2015: Garba Utc and electorate of Taraba!!! A good number of - TopicsExpress


2015: Garba Utc and electorate of Taraba!!! A good number of Nigerians are beginning to despair about the future of their great country. It is good to reaffirm in all humility and unshaken faith, that there is no cause to despair, for it is to the progressive and radical elements in Nigeria, whose numbers are rapidly increasing, that the tomorrow of our illustrious country belongs. Alhaji Garba Umar (UTC) is a kind. The reasons are clear, knowing fully that since the days of first generation nationalists, beyond independence until now, Taraba State like other States in the federation, have been sending representatives to various strata of Nigeria’s leadership and opinion circles, albeit often cases, the results are a deafening colossal failure of shameless impudence in poor performance(s) with disgraceful outcomes unwittingly. The emergence of Garba UTC by providence at leadership position, the profile of his excellent leadership adventures since assumption of office as acting governor, the quantum of his monumental feat in trying to transform Taraba and the lots of the people, the etiquettes of his national relevance in sustaining the nascent democracy, as well as the summary of his unprecedented socio- economic milestones, etc, ranks him, just like first generation nationalists; first among equals, an indispensable son, redeeming the glory of a battered people and wiping away the tears of a bereaved family. Garba Umar UTC will no doubt remain an asset to Taraba State and a legacy to Nigeria.At the onset of UTC’s acting position as a governor, and the outset of his assumption of office, the people were less optimistic, that he has the credentials to deliver them to the promise land in tandem with the wish of the fast recuperating governor. What is presently witnessed in Taraba is the image of an achiever, an exemplary patriot that prevails even on doubting Thomas that he is divinely anointed at this particular period in history to serve with dexterity and in trust. Barely few months into his acting position, it became clear even to his most jaundiced critics that he is part of the solution to the problems bedeviling Taraba State and was not erroneously brought on board as deputy governor but to support the on-going transformation and proffer solution to heaps of problems.According to UTC, “I want to asseverate at this juncture of my life; that my one and only ambition is to have the opportunity to live the rest of my borrowed life for history by means of selfless and beneficient service, first to my dear State, my country and wherever I may serve in whatever capacity in Nigeria and beyond by promoting the people’s collective welfare and happiness where possible. This is my vow and my pledge to the Almighty Allah in secrecy and also not to betray the wishes and hope of the people. I hereby in all solemnity reaffirm and re-declare”. Garba Umar naturally became an avid apostle of human development on assumption as deputy governor and now of acting governor. His personality drive is passionate and consummate. His set square goals are a novel replica of great leaders who left an indelible footprint both in public and private lives. He is often calibrated for his complete spirit of enterprise. View the gentleman from whatever sphere of life, you will discover in him many attributes, much similar to great leaders. From his simplicity to his enviable character, he displays an excellent personality in action. Of course, Mahatma Ghandi, Wiston Churchchill, Jamal Abdul Nasser, Jozef Bros Tito, Mao Tse Tung, George Washington etc were not born but they invented themselves. In principle, UTC has fostered himself on the paths of excellence, with an indomitable passion to service to justify the confidence reposed in him by his boss and Tarabians. He is a caring and listening leader who is magnanimous to a fault. His acting position is a privilege for Tarabians to enjoy unquantifiable service. His calm mien depicts his amiable personality. He is workaholic, a transparent leader who is determined to deliver positive results with an impact on development as wished by people of taraba state. As the political pendulum swings in the Taraba State and with the tenure of His Excellency, Danbaba Danfulani Suntai approaching its constitutional terminal date, who then does the cap fit? Are Tarabians interested to have a formidable leader with unblemished record of achievements or are more interested to supporting rabble rousers on deadly mission? In Taraba State, the hand writing is clear on the wall. The Almighty has brought out a trust worthy personality to limelight but the eating now lies in the pudding as there is no two-way game. It is either the people go for transparent leadership and service delivery as is witnessed today, or for myopic and other sentimental reason rally round those noise makers and tribal war lords for retrogression of the state. The choice is yours.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 21:31:53 +0000

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