2014 has been one crazy year....to say the least. A year of trial - TopicsExpress


2014 has been one crazy year....to say the least. A year of trial and error is the only way I could sum it all up. Whether it was flying to NY for a girl, flying out to LA to play Knotfest with Slipknot, or creating a 20 page comic and scrapping it. I was constantly figuring out what worked and what didnt work. I definitely realized how far I could push myself with the workload I was taking on. There was a point where I was working 3 jobs on top of building the world for my I.P and balancing two bands. (Not one of my best ideas) Working full time on freelance artwork for clients, being booked solid at least 2 months in advance at all times is no joke. But it forced me to push my artwork in directions I would normally never have gone on my own before. On the opposite side of the things I also got a really humbling experience by working as a job counselor with people that have disabilities. But like I said, everything is trial and error, and this past year was all about seeing different ways I could make a decent living for myself, while also constantly improving my craft. Unfortunately improving aspects of your life means cutting out other parts that are holding you back. Now Im definitely not someone who tracks my whole life on social media, but for those of you out there that are still paying attention I cant wait to show all of you the paintings and hundreds of sketches I have been working on for my I.P. 2015 is going to be a huge year for me and my art. So be honest with yourself. No regrets....only look ahead and find your pace. Happy New year everyone!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 17:45:57 +0000

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