2014 was definitely a year of transition for our family, most - TopicsExpress


2014 was definitely a year of transition for our family, most notably moving into our new home. But it was also a year that has allowed me to count my blessings and create a platform from which to bound into a new phase of life. In thinking where I am today, certain areas are a focus to me. I truly embrace the quality women I know- a few from my past and many new. These women who are positive, drama free- those who build you up and encourage without jealousy. Those who truly have your back. THANK YOU!!!! Your support, friendship and love helps me become the woman I strive to be. My gym. Amazing. I just cannot say enough about it. Always a source of inspiration (and perspiration!😉) with unending amounts of encouragement to reach goals you never thought attainable. Lastly, my amazing family and husband. Without I would not be where I am today. My love is crazy for this bunch!!!! I have so many goals for 2015, and I know that with the support of this amazing group, as well as my faith in God, that the sky is the limit. Thank you all for being in my life and I just hope that I can add to all of your lives even a fraction of what you have all given me❤️. Love you all, and heres to a GREAT 2015!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:15:22 +0000

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