2015 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND THE GENERATIONAL HULLABALOO -By Uche Amadi Never before has the age factor been deployed as a tool for political propaganda, than is the case in the build-up to the 2015 Presidential election. Political strategists from the various divides have either blown out of proportion the age advantage of their preferred candidate or dissipated so much energy debunking the perceived disadvantage accruing against their candidate from such propaganda. The situation becomes so confusing to the electorate, so much so that it becomes desirable to consider the relevance, in patriotic currency of such age considerations. This consideration hinted above, becomes even more pertinent, when it is taken into account, that at this stage in our national life, what Nigerians yearn for, is not any further deceptive wand that would sway the outcome of the voting in 2015, to the further disadvantage of national development that all Nigerians need. All patriotic Nigerians are united in our aspiration to produce the right leader who would turn around the dwindling fortunes of our country. Granted, I am young, my generation have been lied to; past leaders have failed us and most of us act with the genuine and patriotic concern to turn around our national fortunes. But, sentient Nigerians cannot fail to ask: what advantage does age actually offer? The older generation would offer that experience is what they bring to the table. The younger generation would likewise offer that vigor resides down here. It is however important to observe that, although, there is no hard and fast classification as to who is of the older generation and who belongs to the younger generation, there is a generation in-between. My concern is not with what age bracket garners more comparative advantage. My concern, like every patriotic Nigerian at this stage of our nationhood is: to have that leader who would act in the best interest of Nigerians. To students of advanced level government, I know that it would be easy to understand that, in relation to the question of what form of government is the best, what is best administered is best administered. In like manner, as far as age consideration is concerned, there is no tangential bearing to the future of Nigeria, if it would in no way help to bring about the emergence of the best leader Nigerians are desperately hungry for. Like graves for the young, the relatively old and the old, I have seen old corrupt men, middle aged corrupt men and young corrupt men. What should count therefore, is not the age of the contestants, but their character, track record and integrity! I say this because, in the recent past, Nigerians voted for a man who came across as a shoeless poor boy, who earned the sympathy of the Nigerian electorates, but who never impacted on the lives of ordinary Nigerians, but supervised the most grandiose corrupt regime that has impoverished Nigeria and Nigerians. I have also seen Nigerians vote for a man who was a money bag, in an election believed to be the freest and fairest ever held in Nigeria. I find no difficult therefore in categorizing the persons manufacturing such cheap and diversionary propaganda and their principals, as the real enemies of Nigeria. If my agile octogenarian uncle can rule Nigeria and take us out of the woods, I would thank God. If also, my younger brother who would turn eighteen (18) years by February 2015 could constitutionally qualify to be the president, I care less. All I care about, like every other patriotic Nigerian, is that, whatever the age bracket, the person to be the president of Nigeria come 2015 should have the right moral proclivities and the correct blend of integrity to change our leadership fortunes. It pains me that after several years from 1985, when Chinua Achebe (of blessed memory ) had observed that Nigeria has been less than fortunate in the crop of leaders she has produced, in his little book: The Trouble with Nigeria, the the story has not changed! It troubles me even more, that such a useless propaganda as the age of a presidential aspirant could generate so much fuss, even though it has nothing in the direction of the change that Nigerians desire. Much as a young thief is no better than an old thief, let no one divert the attention of Nigerians from the real issues. Let integrity, and not age rule!
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 17:19:00 +0000

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