2015: Those who want to succeed Elechi 2015: Those who want to - TopicsExpress


2015: Those who want to succeed Elechi 2015: Those who want to succeed Elechi Unlike in many other states in the country, where aspirants for the governorship position are legion, Ebonyi state is an exception with only few aspirants to occupy the Green Lake in 2015. Already, the political climate is getting busier on daily basis with a lot of bickering in the State’s chapter of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, as a result of shopping for next governor. The controversy started with the zoning of the governorship position to the southern senatorial zone, having gone round Ebonyi North and Central by next year. The state governor, Chief Martin Elechi had maintained that though his position was anchored on unwritten charter of equity, it was morally justifiable that no part of the state would be marginalized for any reason. Despite the zoning, some aspirants from the other two zones pointed out that zoning has never been respected and should not be foist on the people because the promoters want to benefit from it. The battle is fierce but the people are determined for a credible candidate that would bring the needed transformation which the people craved for. With political realignment and internal stiff opposition, Elechi may not determine his successor. Though Elechi has performed in a fair assessment, his numerous traducers still maintained that his administration is a colossal failure. But it is on record among the scorecards of the Governor that 34 unity bridges have been completed. The memories of the past have made it much necessary to applaud Elechi for building interconnectivity of bridges in all the community in the state but it is obvious that he must have completed 34 out of the 36 bridges with sentiment. But like has always being the political norm in the state, that whoever the governor chooses, automatically becomes his successor, the political consciousness, enlightenment and determination for purposeful leadership by the people may be a clog in the adoption of former Health Minister, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu. Already, the PDP in the state is embroiled with leadership crisis because of the way and manner some of its members feel that the party is currently managed, perhaps, to favour some interest groups. But no matter the weakness of PDP, opposition parties may still find it difficult to defeat the ruling PDP, unless the internal wrangling in the party snowballed to mass defection from the ruling party. Some aspirants have been reported to be making convert moves to the opposition parties should the PDP frustrate them. The veracity of the report is still unascertained as all the aspirants in the PDP fold have maintained that nothing would pursue them out of the party. However, there is palpable fear and tension on who may likely succeed Elechi. To this end, assessment of all the aspirants, shows that it may not be business as usual for any contestant to fold his hands and expect political “manna” to fall from Aso rock, as has always being the case. Engr. Dave Umahi He is the current Deputy Governor of Ebonyi state and leading governorship hopefuls in 2015. The young and vibrant politician was the former state chairman of PDP before Elechi picked him his running mate in 2011. Before the adoption of Chukwu, there were high speculations in some quarters that he is the preferred candidate of Elechi due to Umahi’s role in the re-election of Elechi in 2011. Also, one of the governorship aspirants, Senator Offia Nwali confirmed that Chukwu’s adoption was contrary to the rumour that Umahi was a preferred candidate. A native of Ohaozara in Ebonyi South zone, Umahi is a major force in the contest and state politics because of his connections, youthfulness, and magnanimity. However, the strength of Umahi lies on his popularity even as other aspirants seem to have fused into his campaign train. He is seen as one of the aspirants who has all the resources to garner supports that will whether the storm for his emergence, perhaps, because of the popular believes that nothing good comes so easily. He is being loved for his penchant for development. When he was the PDP chairman, he built the most celebrated edifice for the party, which national officers and President Goodluck Jonathan have admitted was the best in the federation. With comments in public fora, it seems that the contest is between him and Chukwu. To say the obvious, Umahi knows the job of politics because even before his declaration, his name had become a house hold name in the state. The choice of Umahi may pay off in this era of stiff opposition, as a vibrant politician who will not only deliver President Jonathan but safeguard the mandate of PDP. His strength again is that core stakeholders and political gladiators in the state, including the Secretary to the Federal Government, Anyim Pius Anyim and former Governor, Sam Egwu mong others are behind his candidature. They are said to be aggrieved over the highhandedness of Elechi and they would not support imposition of candidate, when consensus has not been reached. The support to an extent has made Umahi’s campaign, a beehive of political activities, busier than the state PDP secretariat. His major snags is that he may have stepped on many toes in 2011 in his bid to return Elechi and the notion that it is rare for deputy governors to succeed their boss should equally be considered too. Professor Onyebuchi Christian Chukwu. He is the Former Minister of Health and a favoured aspirant to the governor, Elechi. Born in 1962 in Afikpo North in Ebonyi south. He was former Chief Medical Director of the former Ebonyi state University Teaching Hospital. On July 21, a section of stakeholders from Abakaliki political Bloc, which comprises North and Central zones, adopted him as their consensus candidate in such meeting presided over by Elechi. His emergence as consensus candidate has sparked off controversy and divided the Peoples Democratic Party in the state. Other aspirants are insisting that their ambitions were not adequately considered before the adoption. But Elechi maintained that his adoption came into being after careful and extensive consideration and consultation that he is the only person that would continue to sustain the light of peace which he has ignited in the state. Prior to Chukwu’s adoption, Elechi had pointed out that his successor must be tolerant to opposition parties and person who would respect opposing views of others in critical issues. Stakeholders in the state are not aggrieved on Chukwu’s adoption but the process that led to his consideration and acceptance was seen as affront on the integrity of the political gladiators in the state. Apart from his controversial adoption, Chukwu’s acceptance is gathering momentum. Besides, Chukwu is seen as a non-party man and politician, who would fit in appropriately in the contest. The major snags of the medical expert are that he is not popular and has no political structure in the state, which Elechi has admitted. But going by the political trend in the country, he may hold sway in the contest. It is believed that he may deliver more than his predecessor if given the chance. He is peaceful, tolerant and resourceful. But other aspirants have teamed up against him on the provocation that he can not just come from nowhere to pick the ticket of the party to contest the position, when they have laboured and invested their resources for the existence and sustenance of the party in the state Elechi was reported to have said that though they knew that Chukwu has no structure in the state’s politics but they are going to use their structure to deliver him and if he fails, they have as well failed. Engr. Paul Okorie He is the former Commissioner for Environment. Okorie is a household name in Ebonyi because of his hard work. He is seen as a credible aspirant in the race. A native of Okposi in Ohaozara local government area of Ebonyi state, Engr Okorie has distinguished himself as worthy ambassador peace and hard work, which has earned him a sobriquet, Aktion. Born in 1958, Okorie is qualified to take Ebonyi to a greater height in line with his vision, which is to provide exemplary leadership that will ensure rapid development of Ebonyi state and offer equal opportunity, equity, justice and fairness to all sections. In his former appointments, his scorecards and assessments of the people have shown that he was best used to achieve a unique purpose, which was to create roads where people think was impossible. When water supply was a scarce commodity in the state, he revamped the sector and Ebonyi people became healed of the excruciating scourge of guinea worm, when he was the General Manager of Water Cooperation in the state. He left the Cooperation with an edifice, still agitating the minds of the people on his magic wands. In 2011 after the re-election of Elechi, he was appointed as Commissioner for Environment to confront the decayed environmental condition and evidences abound that Elechi’s vision for transforming Abakaliki metropolis into a befitting state capital was realized. However, he has other powerful and popular aspirants from his local government to contend with, more especially the deputy governor, who is equally a master strategists in the game. Again, the adoption of Chukwu may pose a big challenge to his emergence. Senator Paulinus Igwe Nwagu Igwe Nwagu represents Ebonyi Central senatorial zone in the upper legislative chambers and currently the Senate Committee Chairman on Police affairs. He is a grass root politician in Ebonyi state. Born in 1959, he has find fortunes in politics, having served as former councilor, Local government Chairman, Former House of Representative member and now elevated to the red chambers of the National assembly. Nwagu is a vibrant politician with acclaimed political philosophy that he has never contested election and failed in view of his rising political history. To him, the issue of zoning is just for people who are not ready to serve the state because “if you are ready to serve the state, come out boldly and say I want to be a governor of this state and this is what I have on ground or what I think I can do for the people and not to wait for you to be given governor”. He described those waiting to be endorsed, anointed and adopted to be governor as “weaklings and food is ready politician”. However, he is not favoured by the zoning principle, which seems to have been generally accepted by the people, including Central and North zones that power should shift to the south. Another factor that may affect him though he is popular is the way he allegedly treats people with disdain. But if the aspirants in the South did not harmonize and build a common synergy, Nwagu may benefit from their internal wrangling of harmonization. Prof Igwe Aja-Nwachukwu Igwe Aja-Nwachukwu is the former Minister of Education and academia of international repute. He is a professor of Economics. Born in 1952 in Okposi, Ohaozara local government area of the state, Aja-Nwachukwu said his entry into the race was borne out of his personal conviction to serve his people with godly zeal in order to consolidate and extend good governance in the state. His major snags are that he is not as popular as his opponents in the same local government and his campaign is not loud in the state. Chief Hyacinth Ikpor He is the former Commissioner for Culture and Tourism and the oldest governorship aspirant. He is from Afikpo North. He is believed to be a candidate of the founding fathers in the state but his ambition seems trivial because of his age. His ambition is perceived to be a plot to destabilize some political interest and groups in the zone but he has promised to transform the state for the better, if elected. Senator Dr. Offia Nwali Senator Nwali is a second Republic senator of Old Abakaliki zone. He was a popular ancient politician from Ebonyi state. A native of Ezza south in the Central zone of the state, Nwali’s ambition may be borne out of provocation because of the adoption of Chukwu, without his consultation.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 03:38:51 +0000

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