2014:The Depths Of The Machine (Static echos through the - TopicsExpress


2014:The Depths Of The Machine (Static echos through the darkness, buzzing and flickering,fading in and out bouncing through the abyss,fragments of old and new political speeches start to play. JFK:Ask not what your country can do for you,ask what you can do for your country... Regan:My fellow americans... Bush Sr.:Read my lips,no new taxes... Nixon:I am not a crook... Bush Jr.:By our actions,we have shown what kind of nation we are,we have shown the noble aims,and good hearts of americans... Bush Jr.:Tonight I have a message to the people of iraq...go home and die... Obama:Yes we can!... Bush Sr.:A new world order...,the screen flickers off then back on once more,no picture,but spoken words from the speaker.) Order...power...security...its all lies,laws arent passed to protect your rights,nor to preserve your freedom,misinformation is ingested as readily as our super sized fries,and mcgreaseball burgers,in fact youre so sold on the real thing weve forgotten what the genuine article even tastes like. This my friends is all u.s.d.a. grade a horseshat on two golden buns,and everybody has got to take a big ol bite. Knowledge is power,but true power controls knowledge...public consumption...this is only the beginning..... Chapter 1:These truths.... What one must first ask themselves,what is truth? Not the definition of the word,but the definition of actuality. Is truth defined by what you see,hear or read? Is what you read in your local newspaper the truth? Is what your news says on your t.v. the truth? Does fact,make truth? Or simply because something is presented as fact or from an accredited source,really the truth? The real truth is far more convoluted,neither what is spoken,nor written is fully truth,but personal perspective,perspective truth,these truths we hold self evident,evidence of something shining so true,that there can be no perplexity. Real truth is utter transparency,no smoke no mirrors,no slide of hand. There is no lawyer double talk,no supreme justice,only just us... Truth is a scary thing,something so convoluted and lost in double talk and addendums that the line;no longer exists. The truth-we live in a age controlled by technology-mass produced and spoon fed to the sheeple,they forget that the government who regulates and tabulates it,is truly in control. We the thought police no longer technically need to stand watching you,face to face,lurking in the dark corners. Were with you,in the palm of your hand,inside your head,under your skin;truly weve become you...We live in chips implanted on every single device created today,your government has made it law,we get to track you,watch you,know your face,your family,your name...what you eat,how you sleep,we even give you suggestions,truly,we know you better than you know yourselves. We shape who you become,by presenting you the illusion of freedom. This demockracy,a system where the only way your vote matters;is to yourselves,serving peace of mind,one piece at a time,through ballots that hold no bearing. Freedom isnt free;so it bore capitalism,and convinced you that from birth until death;you owe a debt,a tab of sweat and blood. And dont bother to question how much the private sector makes a year,its just not your concern as a public sector sheeple,they are elected to lead in your stead,tell you whats ok inside your head,and guide you blindly to the noose. People use the term conspiracy a lot,usually followed by theory. Yet scientific standards,the biggest truth is just that...theory,the theory of relativity. But just because something is theoretical, does not necessarily mean it cant be true,does it? But in the same hand;can never be fully proven. There you have the realist truth of all;everything is smoke and mirrors,all what your eyes see,and your mind accepts is true,However the truth is far more convoluted,somewhere in-between the lines,not written nor read,nor spoken,yet there right in front of your face,you just have to cast away convention. Simply accept that in everything you are spoon fed,isnt what it seems. Chapter Two:We The People. So,who are we? you may ask yourself,we are you. Some may call us the thought police,we prefer the term information specialists. As we dont police what you think,however we already know what it will be. How? you may ask,the answer touches on our preferred term for our faction. Francis Bacon said,Knowledge is power. Which in and of itself,is a half truth,Power over knowledge is true power. He who shapes history,holds true power,the pen is truly mightier than the sword. We are faceless,we are everyone and no-one,everything and nothing,more god than man,but bore of flesh and bereft of immortality,sounds pompous however the truth is almost biblical. We are you sons and daughters,brothers and sisters,fathers and mothers,aunts,uncles,cousins,even your grandparents and beyond. We are the children you never knew you had,born of immaculate conception,grown in tubes,born of faceless wombs. We are the background characters in the sitcom that is your life,any person you pass daily on the street,your mailman,your police officers,random homeless,a blind woman selling flowers,even your priests,anyone could be one of us,ergo everyone is one of us,they just dont know it.... We are the hive;inside your mind. Weve a direct link to each and every one of you. And its been spoon fed to you,pushed on you so long now,that you cant survive without them,I speak of course of all those lovely technological baubles,the internet;lest we forget,was created by the government. All with one purpose in mind,information at your (and our) fingertips. Every key stroke,carefully catalogued,every search term;saved. An ever evolving essence,cataloguing your entire brain,you are our focus group. We place ideas inside your mind,unwittingly to you,through recommendations,custom made,just for you. Its (mis)information written and re-written all for you. Even Wikipedia allows users to edit their content. Surely Websters wouldnt allow such a thing,but there you have one more truth. Simply because something is written;doesnt make it true,does it? Instead if you want what is true,you must learn to read between the lines. To keep in mind the subject of a story or snippet may be true,and that outside of the subject the rest of the piece is more likely just what the writer feels is true;based on their personal opinions. Now that we got all of that out of the way,back to We,and that very question of,who we are? We are your discarded,your orphans,your unborn,we are a bigger part of you,than you ever knew. Weve been called the thought police,however we are more like the keepers,the shepards,it is our gospel you live and breathe. And there you have the truth of we. The unsung chapters of your bible,we are Mary Madeleine,your holy grail,myth in fact. Chapter 3:The Hive Growing up in a high security,black security facility isnt as glamorous as one may think. Yes your security is assured,as in youll never have to worry about anyone ever finding out youre inside,but it works both ways,just as assured as it is none will enter;so is it true,none ever leave,those rifles work both ways. Its desolate,cold and sterile. Imagine falling asleep to the hum of florescent lamps,and the ticking of timers,the sound of automated camera engines,and the incessant beeping of vital monitors,and brainwave monitors,that was my childhood,no toys aside from the technological baubles hand fed to us from birth;sounds eerily familiar doesnt it? Maybe not for yourselves,but for your children,scary thought isnt it? Your youngest right now may even be playing a game,designed for us,by those who came before us,that has been refined down to nearly science,not that these programs are so obvious to you,or they. The only difference between a puzzle and algorithm is simply how its interpreted. Just like your old wooden puzzle blocks,those were lo-tech predecessors to what is today. Yes thats right,even you older generation were pre-programmed with the same redundancy loops,glitches,and bugs youll find in beta testing. Imagine white coated faceless blurs,constantly swirling about you. Every hour of every day,poking,prodding,testing,always writing something into their files about you. That is the truth of the hive. People paid to treat other people as nothing more than lab rats. That doesnt mean that they dont v become connected,or like kin to one another,however direct physical contact outside of scientific or medically necessary,is strictly enforced and prohibited. Residents are not allowed to intermingle,none are allowed to leave their respective chambers without armed guard,or properly restrained,just like prison. But its the only life weve ever known. If nothing else I view it as a statement of how the world at large treats any of its unwanted or unacknowledged. We are the faceless military, we are the unknown soldiers, we are passive resistance, and with a simple stroke of a key we can erase your entirety, claim your identification, all your worldly goods, even make our printless fingertips, into yours. Essentially were doppelgangers, stem cells set aside for when you the people no longer serve the governments status quo.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 09:08:17 +0000

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