2015:A YEAR FOR RENEWAL-WILL AMERICA BLESS GOD AGAIN? By Tim Powers. Early in his first term as President, Barack Hussein Obama openly declared that America was no longer a Christian nation. I believe that with those words, he has put America on a collision course with spiritual destruction. Now I dont much care what religious affiliation that you may be, the bottom line is that there is an overwhelming majority of the American people that have a basic belief in God. The problem though is: how can we all go to church on Sunday to praise our God in heaven and then live like hell the rest of the week? I am as guilty as the next guy. Our Father in heaven never promised us an easy life on this earth as we often fall victim to our own stupid mistakes. Thanks to free will. He did however promise us that when the struggles of life overwhelmed us, that he would always be there to help lift us back up. How many times have each and every one of you had such a low time in your life, that all you could do was look up? My guess would be the majority. During the time of the first American Revolution, there was no internet, cell phones, or social media. The message of Freedom and Liberty was spread to the masses through the only means that God had available to him at that time. The pulpits of the churches. The message was spread by the group of clergy known as the black robe regiment. Since that time, we as Americans have seen the rise of un-written doctrine pushed by non believers or flat out Satanists known as separation of church and state. Now, you must ask yourself, why would they do this? They do this because of the unseen power of America that has always been derived from the Cross. As our great nation spirals downward, we have seen the massive rise of immorality, the increase in the killing of our un-born children, and a type of lawlessness that we have not seen in many years. All the while, we as a free people are being meek and humble to our oppressors. It is way past time to change our approach to those who seek to destroy us. We must be humble in the presence of God ONLY, and stand on His promise that the meek shall inherit the earth. The biblical definition of meek being: power under control. You will find the answers as to what we must do in Ephesians 6:10-20. It is time for each and every one of us to stand together with the common faith in God and fight this spiritual war that has been forced upon us. We must pick up the cross of Christ and spread the gospel to every corner of our land. Only then, can America Bless God again. Revival is on the horizon. Will you take a stand with me to usher it in? As always fellow Patriots, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:18:44 +0000

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