2014 is coming to an end. May we and our 9 at rond .king be - TopicsExpress


2014 is coming to an end. May we and our 9 at rond .king be did. The ultimate losers, Nigerians, the 170 million of them. Let us begin from bottom up, the most recent catastrophe, the collapse of oil price. All of a sudden the Crude which Nigeria is one of the highest exporters in the world came down from the lofty high of 105 dollars per barrel to a paltry 58 dollars as at this morning. The obvious effect, 2 fold of it has gone against Nigeria. The honorable minister of the economy claimed in her interview that Nigeria economy is at risk. Salaries were not paid. A lot of Nigerians celebrate the xmas with no money they have worked for. Being an importer of refined petrol one would automatically would have assumed that since the price of crude has come to below half the price that the importers of refined petrol should be able to slash the price if not in half but at least with a 30 percent reduction in the pump price of PMS, this has not happened in Nigeria. It has never happened under any PDP government in this nation. They do not believe that as Nigerian we deserve a commensurate such luxury. We just dont deserve anything good in their view. The currency has suffered serious damages with the central bank unable to manage the slide and the economic managers at a loss. The dollar crept up to 187 Naira from a momentarily steady 165. To purchase anything from the global trade markets you as a Nigerian would require more naira than you did two months ago. The decline continues and we can not see where it will stop. A gift to Nigerian from a PDP government in this Yuletide season. For the past 2 years, an acronym has crept into our national lexicon! IDPs! Internally displaced persons. These are predominantly Nigerians who for no reasons of their own suddenly found themselves homeless and hopeless and dependent on handouts from the National Emergency Management Authorities. Why? Because a rag tag group of bandits and marauders, invaded their homes killing them and burning their livelihoods to fhe ground, all of the these happened in the full glare of the government whose sole responsibility is the security of lives of every law abiding citizens of this nation and the protection of our territorial integrity. They were let down by a PDP government who is not prepared and when confronted broke into shards in the face of an unconventional struggle by Islamic Extremist beasts. Abduction and bombing of schools was at an all time high. With casualties mounting everyday. No solution yet in sight. May be by the turn of another century, if we choose to wait for the PDP. When Chief Olusegun Obasanjo came into power, we were promised by the government that power outages shall be a thing of the past. As at today, incessant power outages has not stopped but on the increase. It has become worse Under the present administration. The President appeared hesitant if not confused. Deflecting issues under excuse of saboteurs and contradictory advice from those assisting him in government. These among under reasons make another 4 years of PDP in Nigeria a suicide bid by the citizens of this country. If a government can only come up with a project like You Win as an Avenue to create jobs instead of wholesome approach of building the real sector and providing guarantees and access to funds for SMEs then this is a government of rhetoric and nothing more. We do not need rhetoric anymore. Corruption in government has never been this bad. Everyday we hear of money missing from the government coffers. Nobody is found to be responsible. Shameful. I cant help but laugh as I watched the honorable minister of the economy providing answers that are untenable at the questions asked by the Senate inquiry into the activities of the NNPC. Accounts are operated a at JR Morgan for our crude oil proceeds instead of the money going into the federation account. The minister said she is aware of the account but is not involved in the opening and management of the account in question. Shameful. We cannot continue in these lines. We risk not having a country to call our own if we do. I hereby call on well meaning Nigerian to come together and let us change the government at the center. The era of waste has come to its end. Let us begin the Common Sense Revolution. Let us vote the APC at the Federal Level. After 4 years, let us take stock of the oppositions achievements. Then we will be able to say we have tested all options available to us. I am confident that the duo of GMB and Oshibajo will chart a new course for the Nigerian Nation. Let us vote them. God bless Nigeria.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 10:27:48 +0000

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