2015 Reminder: Government Word is Worthless Posted: 02 Jan 2015 - TopicsExpress


2015 Reminder: Government Word is Worthless Posted: 02 Jan 2015 08:21 PM PST As US government figures and departments, such as the “FBI” (which, according to its own documents, tried to “destroy Martin Luther King, Jr.”), continue to make and act on “official pronouncements”, let’s remember that these people have less than no credibility. They have used lies, extreme violence, and stolen property to build themselves the most massive garrison/exploitation/surveillance state in human history, and are thus the very last people who should be taken at their word. We can review innumerable current and recent lies and their consequences, but we should always keep in mind that they are nothing new. Here are two grave examples of lies by the US government industry that we must continue to talk about, as most people are still entirely unaware of them thanks to a corporate/government information system that benefits from fostering nationalistic support for US global terrorism. 1. Pentagon historians write (ch. 18) that in June, 1964, a top US official relayed a secret message to the military commander of the brutal and hated US puppet-dictatorship in South Vietnam that “…the United States Government would in the immediate future be preparing U.S. public opinion for actions against North Vietnam.” Within two months, on August 2, 1964, the United States Government carried out its planned, coordinated Gulf of Tonkin disinformation campaign. US officials coordinated with each other and fabricated an entire event, then announced the fake event to the US public via various media outlets, to justify a massive escalation of the USA’s ongoing genocide against the people of Vietnam and Indochina generally. US officials said, straight to the faces of the US public, that Vietnam attacked a civilian US ship in international waters. In reality, it was a US military ship illegally invading Vietnamese territorial waters, and it was never attacked. The US followed this up by entirely fabricating yet another such story. Having thus “prepared” US public opinion through mass, coordinated, brazen lying, the US proceeded to kill millions more people in Indochina and send tens of thousands more young US men (many under forced death-labor, or “draft”, “laws”, which US officials also made up) to their violent deaths. At the same time, the US was persecuting and brutally repressing people at home for peacefully speaking out against the war, jailing them as well as firing live rounds into crowds, killing or crippling several young people. 2. After the biggest instantaneous terrorist attack in world history, the nuclear wipe-out of the bustling civilian city of Hiroshima, Truman looked straight into the faces of the US people and said the US had just detonated the first atomic bomb “on Hiroshima, a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians.” This should tell you something about the value of such official statements. They are not only worth nothing, but are in fact poison, justifying and “preparing US public opinion”, through coordinated, outright deception, for the continued killings of millions of people. These preposterous lies about wishing to avoid the killing of civilians continue today, repeated essentially verbatim by USgovernment/industrial figures at all levels regarding every crime and massacre they perpetrate. The stolen Pentagon Papers show that the only effective check on intentional US mass-killings of civilians is how much they can get away with without causing a revolution at home or utter denouncement internationally, the latter of which they have been incapable of avoiding. On PBS, a WWII “documentary” I happened to catch (one of innumerable dishonest, nationalistic, US-state-terror-propagating WW2 “documentaries” produced for US TV) featured the above, televised statement in which Truman announced the US nuking of Hiroshima. However, PBS cut out the part where he lied and said Hiroshima was a military base and that the US chose to attack it because it was trying not to hit civilians. Clearly, they didn’t want to show how wholly and brazenly the highest, most exalted “leader” will calmly, casually, confidently lie to the face of every captivated, heavily “taxed” outsider. What these “documentaries” and Hollywood movies never reveal is that the US government did notenter WW2 to help the Jews or the Chinese. The US, for profit and power reasons and knowing very well what the fascist groups were doing (persecuting Jews, bombing/exploiting civilians), supportedboth the Japanese fascist/colonial invasion of China and European fascism/colonialism (Hitler, Mussolini, Franco). Support continued (Hitler was – you guessed it – a “moderate”) until US government-industrial planners determined that these groups were starting to get too strong, to horn in too much on raw materials (natural resources) and labor markets that the US wanted to dominate, potentially enabling these countries to shake off their dependency on US industry. Had these fascist groups curbed their ambitions a bit, they would today very likely still exist as US puppet/client regimes, like the fascist Saudi theocracy, which became a US client in the 1930s when Saudi oil was discovered, and remains one today. Robert Barsocchini focuses on global force dynamics and writes professionally for the film industry. He is a regular contributor to Washington’s Blog, and is published in Counter Currents, Global Research, State of Globe, Blacklisted News, LewRockwell, DanSanchez.me, Information Clearing House, Press TV, and other outlets. Also see: Hillary Clinton’s Record of Support for War and other Depravities. Follow Robert and UK-based colleague, Dean Robinson, on Twitter.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 21:21:29 +0000

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