permitted prayers of an NGO’s private building in Penang to be conducted by Muslim, Hindu and Christian priests? At the same time, 6,000 MAS employees are to be axed under the RM6 billion rescue package for MAS will face a bleak Merdeka without any jobs and financial security. DAP opposes the axing of the 6,000 jobs because if the Federal government is to spend RM6 billion of the public’s money to rescue MAS, the crony companies of BN should be sacked first and not the 6,000 ordinary MAS employees. Why put crony companies above ordinary workers? Similarly Malaysians can not understand why top STPM students are deprived of university places for their preferred courses? Several straight As STPM students were denied courses in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy and instead offered courses in nursing. Will we have a situation of our top students as nurses and resulting in nurses becoming more intelligent and competent than our doctors? Malaysians yearn for change because they want a government that puts people first, prioritizing them over cronies and ensuring that the country’s wealth is equitably distributed to assist in overcoming rising cost of living.This year’s 57th Merdeka celebration will only be meaningful if every Malaysian can enjoy freedom from ignorance, poverty, corruption and be free from fear. LIM GUAN ENG ======================================= 民主行动党秘书长兼峇眼国会议员于2014年8月30日在吉隆坡发表的国庆日献词 种族极端主义、MH370与MH17事件及马行6000名员工失去工作、选择性提控民联领袖、剥夺顶尖学生的大学志愿科系及生活费提高,一切的不确定皆笼罩着第57周年国庆。 种族极端主义、MH370与MH17事件及马行6000名员工失去工作、选择性提控民联领袖、剥夺顶尖学生的大学志愿科系及生活费提高,一切的不确定皆笼罩着第57周年国庆。 然而,马来西亚人团结一致为MH370及MH17悲剧中失去生命的死难者哀悼的当儿,国阵政治领袖却持续以极端行动与分化的言论让政治升温。民联领袖遭到选择性及双重标准的提控煽动罪名,当中被对付的包括行动党国会议员郭素沁、已故卡巴星、槟州州议员雷尔、公正党国会议员苏仁德仁、拉菲兹、蔡添强及伊斯兰党卡立沙末。 当有人用臀部运动在净选盟前主席拿督安美嘉住家大门外示威,请问有没有严厉的行动对付这群人?当前国家大法官敦阿都哈密只不过因为州政府允许非政府组织在槟城私人场所以伊斯兰教、兴都教及基督教的方式祈祷,就谎称槟州政府反伊斯兰教,请问为何没有采取行动对付这位前国家大法官? 同时,在60亿令吉的马航救援计划中,将有6000名马航员工被裁员,他们面对一个即将失去工作及财务保障的黯淡国庆。行动党反对裁员6000名马航员工,因为如果联邦政府动用原属于公众的60亿令吉救援马航,理应裁掉的应该是朋党公司,而不是马航内的普通职员。为何将朋党公司的利益摆在员工之上? 同样的,马来西亚人也不明白,为什么大马高级教育文凭的顶尖学生大学志愿科系被剥夺? 一些在大马高级教育文凭考试中考获全A的学生被拒绝修读医学系、牙医系及药剂系,但却分发他们到护理系修读。难道我们要我们的顶尖学子修读护理系,成为一名比我们的医生更厉害的护士? 马来西亚人渴望改变,因为他们希望一个以人民为先,看重人民而不是朋党,确保国家财富平均分配,以解决生活费日益高涨的政府。只有当马来西亚人能免于被蒙蔽、免于贫困、免于贪渎及免于恐惧,那么第57周年国庆才会更有意义。 林冠英
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 08:58:49 +0000

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