2014 WAEC CRK ANSWER (2a) When Samuel was old, he made his - TopicsExpress


2014 WAEC CRK ANSWER (2a) When Samuel was old, he made his sons Judges over Israel. The first-born was Joel and the second Abiah. They were Judges in Beersheba. But Samuel sons walked not in his ways. They turned aside after gains,took bribes and perverted Judgement. Due to this maladministration, all the elders of Israel went together to meet samuel in Ramala to complain. The complaints centered on the perverted activities of his sons. The people then demanded for a king to judge them like other nations. The subject displeased Samuel when the people said, give us a king to judge us. and Samuel cried to the Lord in prayer. The lord answered Samuel to listen to the voice of people in all that they say, for they have not rejected Samuel but rejected him, God,that he should reign over them. (2b) (i) He was rejected by God to rule over Israel, his people. (ii) He was troubled by evil spirits (iii) He desired comfort from where he ought not to i.e the witch at Endor (iv) He lost his at the battle on mount Gilboa together with his children. (6b) (i) A true disciple of Jesus must exhibit love to others irrespective of their races (ii) Prayer for others and the nation i.e Intercession (iii) Exhibit the work of evangelism i.e preaching the gospel of the kingdom to others. (8a) Prayer is the means of communicating with God, not necessarily in times of need but all times. There are various kinds of prayers. James wrote to the Christians in dispersion and encourage them to remain steadfast in their faith in site of the various trials they were undergoing. He encouraged them to pray to God all the time so that they could perfect and complete, lacking nothing if any lacks wisdom let him ask God who gives generously but such one should ask in faith without doubting (8b) -sin -wrong asking in prayer -unfaithfulness (9a) Peter exhorts christians to be good citizens. Christians were urged to be live in accordance with hope. To encourage them to remain faithful,he presented Jesus as one who had suffered and triumphed. He asked the christians to continue in their faith and allow this to be manifested in their personal living. Peter demanded that christians should not live a debased life like the rest of the people. They were expected to live as if they were foreigners in the world. Peter set out the duties of christians towards earthly authorities,they were to respect the civil authority and obey the law of the land. They were to live as servants of God. They were to honour all men,love brotherhood, fear God and honour the Emperor. (9b) -To enable the citizen to live and abide in harmony -To enable the Christians to obey and abide by the law of the land -To enable citizens to participate in civic responsibilities More Loading...
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 09:52:34 +0000

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