2014 Year End Contest! As much as we tend to romanticize the - TopicsExpress


2014 Year End Contest! As much as we tend to romanticize the coming apocalypse, the truth is, we still live in the real world day to day, and are far, far more likely to experience a smaller scale disaster, a natural disaster or perhaps a house fire or family emergency while traveling, etc, etc. Where do you store your medical information, insurance information, property information, and pretty much all the documentation you need to interact with the real world on a day to day basis? It’s not feasible to carry it all around with you, and if you store it at home, a disaster at home could wipe it all out. Also, the vast majority of us have that information in a digital format already, and for those who don’t, it can be digitized rather quickly and easily. Everyone on this site is using a computer right now to read this, a smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. As part of any good prepper’s disaster plan, maintaining necessary documentation, securely in a format that can be readily accessed is paramount. No, you won’t need this info when the zombies are banging on the door to your Bug Out location, but you will need it after your house catches fire, or you’re stranded away from home due to a large fire, chemical spill, or flooding or any other much more likely scenarios we run into on a daily basis. We as ZASC understand this need and for Decembers contest, we are offering a 2 part prize for the winner. A 32Gig Corsair Survivor USB data stick (See Link for details: tigerdirect/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3886487&CatId=3786) Unlike most USB sticks, this one is TOUGH, (I’ve actually put one through the washer AND dryer twice and it’s still working). Submersible to 200 Meters! Due to the solid aluminum casing fully surrounding the stick, it may also be EMP proof. (The manufacture has not tested for this and makes no guarantees). 32 Gigs is a tremendous amount of storage. Heck you can throw a huge amount of priceless family pictures on this thing as well, or entire libraries of how to manuals, the repair manuals for every piece of equipment you own and pretty much anything you can’t possibly memorize in a lifetime. That is part 1 of the contest. Part 2 is, if the winner so chooses, (This is optional). I will personally convert the stick into a stand-alone Linux Operating System. (I have 20 to choose from). What this will do is allow you to plug the stick into almost any computer you find, boot off the stick and access your documents, pictures, data etc. Even a computer that won’t work with window (Crashed not due to hardware) or a computer with no hard drive can be booted off this stick. Basically, this turns most every USB bootable computer in the world into a usable machine running directly off the stick. So after you access your documents and data and walk away, you leave ZERO trace behind. Security, OpSec you name it, this stick handles it. The data on the stick can also be encrypted. That will be on the owner to decide after choosing an operating system. If you have any questions, please post them on this thread as well as your entries. If you wish to keep your entry anonymous until the contest ends, you may send it via a PM to the page. We will keep this thread pinned for the duration of the contest. Good Luck Everyone! ~Doc December 2014 Shipping Container Bug Out Location Design Contest Rules 1. Contest opens Thursday, December 4th and the deadline for entries is midnight Central Time on December 23th. Winners will be announced after Jan 1st. (It’s the holidays, we’ll need time to review them). 2. Submit any kind of drawing, sketch, digital file etc. No limits as long as we can open it. (If we can’t open it, you may resubmit it in another format). PDF or JPG image formats would be best. 3. You WILL NOT be judged on quality of medium, so if you draw something awesome on a napkin and get us a clear image of it will still be just as eligible as a 3D rendered video walkthrough. This contest is about realistic and useful design of a shipping container bug out location, NOT about how skilled you are with Photoshop or VR/CAD applications. 4. You can use 1 container or up to a maximum of 8. 5. Please indicate doors windows and any other “Breach” of the skin the containers. (This is to judge things like security and usability). 6. Please do a write up of your design, explaining the design elements, why you put what where, how it helps the design, etc. This does not have to be too fancy, just enough that we can understand what you were thinking when you designed it and why you designed it that way. 7. Other Items. Let’s be realistic, we are all going to want to put other stuff in our bug out location, fences, gardens, machinery, moats etc. If we had a million bucks to build a 20 foot concrete wall around it that would be great, but let’s keep it realistic. You can add a reasonable amount of extra stuff as you see fit. (Maybe a turret mounted minigun above the entrance), but let’s say you have $35,000 cash to outfit the bug out location, that should be adequate to put in some cool stuff but keep it realistic). 8. We encourage everyone to post their images and samples directly on the page. However, if you feel your design is so unique that you want to keep it a secret until the contest is over, by all means message us and we’ll take it individually. (All entries are subject to publication for discussion on the ZASC Facebook page.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 13:24:11 +0000

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