2015 I Pray for you to have Acceptance, Love, Laughter, Joy and - TopicsExpress


2015 I Pray for you to have Acceptance, Love, Laughter, Joy and may the Beautiful Light that God has placed within you shine brightly to everyone you come in contact with. What is Acceptance? The act of accepting someone, unconditionally, just the way that they are. What is Love? Unchanging affection for someone. What is Laughter? Merriment, Amusement. Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones. What is Joy? Intense Happiness. So, in 2015, may everyone you meet and walk away from be left with Acceptance, Love, Laughter, Joy and may the Beautiful Light that God has placed inside of you shine through your smile and out of your eyes; which is the Light of the Soul according to Matthew 6:22. I pray for God to make whatever changes we all need in order to be pleasing vessels for his Glory. May we be the piece of pottery that catches the eyes of God, so much so that he would reach down off the Throne, pick us up from this place we might be in and use us for His Honor, His Glory. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 01:42:44 +0000

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