2015 WILL BE TIT FOR TAT BETWEEN AJIMOBI AND I– AKALA Former Oyo State governor, Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala, recently dumped the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to pick the ticket of rival Labour Party (LP) to recontest the seat he vacated in 2011, after dissatisfaction with his former party’s primary election, which he al­leged was rigged. The LP candidate speaks on his latest move and challenges, insisting he is the man to beat in the February 28, 2015 poll in the state. Excerpts: AV: What do you say to cynicism about your group’s synergy with your new party working in view of mutual suspi­cion by original members of the party that the new entrants may have come to hijack the party and official appoint­ments when you eventually come into power? AAA: We don’t have to hijack the party from the original LP members. When we came in, we proposed a sharing formula and it was adopted; that is what we all fol­lowed. Did you hear of any rancour in our party? Yes, there may be some people who are aggrieved, but we’ve talked to them and together we have agreed to move the party forward. You know, for me to come, and five gubernatorial aspirants stepped down for me means we all have the interest of the party winning the election at heart. AV: In moving to LP, did you accommo­date the interests of your followers who are also interested in contesting elective offices? AAA: We did. What we did was that we tried to make sure that the people that can win election in a particular area are the ones we put forward as our candidates. For example, I was told to present a senatorial candidate in Oyo Central, but I decided to give it to someone who was a gubernatorial aspirant before I came into Labour. At least, that’s one of the sacrifices you make. I gave it to Comrade Olu Abiala, because I know he can easily mobilise enough people for us in that sena­torial district to win the election. We don’t have any problem. AV: Is it true you’re now broke and may not be able to finance the campaign? AAA: (Laughs) What do you mean by broke? Do they know how much I’m worth? I don’t understand what they mean and I don’t want to tell anybody or say anything about my financial capability. I thank God for what He has done for me. I’m hearing that for the first time from you. It is part of those things. I don’t think I have borrowed money from anywhere. I may not be a rich man, but I’m very comfortable. AV: Are you likely to support President Jonathan in the presidential election even though he turned his back on you in your own hour of need while in the PDP? I ask this because I’m aware your party has no presidential candidate and is favorably disposed to working for him. AAA: I’m a loyal party man. If that is what the party wants, I’ll go along with it. If my party wants to work with him, then I’m also going to work with him. But I have a very cordial relationship with Mr. President. He’s been my friend and will continue to be. As for what happened in the PDP, that’s how God destined it to happen. So, who are we to question God? I’m very comfortable in the new party. AV: Many pundits are predicting a comeback for the incumbent governor because the opposition candidates are going to split their votes. What’s your reaction? AAA: That cannot happen! Fortunately for me, my own will not be distributed because I’m the only person outside Ibadanland. So I still have my bulk votes by the Grace of God. I was in position when he (Ajimobi) got that office. So, I can also get it back when he’s in office. So I handed over to him and it is likely he’s also going to hand over to me. I’m sure he’s going to handover to me. AV: You have been dogged in your quest for this position, some will even say desperate. What drives you and how are you convinced you’ll win the election? AAA: When you have done something before and you have not done it very well and you want to come back, you’ll be hearing in­sinuations and grumblings from the public. But, I ask you to go and listen very well to what the people are saying now. You’ll hear the public saying: ‘We want Akala to come back’, which means one has been ac­cepted. Why they are not passing any bad comment about me is because they were very comfortable when I was in govern­ment. They knew I put smiles on their faces while I was in office and they enjoyed themselves. Life was more abundant to them and that’s why there’s clamour for me to come back. I have felt the pulse of the people of Oyo State and I know they want me back badly. If they don’t want me back, I wouldn’t have attempted coming back. Before I went for declaration, I received phone calls, messages and personal visits from people. They have not stopped. So, if you are not wanted, you’ll know. AV: How do you rate your chances? AAA: This race is among the three of us – the two who had done it before and the person doing it now. That is just the truth about the whole thing. People don’t want to hear you say: ‘I’ll do this.’ The thing is: ‘What have you done before?’ AV: What informed your choice of running mate? AAA: It is because I’ve worked with him before. I know him very well. I know his political clout and with that, I know we can work together effectively. I’m aware also that he’s a grassroots man. Don’t forget he also started his politics as a local govern­ment chairman. What we want to do now is to form a sort of government for the masses. That is also what informed the choice of our party. We want to deal with the people individually. The logo of Labour Party is that of a family – a man, woman and child. So I believe he also coming from a grassroots background will help me in doing the job very well. AV: People say you’re too involved in PDP to leave it just like that and that you are just on a temporary exit. AAA: There’s dynamism in politics and so you don’t stay stagnant in a position. If it comes, you take it. This is where I find myself and I have to go that way. I can’t be stagnant in a particular position. So I don’t have any relationship that I cannot break with anybody. AV: So you see the 2015 election as being to break the jinx of second term? AAA: Definitely, one of us will break the jinx and I think I’m the one. With due respect to other candidates, this game is not for new­comers. It is better you tell people what you’ve done before. You see people say this and they have done nothing. A known devil is better than an unknown angel. This is what is going to happen. AV: So you’re not giving the young men any chance of making any impact or winning the election. AAA: No. That is not what I’m saying; I don’t think Oyo people are patient to experiment with anyone or anything again. They want to deal with the person that will give them what they want. They want a better life. They want something that will put food on their table. AV: When do we expect your campaign to start? AAA: The campaign has started. We have jingles on radio stations and we’ll soon make pronouncements on how to go about the whole stages. We’ve also started mov­ing from house to house to let people know about our political plans for them, telling them what we have done for them can be done better now. People have started notic­ing our presence and we are going for elec­tion. All those people who are also pushing for elective offices both at the national and state levels in our party are also there campaigning. AV: You seem very sure you’re winning the election. AAA: I can only tell you that I will win the election. We know each other. I know what they want and I will give them. The people will vote for anyone that can take care of them. That is what democracy is all about; who can give the electorate what they want. I can and I have given them before. In 2007 when I was campaigning, there was no community I promised things that I did not do. So, people in those communities are looking forward to having me back.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:45:22 +0000

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