2015: OKPOLUPM ETTE IS IN CHARGE. BY TOROBONG EKPO. Over the weekend, a lady, an ADHOC delegate told me how her mistress took her and other female delegates to an unknown destination (Probably a hotel), seized their phones, I-Pads, Laptops and gave them assorted drinks, mouth watery food to eat in preparation for the just concluded controversial congresses across the state. Adding that, they were barred from strolling, communicating with hoteliers as well as making love. What a wonderful conversation? An inquisitive friend of mine, asked her of the financial package the mistress gave them, she responded, ‘ama afon akan transport ACA, ami nke bo 50,000, meaning, it was better than ACA’s transport, I collected 50,000 Naira’. She proceeded, ‘In Nsit Atai where I hail from, we were forced to vote a certain aspirant, so all of us voted enmasse for him.’ Another delegate from Uyo Federal Constituency, a male, disclosed how his council boss administered FORCED POISON (Mbiam) on him and other delegates in order to vote enmasse for an aspirant at a fee of 20,000 naira each. I beg to add that, I have these testimonies on tape. Maybe, the testifiers didn’t know I was recording their conversation, or that I am a press man. People have so far described these political permutations as barbaric, inhuman and a rape of democracy. I disagree with them, I cherished those that have the audacity to ‘kidnap’ peoples’ wives, seize their phones for a fee as well as administer forced poison on their fellow brothers and sisters. They are ‘wise’ women and men. These also go a long way to prove that, we have competent fools among us, because those devilish acts can only be administered to tolerable fools. I perceived these tactics as a humanly driven gambit for the emergence of ‘earthly leaders’. Such gimmicks are subjected to approval by God. If the divine being agrees, it works instantly, if he doesn’t it won’t. In most cases, the outcome of such permutations is usually enigmatic. Grapevine had it that, in 2011, some Uruan delegates who took ‘Mbiam’ in order to vote for an aspirant mysteriously died, some months after, even when the aspirant did not scale through. If this rumour is true, then it means, very soon, Akwa Ibom State will witness high death rate as a result of concocted forced poison. I have evidence to prove that, leadership in all facets of life is a spiritual matter. No one becomes a political office holder if the almighty God does not give consent. Off course, God cannot mix with diabolism. For the scripture in Psalm 62 verse 11 says, ‘God hath spoken once: twice have I heard this; that power comes from God. (KJV)’ Unfortunately, hunger, shortsightedness, greed and ignorance have open doors for our parents and siblings to worship another God other than the Most High. Even when they have clearly seen that, the gap between the rich and the poor in this state is farer in landmass than Uyo to Lagos, they still opt for peanut from the oligarchy and worship another God via mbiam contrary to biblical message as entrenched in Exodus 20; many have also surrendered themselves for occult. I pray for God’s mercy upon them, because it is appointed unto man, once to die after that Judgment. If I may ask, how many of those ‘kidnapped’ delegates can boast of a storey building in Uyo? Talk less of hotels, Science Park in Dubai and Ghana? Yet they are so happy to be colonized by these crops of witches and wizard. It is pathetic! As soon as I heard from the horse’s mouth that, Forced poison (Mbiam) was involved, brethren, I wore a knowing smile because I knew no one becomes a leader via diabolic means. It was an assurance that, sooner or later God will prove to the world that, he is greater than manmade God. Nothing good has always come easily; so many biblical and earthly Leaders never had it on a platter of gold. When Jesus Christ, the savior of this world was born, Herod had to kill all the male children in order to thwart his mission on earth. But did he succeed? No he did not. In Moses era, his biological mother had to throw him into a river, so as to run away from the killing of Egyptians first born. What happen at last? The siblings of Joseph sold him and lied to their father, but he ended up becoming a PRIME MINISTER in a foreign land. It appears that, we have forgotten how a desperate aspirants in 2007, told media practitioners that, Governor Akpabio was an Igbo man, thus should not be allowed to hold the party ticket as well as how, Chief Dr. Godswill Akpabio had to struggle, run helter skelter before being given his certificate of return in 2007 despite his overwhelming victory at the Ibom Hall ground. I would not like to bore us with related cases any longer. It is quite obvious that, good leadership is not a work over thing; it is highly competitive, rigorously drilled as well as spiritually and humanly confronted. In Akwa Ibom State, no one becomes a governor on a platter of gold. From the days, of Late Obong Akpan Isemin, Obong Victor Attah and Mr. Godswill Akpabio, God’s factor has always outshined humanly driven influences. I could recall that, Arch. Ekong Etuk, Benjamin Okoko and Dr. Udoma Bob Ekarika were humanly accepted more than Late Obong Akpan Isemin, Obong Victor Attah and Mr. Godswill Akpabio. I had informed those that cared to listen that, Rt. Hon. Okpolupm Etteh’s elevation will be confronted with human, diabolic and spiritual factors, but at the end, Godswill will prevail over satanic devices. One thing that gives me joy and assurances is that, Supporters of this erudite politician has never been moved, intimidated or cajoled by the political intrigues, permutation and ‘ojoro’. In fact, they are waxing stronger and stronger as days pass by. They never cared to listen to blackmail and propaganda regarding the just concluded PDP House of Assembly primaries across the state; Etteh’s supporters were too sure that, their principal’s election is only in the palms of God. It has absolutely nothing with human. Etteh’s governorship ambition is a divine accomplishment, it has been declared in havens and even the earthly powers are in the know that, the leader of the fifth assembly will be the next governor of Akwa Ibom State, that is why they are trying to show case their influences and affluence, but I am optimistic that, God’s is fully involved. God is on the verge of shocking the earthly principalities and powers, through the official anointing of the leader of the fifth assembly as the next Peoples Democratic Party governorship flag bearer and subsequently the governor of Akwa Ibom State. Yes, this has been perfectly done in the spiritual realm; we are awaiting the manifestation in the physical. It may be humanly impossible, but one thing is certain, those with God are majority. Rt. Hon. Okpolupm Etteh’s governorship ambition is a divine project; it is God’s pet project, thus, the reason why he finds unmerited favour both in the sight of God and men. He is not connected to the political powers like others, yet his grace is second to none. I have tactically decided not to show how it will come to a fulfilment, in order not to cause high blood pressure in other camps, it is certain, that, as per 2015 governorship, Rt. Hon. Okpolupm Etteh is in charge, not because he is humanly acceptable, but because God’s favour and unmerited grace has catapulted him above human thoughts and imaginations. The final whistle has been blown; it is vivid that, Rt. Hon. Okpolupm Ikpong Etteh is the fourth civilian governor of Akwa Ibom State. To some politicians, it is a shocker, while to powers that be, it is impossible. But God has already made it a done deal. I key into the enthronement of the leader of leaders.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 09:56:14 +0000

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