2015 RESOLUTION:-WE MUST CHANGE RAILA OR CHANGE RAILA.HE HAS FAILED US... Luo women are indeed, `women of iron. Luo men, on the other hand, find time to throw stones supporting Raila Idea.For over 40 years, Luos have blindly followed the Odinga clan, and what do they have to show for it? Ever since independence Luos have served the Odinga‘s like slaves; with nothing but abject poverty at the grass roots, with grass roofs. In the meantime, he has been raking money in, indeed, Raila is now a dollar billionaire.The Odingas have not brought an iota of development in Luoland. Just compare Luoland to their neighboring Kisiiland. And today, while Kisiis have never even had a president, their hard work and development conscious leadership is well-displayed by their stone houses with mabati roofs. Now, visit Luoland and all you see are the same grass-roofed old round huts that Speke and Grant found in the late 1800s.The poverty levels in Luo Nyanza are despicable, outrageous and disgraceful. And to note that we are so learned, with great such professors, our level of mobilization for political support of Raila is an insult to our ability to disfranchise when we need to mobilize for economic development. Again, the leader is to blame, but again, the chickens have wondered too far into the bush this time.We have given Raila, and Odinga family power for the last half century, and we can now see what they have done with it, -nothing for the Luos, everything for the Odingas. Even if we gave them more power, and Raila were the president, we can now predict what he would be. We can be so much more, Raila or no Raila. And we must identify our own destiny now. We must unite. We must strengthen our solidarity networks, anything less, and we will be enyoked for another half century, and this time, we will have only ourselves to blame, and our children to answer to. We must become everything that we are capable of becoming. And we must stop thinking that ‗we‘ do not have because ‗they‘ have...Just for the record, many men could, and have endured detention, and Raila was not the first, and will never be the last.Raila does not see the need to work with us his supporters to grow out of poverty; indeed, he is too much engrossed in historical revisionism and propaganda akin to William Smith of the Ministry of Truth in George Orwel‘s 1984. He keeps reminding us how he fought,how he suffered, and now, today, we cannot see why he suffered, indeed, his sycophants still bleeds, in protection of Raila. A woman still loses her young son, protecting Raila. The sycophants,mostly iddle youths.., follow Raila like the proverbial foolish fly; following the coffin to the grave. We are poud, arrogant, and poor, doomed to damnation.We need to emancipate ourselves from this mental slavery.We are the problem; and the sooner we execute the idea called Raila, the safer we will be.We must now scheme, and it starts with either changing leadership, or changing leadership.Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them. Such questions as whether to change Raila, or not, are not only in the air; they have crystallized, and now, today, more than ever, there are discussions in all parts of Luo land, and amongst all Luos, on how to make Luo land reflect her glory in academia and education, shelter and housing, food production and nutrition, health and medicine, to name but a few.We must end This PhraseTungeomba Serikali isaidie by changing Raila or changing Raila with a better leader.There is opportunity in Nyanza, a lot of opportunity, opportunity in the form of problems. What we need to do is to form solutions, solutions which we will then package as products and sell to the market place, and we have the market also. The market needs solutions, and we have the knowledge, just lacking the intellectualism; that which separates stupid people, from intelligent people.However, this ‗happiness‘ and ‗well being‘ has been as elusive to the Luos lives, as soap on wet hands.Our leaders love identifying with us for politic
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 16:34:47 +0000

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