2014 REVIEW!! I did this last year so I thought I might as well - TopicsExpress


2014 REVIEW!! I did this last year so I thought I might as well do it again ;) I think it’s nice to reflect on the year, all the good and all the not-so-good things. Without even thinking about it much, I can tell you this year has been the best year of my life. It’s been crazy, tough, but brilliant. I hope I have more years like this. Before I forget, I’d like to wish you all a very Happy New Year!! Look forward to the future, don’t dwell on the past. Be you, don’t feel as if you have to be someone else to fit in, people will love you for who you are, not who you’re not. Stay strong, you’ll live through hard times. But most of all, fangirl as if youve never fangirled before and enjoy the feels ;) *Apologies in advance for the very very long post!!* January: I don’t think much happened in January. I decided to be more studious and productive with break/lunch times and go to the library and revise rather than spend the time with my ‘friends’ who didnt even talk to me much.. honestly, I was counting down the days until I could end secondary school and start college, where I’d meet new people and make new friends. Anyway, I got December mock exam results back, which were good, but apart from that, I don’t remember anything. For me, the year started in February... Books read this month: The Declaration trilogy (Gemma Malley), The Shadowhunter Codex (Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis), To Kill A Mockingbird (re-read and for school) (Harper Lee), City of Bones (re-read) (Cassandra Clare) February: February started with a bang. It was the 1st of February. The day had come. I was about to attend my first concert!!! And not just any concert, one of my fave artist, Taylor Swift!!! I’d looked forward to this day for about 4 months (when I found out about the tour and when we bought tickets) and I was blown away by how magical and brilliant it was. I cried, Im not ashamed to say that. My dad came with me (although he was a couple of rows behind me because there wasnt any 2 seats next to each other left) and he told me he cried too and thought it was superb. For a first concert, for me (my dad’s first concert in many many years!), it was outstanding and I couldnt have hoped for anything more. On the 20th, I turned 16 :) Books read this month: City of Ashes (re-read) (Cassandra Clare) and Inside Divergent: The Initiate’s World March: I don’t think anything happened until the very end of the month... March 30th, day of the European Premiere of Divergent!! It was mine and my dad’s first premiere. [By the way, my dad lets me fangirl and lets me do all these fangirl things because he’s awesome and I got the fangirl gene from him (when he was young, he made his own Batman utility belt!!). My mum can handle my fangirling but I think she just ignores me when I fangirl. And my mum wouldnt let me go to these things by myself.] We didnt see the film, just stood in the pens against the railings. My dad actually left me in the pen!! Well, I wasnt going anywhere, I wasnt going to lose my place!! We waited about 5 hours, but it was worth it. We saw Veronica Roth, Shailene Woodley, Ben Lloyd-Hughes (Will), Neil Burger (Director), Kate Winslet and Theo James!! I got Kate’s autograph on my mini Divergent poster and I ALMOST got Theo’s! Kate was coming towards me on one side and Theo was coming towards me on the other. Kate got to me first and signed stuff, but then Theo moved around her and as he did so, he missed about 3 people, unfortunately, I was one of them :’( But I saw him in real life and he’s so hot ;) I got a picture with Ella Eyre (singer) and at the end of the day I took home one of the poster billboard things they put on the railings ^_^ Books read this month: Divergent Official Illustrated Movie Companion and Divergent (re-read) (Veronica Roth) April: In April, not a lot happened. Mainly because I was about a month from the start of my GCSE exams and needed to revise tons.. which I did.. Books read this month: City of Glass and City of Fallen Angels (both re-reads) (Cassandra Clare) May: Things were getting serious. My GCSE exams started. I think I felt fine about them. They didnt feel like real exams, and I’d prepared a lot so I didnt really worry too much. I had 11 exams in May and then 8 in June. The ones in June were much more spaced out and we were technically on study leave so if I’d got past May and to the May half term, I was pretty much there, apart from the English Language exam in June which was the biggie and most important. In May, I had contacted Gemma Malley (author of The Declaration trilogy which I read and loved at the start of the year) and she replied to me!!! I didnt expect a reply so I was kind of embarrassed about how much I fangirled in my message.. but she was glad I loved it. I got a second email from her saying pretty much the same as she couldnt remember if she replied to me or not!! Also, I’d heard about a City of Heavenly Fire book launch in London so I got my dad to get tickets ;) It was in the May half term, which was good because it didnt clash with exams. I then found out that CoHF would be released a day later in the UK due to a bank holiday, and I needed to get tickets to the book launch because you’d get the book a day early (when the book’s released in other countries) and I’d still needed to do some revision. I thought it’d take me about 4 days to read it (which it did) and I wanted to read it before spoilers came out! No way was I risking it by waiting until after my exams to read it! The book launch was great! There was rune body art and nail painting. I got an Angelic rune on my arm, which I kept for about a week until I needed to rub it off because of my exams. Cassie couldnt be there herself :( But she did send us a message which we saw before we watched City of Bones. We got the book as we left (and a few other goodies) and some people were reading it straight away!! I waited until I got home, and let’s just say I was not okay. Oh, and I did dress as a Shadowhunter for the book launch ;) Books read this month: City of Lost Souls (re-read) and City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare June: At the start of June, I realised Cassandra Clare was touring the UK doing book signings for CoHF and I realised I could go, but unfortunately, tickets were sold out :’( I contacted her and asked if I could meet her before or after the event instead. She got back to me about 2 weeks later (the signing was not long after I contacted her) and said that she’s sorry I missed the signing and said thanks for the praise I gave her for CoHF and the series. My exams ended in June and I felt good about how they went. End of exams also meant the end of secondary school. After the last exam everyone did together (it was Maths but Set 1 had 3 more Maths exams the following week, which included me, and there were some other exams not many people were sitting, but for most people, exams ended that day) we signed each others’ shirts and had our leavers assembly. I was sad but I didnt cry. We’d all see each other at prom and then results day. If anything I’d cry on results day!! My head of year, form tutor and some other people cried though. Two weeks later, when everyone’s exams were over, we had prom! Most of the year went to that and Im going to be honest, it was a bit of a let down. The best thing there was the photobooth!! The food we got wasnt that tasty (not including the chocolate fountain and sweets table) and the music was awful. THERE WAS NO TAYLOR SWIFT!! Isnt 22 a fun enough song?!? It was mainly all black people’s music. Not being rude or anything like that but I barely recognised any of the songs and there was a lack of chart music. It just wasnt the kind of thing I expected. Surely it’s supposed to fit everyone’s music tastes? Even though it wasnt what I expected, I was still sad the night came to an end. I have many memories and photos from it. Then, the fun begins. The year so far hadnt been very much full of books, and I had a very long summer (from end of June to beginning of September) and planned to read SO MUCH!! I just read book after book after book! I’d been wanting to admin a Divergent page for quite a long time, but I’d had to get through my exams first and I’d joined so many fandoms that if I adminned a page for each fandom, it’d be too much for me, so I decided to enter an admin contest at a multi-fandom page. I applied to be an admin on Fandoms? Fandoms. and I got accepted as an admin. I trialled and HA wanted me as a perm AND as co-head!! I accepted and I have been happily adminning there ever since. Im now HA, but I still let the other HA make all the main decisions :) Oh, and I cried a bucket load at the TFIOS movie.. (I turned a normal tissue box into a TFIOS one to take with to the cinema, which I still have!) Books read this month: The Fault In Our Stars (re-read) (John Green), Dangerous Creatures (Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl July: July was full of books and college stuff. As well as reading tons, I went to 2 taster days. One for the college I’m at (doing A-Levels), and another was for a vocational course in Drama. I didnt like the taster day at the place I turned down because it didnt feel like I fitted in. Everyone there was so loud and boisterous and I’m just not like that. A lot of the people got on the same bus as I did to go home and they were super loud and annoying. It just helped me confirm that I was choosing the right path as I chose the more academic and safer route, and Im very happy at my college :) Early July, the Tour de France started in UK before moving to France and they were going to cycle through our borough! I wouldnt have been able to see it if I’d been at school as it was a weekday and in school hours. My dad, sister and I went out just after lunch to get a good space and to wait for the floats (advertising stuff) to pass. There was so many and some were quite impressive too! If you cheered them and looked excited, they’d throw you freebies, so we got a handful of freebies ;) You’d only see the cyclists for a few seconds. The peloton is super fast and huge!! But it was worth it. The Tour de France may never come to UK again and we may not go to France to see it, so it might’ve been once in a lifetime! Books read this month: Looking For Alaska (John Green), Four: A Divergent Collection (Veronica Roth), The 100 (Kass Morgan), The Hunt trilogy (Andrew Fukuda), We Were Liars (E. Lockhart), first 4 books of the H.I.V.E. series (Higher Institute of Villainous Education, Overlord Protocol, Escape Velocity, Dreadnought)(Mark Walden) August: Mid July, an idea came to me while I was trying to sleep. It was an idea for a short comic that Carrie Hope Fletcher would love. So I remembered it, worked on it and near the beginning of August, I finished it then went down to the Queen’s Theatre in London with my dad to meet her and give it to her outside stage door when the show ended. I didnt think we’d make it in time. I thought we’d left with plenty of time, but I was wrong. Luckily, there were quite a few people there waiting to meet her so she was still there. She’s so lovely and pretty and kind.. and I was a total fangirl in front of her. I didn’t know what to say or do!! I gave her a hug and asked her how the show was and gave her the comic. She said thanks and I got a picture with her, which is still my profile picture on my personal!! ^_^ Not long after, my sister found out that someone we knew was looking for volunteers to help out at the World Sudoku and Puzzle Championships, which were being held in Croydon, London. She wanted to go and I decided to go with her because it was something different and might be fun, and it was! Our travel expenses and meals were paid for so it was pretty much free. We had to get up early and travel on the tube during rush hour but it wasnt too bad. We got a goody bag at the end and got to keep spare booklets of the different rounds and solutions. The Thursday of the following week was my results day!! I wasn’t that nervous. I knew pretty much what I got (I knew I passed them all) it was just one or two subjects I wasn’t sure on the grade. I went to school and got my envelope. Found my friends and opened it up. I was SO happy with my grades. I couldnt believe my grade for core and additional Science! I hate Science and only wanted to pass, but I passed with a B in both!!! WHAT?!? Even now I don’t think I believe it! That same day, I entered a Maze Runner competition (from Facebook) where the prize was 2 tickets to an advance screening. You just had to say which character you relate to most. I entered, and used a lot of Glader slang to get noticed/to make my entry different. I nothing much of it, though. I rarely win things. However, the next week, I noticed they’d posted that you need to check your emails because theyve announced the winners. I still didn’t think much of it.. but I had 2 unread emails. One was from the place where I would do the vocational Drama course.. but the second... with the subject “PLEASE RESPOND: The Maze Runner – Saturday Scre...” my heart skipped a beat. I clicked on the email. “Congratulations! You have won..” I’D WON!!!! :O I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY LUCK!!! THE MAZE RUNNER IS ONE OF MY FAVE SERIES’ AND I WAS SO EXCITED FOR THE FILM. TO GET TO GO TO AN ADVANCE SCREENING.. MY FIRST EVER ADVANCE SCREENING OF A FILM... :O There and then, as I read the email, I started crying. Tears of happiness of course – I just couldn’t believe it! :’) I then had to speed read The Maze Runner to have the story fresh in my mind for when I saw the film. So that Saturday, the 30th, I went with my dad to watch The Maze Runner. We got a free t-shirt each which says # GladersUnite and the date, 30.08.14. I have both because they only did one size and it doesnt fit my dad xD We went into the theatre/screen and they had, on each seat, a movie-covered copy of The Maze Runner and a bottle of water. I couldn’t believe, I’d get a movie cover copy of the book!! I never get movie covers so this was another first! The film was amazing!! Not as close to the book as I’d like, but I enjoyed it so much, I didnt really care! My dad said it’s “sci-fi at its best” so he enjoyed it too!! On our way out, someone didnt take their book and water so I was like “if you don’t want it, I’ll have it” and took the spare book. My dad took the water xD We both went to see it again when it came out in cinemas, we took my mum with us this time xD Books read this month: H.I.V.E. series books 4 – 8 (Rogue, Zero Hour, Aftershock and Deadlock) (Mark Walden), Cracks (Caroline Green), The Sky Is Everywhere (Jandy Nelson), If I Stay (Gayle Forman), The Maze Runner (re-read) (James Dashner) September: Back to education. But a new type of education: college!! I’d be with a bunch of new people, doing the subjects I want to do; Drama, French, Psychology and Geography. In my Drama class, everyone’s nice and gets on well with each other. In French, there are 2 people who I knew from secondary school and another who I knew from outside of school.. so I haven’t really made any new friends there, but we’re all girls in that class so we’re all friendly towards each other. Geography’s the one where it’s who you sit with in the first lesson become your friends. I sat on a table with 2 girls on it. One changed Geography for another subject, but the other one stayed. We became great friends and hang out around college a lot of the time. In Psychology, the tables werent in groups, though I knew who I wanted to be friends with straight away. We played ‘People Bingo’ where you had to socialise and find people who’d done certain things (e.g. Lived in America)/had certain fears (e.g. spiders)/had 6 letters in their name.. It’s quite awkward, but this one girl came over to me and my first words to her were “oh my god, you’re a Swiftie!” as straight away I noticed that she was wearing the Taylor Swift RED tour wristband. We got talking about the concert (she went on a different night than I did) but not for very long as we’d been asked to sit down. I made a mental note from then on to be her friend. I’d made a friend in my tutor class as well and I went to lunch with her and her 2 friends once.. and one of her friends was the Swiftie I met in Psychology!! Since then, weve been fangirling with each other about Taylor Swift and she’s come round my house to listen to 1989 because she couldnt get it straight away but I did. I’d made my college friends, and they’re some of the best people ever. I’ve only known them 4 months now, but they’re amazing people
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 23:21:18 +0000

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