2015: OKPOLUPM ETTEH, THE ONLY CHOICE BEFORE PDP BY TOROBONG EKPO From my knowledge of the Scripture, the hates suffered by Joseph in the hands of his brothers were as a result of the extreme love he received from Jacob, his father. As prove of such love, Joseph was given a coat of many colours. Also, Joseph had some excellent attitudes which catapulted him among his siblings and contemporaries. In my own view, the character of Joseph, which showcased an embodiment of true leadership, should be a must-study for every leader intending to serve or becoming a world changer. For his dad, obedience, loyalty, focus, consistency and humility, were some of the virtues that endeared Joseph to him. At seventeen, Joseph was a destiny helper and determiner for his father and brethren. In Egypt, he was a ‘demigod’ for Pharaoh and his daughter, but one greatest feature that fascinates me about the lad is that above all, he feared God. Just like the Biblical Joseph, the Leader of Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Okpolupm Ikpong Etteh, is exceedingly loved by his father (the Peoples’ Democratic Party). His obedience, focus, consistency, loyalty and other outstanding characters have glued him to the leadership of the party at the state and national level. This is an evidence of God’s grace, one that will enthrone the leader of the fifth assembly as Governor of Akwa Ibom State in 2015 and beyond. At fifteen years as a founding and consistence member of PDP (Since 1999 till date), Etteh has been a bridge builder, a promoter and an engine room of the party both in the state and in the national. He has been a pivot in the elevation of Obong Victor Attah and Chief Godswill Akpabio as Governors. He was the Chairman Security and Intelligence of Akwa Ibom People’s Forum, a group which paved way for the emergence of Chief Akpabio. Like Jacob, the leadership of PDP has also reciprocated its kind gesture on this great man, who has risen through the ranks. He has been a Chief Whip and presently the House Leader of the State Assembly. At the just concluded PDP Ward Congress for ad hoc delegates, several journalists that covered the event said Rt. Hon. Etteh would have won in 28 out of 31 Local Government Areas in the state, if the materials were not hijacked by a ‘superior power.’ One of the journalists in a National Television program provoked, ‘From my observation at the just concluded ward congress in Akwa Ibom State, it is obvious that, even if such congress is conducted a hundred times, Rt. Hon. Okpolupm Etteh will emerge victorious at all the times, his men were on ground to ensure success at each wards I visited but there was no materials for the election except in Ukana Ward 2 and Awa Iman were the governor of the state and the immediate past secretary to the state government hail from. It is a pity that the congress which was supposed to be transparent ended up in fiasco as Onna PDP Chairman was shot while other PDP faithful were killed and maimed’. Rt. Hon. Etteh, a man who believes in the unity and growth of Akwa Ibom State does not hide the love he has for his fatherland. He inculcates Akwa Ibom in his everyday life and as well parades the best socio political and indigenous campaign organizations such as, Akwa Ibom Goodluck Movement (AKGM), a frontline support group for President Goodluck Jonathan in the state; Ikpoto Akwa Ibom among others. To further prove that Rt. Hon. Etteh is a man of the people, this is what a political heavyweight and the political leader of Nsit Atai Local Government Area, Chief Sunny Elijah, has to say, “In PDP, we know our own. We don’t give ticket to ‘non-teaching-staff.’ Our ticket is strictly for a consistent, focused and humble leader, who has good plans for the party and the state in general. Among all the contenders, Okpolupm Etteh, stands tall. We all know him. He fought and installed PDP in this state, he was instrumental to the emergence of the present administration and above all, his manifesto is people-oriented. Do not be cajoled, Okpolupm Etteh will either come out as a consensus candidate or win with a landslide victory in the forthcoming primaries.” In the words of Dr. Ekere Afia, a leading Federal House of Representatives’ aspirant and the Director General of AKGM, “Rt. Hon. Okpolupm Etteh will probably be the first indigenous Governor of the state and you know what that means in terms of development? He has lived virtually all his life with the people, has family relationship across the state and has been in politics in the last 20 years. He has made friends across the divides of the state. It might interest you to know that Etteh is from Ibeno, ExxonMobil’s production base in Eket Secretariat District. His mother is from Ikono. Ikono is acclaimed to be the ancestral home of the Ibibio. His grandmother is from Uyo in Uyo Secretariat District. His wife, Ekaete , is from Etim Ekpo in Ikot Ekpere Senatorial District. Above all this, the name is firmly on ground. Go round the state, ask any person to mention the three top aspirants, not through billboards but through real politics, contacts and goodwill, his name will occur in almost all your respondents. He is a man of the people and the people know him, so he will emerge victorious at the poll.” Having carefully examined the manifesto of other gubernatorial aspirants in the state, I wish to affirm that, Etteh’s manifesto is second to none, as he has incorporated the Children, women, youth, elders, monarchs and the party in his scheme of things. He is poised to ensuring that he transforms the rural sector; build human capacity through education, health, culture and tourism. He knows Akwa Ibom problems and it is certain that he shall ensure industrial transformation through agriculture and capacity development. According to Dr. Afia, “A greater portion of our population in the rural area, most of them is involved in economic activities like farming, fishing and trading. Some are even involved in small scale mining. When we come on board, we shall focus on the transformation of the areas they have and work in. When that is done, we hope to turn the rural areas to developmental engine for the economy of the state to growth.” “We also hope to focus on industrialization. Whatever our government should do, we will do to bring industries to our people. This will create jobs, take our people off the streets and create an income base for the economy to grow. What we have in the state today are two classes of people, the very rich or the very poor. We hope to create a vibrant middle class that will pull a lot of people from the bottom end. We hope to create activities that will take our youth off the street. We’ll reignite the entrepreneurial spirit of our women. Our women are not known to be lazy. Our youths are also hardworking. But if you go to the state now, you will find out that our youths, our women and our men are helplessly roaming the street, for lack of a coordinated economic empowerment programme. We hope to check this menace.” There is no doubt the Leader of Leaders, as he is fondly called, will execute his agenda and bring to fruition the gigantic strides he is known for. The November that we have been clamouring for is here, a month of grace and unmerited favour. The leadership of the party is in the know that Etteh is bound to hold the PDP only governorship ticket and flag. As was the case of Joseph, the devil may want to stop, but can a man stop a moving train or curse the causeless? Of course not! I do not know the mode and measure God will fulfill this great prophecy, but I am optimistic that the unmerited grace and God’s favour will locate him and make him the fourth civilian Governor of our dear state and the third under the PDP platform. Etteh, is the only choice before the State and the National PDP.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 20:45:04 +0000

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