2015: Former Deputy Govs urge Jonathan to declare ... The - TopicsExpress


2015: Former Deputy Govs urge Jonathan to declare ... The Forum of former Deputy Governors has urged President Goodluck Jonathan to declare his intention to contest the 2015 Presidential elections. It also cautioned politicians against making statements capable of dividing the nation. The forum, under the aegis of the Mass Movement For Goodluck 2015 (MMG), further cautioned politicians against the continued desecrating of the office of the President, just as it declared that positive criticism is an addictive to good governance. Speaking in Abuja at its maiden press briefing, the MMG National Coordinator, Kenneth Ibe-Kalu, stated that criticisms arising from political vendetta are cancerous to any nation. His words: “A president is the president, irrespective of party affiliation; positive criticism is an addictive to good governance, but criticisms arising from political vendetta is cancerous to any nation. “The MMG is made up of the forum of former Deputy Governors, while serving Deputy Governors are associate members. “What is happening in Nigeria today is alien to us and I know that it will fizzle out; there are people that would have in one way or the other fuelled the crisis, and I advise them to seek power through the ballot boxes. “We are all disturbed by the abduction of the Chibok girls and I am happy that the security agencies are doing their best, and have been imbibing fresh ideas to fight the insurgents, government is really investing money to ensure that these terrorists are defeated”. Ibe-Kalu stated that “the MMG is a child of necessity, born at a time the nation needs re-evaluation, re-engineering, re-invention of ethics and values, re-organisation and self appraisal as a people, a process that is partly on-going at the National Conference. “The end point of the above is expected to culminate in National Transformation”. The group also commended the governor of Adamawa State, Murtala Nyako, for exonerating President Goodluck Jonathan from the ongoing impeachment processes against him and his deputy. Ibe-Kalu said the comment indicated that the president would not interfere unduly in political activity in any state of the federation. “We, on behalf of Nigerians, thank Governor Murtala Nyako of Adawamawa State for boldly and candidly announcing to the word that our Transforming President has no hand in the impeachment saga going on in the state. A statement of fact of this nature coming from an opposition Governor is gratifying,” he said. Ibe-Kalu also urged Nigerians irrespective of party affiliation to desist from desecrating the office and person of President Jonathan as he said national leaders are symbols that should not be insulted. Ibe-Kalu said that the group would organise the first MMG Annual Transformation Round Table and Awards, which according to him, would examine transformation agenda of the Federal Government at the same time, define roles of the citizenry towards its attachment. Daily Independent.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 09:36:10 +0000

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