2015: PRAYER FOR SELF AND COUNTRY Yes if I want to go with the - TopicsExpress


2015: PRAYER FOR SELF AND COUNTRY Yes if I want to go with the band wagon effect; I should be talking of some New Year resolutions. But I have come to know that no New Year resolution will stand the test of time without appropriate discipline especially, for those of us that may be atheist. For those who believe in God one way or the other, they know God is the ultimate to the adoption of certain changes you hope to put in place in your life as an individual or in your nation as a whole. As an individual I pray to desire expectations from others which I myself when found in the same situation as them will not feel they are asking so much of me. I pray for the grace to be able to drive myself to greater success without necessarily losing my friends or rubbishing my personality. I pray for the grace to have more true friends whose attachment to me is not as a result of what I can offer them but as a result of the respect we mutually share for the individual wisdom God has blessed us with. I pray for the grace to be able to consciously and unconsciously attract people into wanting to be part of my humanitarian practice. I pray for the grace to be able to practice what I preach and as well preach what I practice. I pray for the grace not to betray any trust bestowed on me. I pray for the grace to register my business outfit and be established as a genuine employer of labour, I pray to have staff who will serve me at least the way I served others (not stealing from them and doing the business as though it was mine – not many Nigerians can pray like this because over 90% try to reap off their bosses) As for my beloved country I wish as we go into the elections we will come out of it united and having a stronger passion to protect our common heritage rather than allow non-stakeholders to subtly deny us of what we should hold dear. As individuals it is true we have our liking for whom we hope to elect for one position or the order, we all should accept the fact that this is the right we all have to exercise, yes you can try to make a person align with your thinking but do not make him look stupid for taking his own decision; if you do not know it will only be tantamount to the fact that you are also stupid for taking your own stand. I pray God that we will not out of the blind love we have for our candidates subscribe to any injustice whatsoever; that will not in the long run when implemented on a full scale make a rubbish of our sensibility. I pray that we will appreciate the fact that no politician is a saint; as such we should have a limitation to the extent to which we blindly trust them and rather have a caveat to our level of human trust by willingly saying “God let Thy will be done in this country, at all levels”. Those who plan to shade innocent blood for the purpose of achieving their political ambition; God do not allow them succeed. Those who hope to plan or execute an unjust civil unrest; God may they not live to implement it. Those who pretend to sheepishly align with them; God disgrace them before the D-day. Every sponsor (known and unknown) of the destruction in North East, Nigeria; God uproot and eliminate them without hesitation. All that say we will know no peace as a people; they must die for us to know peace. I pray for a Nigeria that will truly be corrupt free at all levels, I pray for a Nigeria where rather than majority thinking of what the country will do for them, they will earnestly desire what to do for the country (thank God for the several young entrepreneurs coming out every day), I pray for a Nigeria where power will no longer be an issue and the industrial activity will rise to an all-time high. I pray for Nigerian office holders at all levels who will be able to allow their actions and in-actions showcase the fact that they are genuinely interested in moving the country forward rather than depleting its resources to detriment of even their individual generations unborn. I pray that all our citizens must know that posterity will judge us and as such do those things that will make posterity judge us well. Above all, God help us both collectively and individually to ensure we subject our will to Your will for us.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:15:40 +0000

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