2015….. In some ways waking up today is kind of liking - TopicsExpress


2015….. In some ways waking up today is kind of liking looking out over new fallen snow. No foot prints yet, no “dirty snow” from tire tracks or puppy piddles. It is fresh and new, full of hope & the promise of new beginnings. We gaze wistfully out the window and dream about goals, aspirations and the direction we need to move into to see them bloom into reality. And then life wakes up as well and we begin to see footprints in our snow. Running this way and that way. We see piles of dirty snow & before you know it the new fallen snow isn’t so fresh, it’s cold and wet. As the fresh snow of winter thaws it brings behind it the next season, Spring, and the opportunity to plant those dreams and tend to those goals is upon us. We are excited to feel the warmth of the Sun and the colors start to explode around us. Yet even while all this excitement starts to bubbling we see some of the seeds we planted washed away in heavy spring showers. We wish for even warmer days and drier weather. Summer sneaks up on us before you know it, the sky never seems so clear, the water just right, beach days, vacations, graduations…….and hot…humid….sticky….long…dry….days. Oh what we would give for just one day with no humidity…… And it comes. With a briskness in the air comes the changing of the leaves. The colors are so vibrant and beautiful…until they fall leaving one more mess to get cleaned up before the holidays are upon us once more. There is a cycle to life. Today is the beginning of a new cycle, on the calendar. An opportunity to refocus, reenergize. But even as we do this, there are other cycles running in the background. Some of us are in the spring cycle, others in the fall. There are good points and bad points to every cycle we find ourselves in. Some bring great joy, others incredible sadness and loss. If there truly is one wish for my friends and family this calendar year, it would be….. Make time. Make time to reflect on each season. Savor the moments. They aren’t here very long. Save up those wonderful memories, store them up in your personal “battery.” So when life knocks you down and you feel unplugged and running low you have the juice you need till the lights come back on. Call the ones you love, send them a picture, text them….. No….SEE them. Touch them. Hold their hand. Share a meal, a memory or even a tear. Pray with them. Love on them. Watch them grow. Some will grow bigger, some stronger. Some will grow older and some will grow weaker. Some will pass on to the next stage……and the opportunity of time with them will have passed as well. The seasons will come and go, and while the season of NOW is the shortest of all the season of regret can seem to last a lifetime. So….2015…the year of making time and no regrets…….Hope to see you in the middle of it….OFTEN!!! Happy New Year
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:27:49 +0000

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