2015: HAS THE OPPOSITION GIRDED UP ITS LOINS? BY JAMEEL AUWAL A ruling partys presidential candidate losing to a candidate of the opposition is a case that has never happened in the Nigerian political history; but it has been happening in some parts of Africa as was the case in Ghana and Senegal in 2000, through John Kufour and Abdullahi Wade respectively; in Kenya, In 2002, through Mwai Kibaki; in Benin Republic, In 2006, through Yayi Boni; in Serra Leon, in 2007 through Ernest Bai Koroma; in Ivory Cost, in 2010, through Alhassan Quattara; and, recently, in Malawi, in 2014, through Peter Mutharika. As the African Continent is in a state of flux, this can also happen in Nigeria if the opposition is deadly serious about wining the 2015 election. In all of the above instances, the various opposition parties in the various African countries have used most popular candidates in defeating the incumbents. Thus, For the opposition to uproot the ruling party in Nigeria, it needs a person of highest popularity. Money shouldnt be given preference over popularity as nobody can spend more than the way the incumbent of the villa can, no matter how wealthy the person is. Money isnt the best political lubricant for the opposition while popularity is. In this respect, comparing General Muhammadu Buhari with Alhaji Atiku Abubakar is an attempt to underrate the former. I mean whats the point in the lopsided analogy? Even in Adamawa, Atikus home state, Buhari would surpass him, likewise in other North-Eastern states - Taraba, Gombe, Bauchi, Borno and Yobe - the situation wont be different, not to talk of North-Western and South-Western states. Not even Governor Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso of Kano, who has successfully fixed his state in less than four years, could be popularly ripe to compete with Buhari in the state he tremendously developed. With all the fantastically enormous achievements of kwankwso in Kano State, Buhari is still more populous than him amidst the Kanawan-Dabo. If, with the massive rigging and other electoral felonies perpetrated by the ruling PDP in 2011, Buhari could get 12 million row votes (representing 32 % of the total votes cast) under the platform of the newborn CPC, such as it was, Im convinced that Buhari is the right person APC needs in its bid to dethrone the ruling PDP. Popularity when juxtaposed with with assiduous vigilance to stop rigging can make the opposition excel in 2015. APC, unlike the defunct CPC, is a strong coalition that can stop rigging in 2015. All what it needs is to field the populous presidential candidate within its fold. APC is so lucky that it emerged when Buhari isnt only alive but hale and hearty to face the Nigerian challenges. To those who complain on Buharis age, let me remind you that Nelson Mandela was older than Buhari when the former was elected to the South-African presidential throne in 1994; just as Mandela fixed his country at the age of 75 so too Buhari will, at at the age72 (in respect of Nigeria). Let me also remind you that Obasanjo was older than Jonathan when the former was the Nigerian president between 1999 and 2007. But look at how worst the latter is than the former; and look at how clueless he is despite his being younger than the former. And to those who accept that Buhari is still the best but want him to step aside just because has been contesting before and, thus, they think people would be tired of voting him, I say this is an invalid logic that cannot stand. Why should I drop the most effective weapon which can get rid of my enemy simply because Im tired of using it (not because its less effective), and eventually replace it with a less effective one that cannot harm my enemy. After all, Buhari got more votes in 2011 than in the election proceeding it. And, the reason why CPC - one of the APCs foreruners - lost most of the gubernatorial seats in 2011 was because of its weakness to stop rigging, coupled with the partys internal crisis evidently plotted by the ruling party. The eventual party-switch of the PDP errand boys like Mohammed Abacha back to where they belong to, has vindicated us in this claim. So, why shouldnt I go for the sweetest fruit, but prefer the one that is underripe rather, thereby allowing the one that got too ripe to get rotten. Agreed, Atiku has money while Kwankwaso and Sam Nda-Isaiah are relatively young, but the issue isnt about the number years one has attained neither is it about the quantity of wealth one has accumulated, Its about the quality and capacity of person, whom people can massively vote for. Buhari isnt perfect and nobody ever is, but he is the best at the moment. The opposition hasnt girded itself up yet for winning the 2015 election until when it fielded the best presidential candidate within its fold. Should APC make a mistake of preferring any of its aspirants over Buhari in its preparation to confront PDPs Jonathan in 2015 - I will still pitch in with the opposition, but - Im afraid the PDP vultures will have found the meat they hunger after ready to gobble down; defeating the opposition in this respect will be as easy as shoving a lanky damsel down.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 20:03:58 +0000

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