2014 Waec gce Biology Essay (2a)This is because glucose helps to - TopicsExpress


2014 Waec gce Biology Essay (2a)This is because glucose helps to renew the energy expended by athletes and very good source of energy. (2b) (i)a brick- red precipitate is observed. (ii this is because urine contains simple sugar. (iii) diabetes (2c) -it helps in growth -it is one of the major source of energy it helps to build skeleton -it helps to repair worn- out tissue -it aids reproduciton (2di) Vitamin A(retinol) (2dii)egss,fish,milk (2e) -it helps in manufacturing body temperature -it provides more energy -it supplies essential fatty acid to human body (2f) -insulin -glycogen 3b) Importance Of Wild Life 1. To maintain ecological balance of nature and maintain food chain and nature cycles. 2. It has economic value. Many wild plants provide useful substances like timber, paper, gums etc. And they also have wide applications in Ayurveda and other branches of medicine. Wild animals products are tusk, ivory, leather, honey etc. 3d. One of the main reasons that water may become a non-renewable source is the population growth. The population is expanding at a speedy rate, and this is putting enormous pressure on all our resources, even the renewable ones. As more and more people need access to drinking water, our groundwater and surface water reserves are being used up. The water is being used faster than it can replenish itself, and this will inevitably lead to a water shortage in the future. water should not be regarded as a renewable, unlimited resource. Rather, water conservation should take main priority and we should try to reduce our water consumption in whatever way possible. 3c) A cover crop is a crop planted primarily to manage soil erosion, soil fertility, soil quality, water, weeds, pests, diseases, biodiversity and wildlife in an agroecosystem. An ecological system managed and largely shaped by humans across a range of intensities to produce food, feed, or fiber. Currently, not many countries are known for using the cover crop method. Cover crops are of interest in sustainable agriculture as many of them improve the sustainability of agroecosystem attributes and may also indirectly improve qualities of neighboring natural ecosystems. Farmers choose to grow and manage specific cover crop types based on their own needs and goals, influenced by the biological, environmental, social, cultural, and economic factors of the food system in which farmers operate. (6a) Hydra symmetry: radial symmetry Bodylayer: Two layers Body carily: jelly-like Flatworm symmetry: bilaterally symmetry Body layer: Three layers Body Cavity: No body cavity (6c) (i.) Anaemia is caused by deficiency of copper and iron in the body. Symptons: 1. deficiency in iron 2. improper respiration (ii.) Goitre is caused by lack of iodine in the body Symptoms: 1. swelling jaw 2. Lack of thyroxine (6di) A biomes comprises of tropical rainforest,sara nna,desert,shrub and swamp of the world (6dii) 1. tropical rainforest 2. Afro-alphine 3. Swamp 4. Shrub 5. Desert (6e) 1. evaporation from oceans and land 2. transpiration from plants 3. Breathing or respiration by plant 4. Rainfall or precipitation 5. Infitration and peracolation (6g)Genetic variation is useful to plants for the following reason -in knowing the gene variation -for cross breeding (6h) convergent evolution is defined as the sum total of adaptive changes from pre- exisitng orold form that have taken place over a long time, resulting in diversity (6hii) -evidence form comparative anatomy -vestigal organs
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 11:56:39 +0000

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