2015 IS THE YEAR WE KICK-OUT THE CONSERVATIVES AND KILL THE DESTRUCTIVE FEDERAL AGENDA. We can make it more and more powerful this year. The only question is are you going to help out or are you going to be an arm chair general and just yak yak yak...... Those that are here simply to be overly critical just need to know if people like myself and others waited for you all to make a plan AND follow some so called structure, NOTHING would get done when we need it to that is why we chose to take direct action!!!.... To everyone else, do not let those arm chair generals talk you out of anything no matter who they are. This is the year to be more free and confident in a serious direct action type manner. Use your own imagination and feel completely free to utilize a DIVERSITY OF TACTICS to help get the message out. Make your own affinity groups of people you trust, do a lock down or block a road, even help out at a rally by organizing, do a teach-in, make a inspiring video or even record you closing your bank account in RBC and so on. Do anything you feel comfortable with but do not criticize someone that is willing to do what you are not, they are there to support you as you should support them. https://facebook/video.php?v=338351946367293&set=vb.173372496198573&type=2&theater
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:33:00 +0000

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