*2015 - The Prophetic “Season” Continues:* by Hank & Brenda - TopicsExpress


*2015 - The Prophetic “Season” Continues:* by Hank & Brenda Kunneman 2015 - The Prophetic “Season” Continues: The season continues, as much of what has applied before in previous year(s) either still applies or is in the process of manifesting. Examples: Unusual weather patterns – specifically for this year cold and snow. Snow, Ice and dangerous cold. Snow, cold temperatures, and strange weather marks a change of seasons, spiritual climates, and God dealing with leaders, nations and demonic entities; overthrowing them to bring cleansing to the land and releasing breakthrough to His people. Psalm 68:14 (NASB): When the Almighty scattered the kings [a]there, It was snowing in Zalmon. Strange weather – This was revealed in early snow and cold across America. Prophecy Spoken September 14, 2014 – “You ask what about the signs? What about the signs of the snow? What about the signs of the weather? Why? The Spirit of God says, am I not the One who is in charge of the earth? Did I not make the heavens? Did I make the earth? Did I outstretch the stars and tell the ocean how far it could come? Did I not number the sands? For I am the Lord who will stand over this earth and over this nation, I am the One who is changing the times and the seasons. So look, the snow in Montana, the snow in South Dakota; do you not understand that I am starting from the top and I will work My way to the bottom? It will not be strange to those who understand that in the South of this nation they will say “we have not seen it like this before.” The Spirit of God says, I’m dealing with the arrogance, dealing with the pride, dealing with the stench of those who have said they do not need God. I will start, as I have, with the elements. I will start in the governments of this nation and I will shake, I will expose, and so I will for those who have stood to be an irritant and one who brings fear to nations; I will deal with them and I will start with the head and I will work My way down. Eruptions, shakings, rumblings, and record storms will continue; look for these in unusual places. Nations that seek to harm Israel and America will be shaken, even in their soils. Economies and Currency – the revaluing and stabilizing of world currency and new currency being added. Silver and gold will regain its value. Discoveries – ancient artifacts that prove the literacy of the Bible will continue. Technological advances and natural energy, oil, and gas. Medical breakthroughs – a broken and fractured healthcare will yield to a repealing and a restructuring that will provide for those who are without. Plagues, flesh eating diseases and viruses/plagues will resurface causing fear and all but suggested mandatory vaccinations as its solutions. Ebola – will become e-bow-la, as it shall bow to the authority of Jesus. Prophecy Spoken October 8, 2014: Did Jesus die in vain? says that Spirit of God. Were His stripes without power or purpose that men shall fear that which has said to affect the earth by the way of Ebola? God is placing His feet upon this disease. It bows to the authority of Jesus! God says that men are saying this is the judgment of God but they don’t know what they speak of. Ebola becomes e-BOW-la, it bows! It is time for the Lord to speak and to Act! Prophecy Spoken September 3, 2014 –“There will be cutting off of the plans that the enemy has said, he has said “we have divided America, North from South, and now we will go to the place that is called the Gateway City, the entrance to the West, to divide this nation East and West.” God says, not so. All things are under the feet of the Lord. Now is the time that the Lord shall arise, now is the season that the Lord shall arise, for they have said He has been too silent for too long. God says it is not silence, but I watch and I wait, for now is the appointed time. They will say it seems as though things are out of control, but who is in control? It is not out of control! Who is in control, says the Spirit? Sudden victories and shakings; let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Let God arise and the enemies of America be scattered. Let God arise and the enemies of Israel be scattered.” 2015 Prophecy - The message to God’s church: The year of new direction, rest, restoration, reversal, and retribution. Come and feast, come and dine! The Spirit of God says, and so shall it be, for look up in the heavens and what do you see? For even in the days that Peter stood he saw what looked like a sheet that covered four corners, and the Spirit of God said yes, because there was a time to rise up and to eat the feast for there was the visitation that would come to those of the Gentiles and the spirit given to them; and there was a feasting that was coming even to the Jews, and the spirit of the Lord says, now what do you see? Do you see a tablecloth - a table being spread before you? 2015, says the spirit of God, shall be where I will cover the four corners of the earth and I will supply the table of blessings, restoration, and recovery before you and My people in the presence of your enemies. 2015 will be known, even before it comes, as a year of restoration, recovery, and reversal! -- It will be a year of divine REVERSAL and a year of divine change! -- It shall be a year of those things that have been and that are being held back to be suddenly turned now and come your way to bless you! -- It shall be a year that divine provision and blessing will be released as part of the work of restoration, recovery and reversal that I will bring to My people! Declare that 2015 will be known as a year of the feasting of the Lord! This year I want My people to come and feast and come and dine upon My blessings, says the spirit! Watch, watch, watch, and see what I will do to spread a tablecloth before My people so that you may eat, you may rejoice, you may be joyful, you may be abundantly provided for, and you may feast off of the years of your labor before Me. 2015 – You will taste and see that the Lord is good. You will taste in this season of dining and feasting on the Lords blessings, His hand that brings restoration, recovery and reversal! 2015 your understanding will be enlightened as you now understand why you struggled and there were great battles before you. You will say, “no wonder there was not enough, no wonder we walked through this fire, no wonder there was this trial that seem so long.” It was because the enemy feared the feast that awaits you. It was because you will now taste and see that the Lord is good and you will feast upon His blessings, restoration, recovery, and reversal. 2015 – The Lord is asking, “What do you see?” “What do you see?” is the question that the Lord is asking – As when the Lord healed a blind man, praying for him twice – Mark 8:22-25, 23 Taking the blind man by the hand, He brought him out of the village; and after spitting on his eyes and laying His hands on him, He asked him, “Do you see anything?”…. 25 Then again He laid His hands on his eyes; and he looked intently and was restored, and began to see everything clearly. Do you see the negative, or see the fear, or do you see God’s glory? God wants His people to see the working of His hand and not just the evil of the day. Joel 2:2 – A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains It is a day of doom and gloom, but also clouds and thick darkness and the glory of God that appears in darkness. Exodus 20:21 - And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was. 2 Chronicles 6:1 - Then said Solomon, The LORD hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness. The Number 15 in 2015: 15 – The biblical meaning of 15 is new direction. Hebrew words: yod-hey (hand, inspiration, grace). Its significance: the Holy Spirit giving people new direction in life! The number 15: -- New direction -- Deliverance and Reversal -- Restoration and Healing -- Restitution -- Rest -- Revival 2015 is about new direction. -- Where you are now is not where you will be in 2015 because it will involve new direction, new things, and new locations. -- It will require obedience to decisions and “movement” toward them! As a result, new things will unfold in this year of rest, and will bring the feasting of the Lord to our lives! Example: God gave new direction and new life to King Hezekiah (He brought a divine reversal, restoration of His health, and delivered him) – God wants to do the same for you! King Hezekiah, who was sick and dying, prayed that God would remember his works and how he served him with his whole heart. God heard his prayer and told the king, through the prophet Isaiah, that he would be healed and granted an additional number of years of life (15 - see 2 Kings 20:1 - 6). 2015: New beginnings (15: new beginnings were happening): After dying on the cross, Jesus body was prepared and placed in a Garden Tomb on Nisan 14 as the sun was setting to begin Nisan 15 in 30 A.D. (Matthew 27:57-61, Luke 23:50-55, John 19:38-42). John The Baptist began his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar. Luke 3:1-3 says, Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. . . 2 the Word of God came unto John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. 3 And he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. 2015 a year of rest from our enemies: This will be a year of rest for God’s people who have suffered and experienced hardships at the hand of the enemy. The Lord will arise intervening bringing peace to spiritual storms and releasing the grace of rest to His people!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 01:26:09 +0000

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