2015 WILL NOT BE A YEAR FOR WINNING AND LOOSING BUT A YEAR FOR CHANGE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _____________________________________________ South Sudanese are people with natural humbleness and simplicity but “bitter” once it comes to something that completely dishonor their humanity and challenge their spirit and socialization. The current dictatorial political leadership of our country is termed by many people (South Sudanese) as a mystery. Civil societies groups, political opponents, political writers, journalist and many more are living a life of uncertainty. They lives through nightmare and continues harassment through text messages and physical harassment especially those dwelling in Juba and the other state of South Sudan. The Country is being governed in form of old (not even the current kingdom system) kingdom ship and most civilian remains hopeless, confused, and even visionless. Why do we need people to win the 2015 election? The answer is that, we need to change our Country to Democratic Republic of South Sudan unlike now. Then, for all of us to be clear about our mission, all we needs is a change not a support to someone but a support to make change. I don’t know how easily you will understand me but I urge your intelligence to at least catch-up with my statement and get the real concept and try to think about it. To quote my previous article that you will find here williamorule/2013/11/04/dinka-continuation-or-nuer-replacement/ “In the political context of our Country, it’s clear that we still believe in old idea of imposing mechanical power as a mean of defeat in politics. Nevertheless, many people in the Country including the writer of this article have a hope that, things will gradually be changing month after the other, year after the other and so on. It’s now our turn us the concern citizens of our Country to make sure that we choose the right way to achieve the long expected and awaited changes. The reason why I said we needs change and not supporting someone is a bit understandable once I put it this way; We need our government in which we (citizen) will be the once choosing our own governing system, be involved in government daily activities and decision making, leaders will consider themselves as servants which is not at all in place in the current regime, freedom of press and expression without harassment and detention. Once the above mentioned activities are achieved, we will come to the realization of our life long struggling aim and result. The aim of our struggle to have the current independent state of South Sudan is to have “a democratic government base on the free wills of its people, ensuring justice and equality with absolute respect of human right”. To this, even the leadership will only be an opportunity for those who will manage to be servants not masters anymore. Therefore, we must be very careful about the selection of our servant who will manage the country for four good years. He should not be a lazy and incompetent personality. Riek Machar Teny, The former VP who is also the current deputy chairman of the ruling party has repeated many times that all he was struggling for is a Democratic Independent South Sudan, which shall be ruled base on the free wills of its people, adhesive to justice and rule of law, equality and comprehensive application of human right. Many people in the Country including myself knows it that, Riek has been saying many times that he will remain committed to his promises. Riek is in fact our best choice as of now. “We should not be supporting people for where they come from but what they fit in”. We are no longer following the old ideology of domination. If you can recall back in the history, there was an unwanted tribal and regional division among us. The division let us to nothing other than weakness and shameful brutal killing of ourselves. In my point of view especially in the last stage of our struggle (SPLA/M), we could have not spent 21 years fighting with Khartoum. The reasons of those divisions were all about tribal influence and believe. Leaders sided with their tribesmen and oppress the others. People scheming to now; believe in tribal domination which shows an absolute backwardness manner and practices. Therefore; I’m very thankful to the almighty God for blessing our land with visionaries’ upcoming educated youth who will change and develop this Country after it has been messed up by hopeless dumber, corrupters, trouble and rebel minded so called politician of today. We are expecting a change coming 2015. We are here to distinguish those committed to changing our Country and not those that are merely interested to be our leaders without clear vision and mission. Summary of the challenges that the citizens are looking forward to be address: NB: remember, what are written as challenges in this article does not comprehend all the challenges we have right away in the country but, the few intensives challenges that will lead us towards polling 2015. The challenges hindering the development in this Country are numerous and need more effort and exact commitment to fully address them. There is a political quote that says “politicians are the same everywhere and every time, they promise to build bridges even where there is no river”. The 2010 election propagandas are still expected by the citizen. Those who promised to build schools, hospital, roads, houses etc. must bear it in their mind that, your people are still waiting to see these cheap and easy to be done services done before you give other golden and silver ones. I am very deeply pleased that our people (SOUTH SUDANESE) notwithstanding of their high illiteracy rate and hindrances from the government, they are however already familiars with the empty political propaganda’s of the so call nowadays politicians. Therefore, the objectives that we needs are not going to be tell by the contestant but we as citizen will speak them out. We do not want bridges to be constructed in our forest but, roads and peace among and between our communities. The following summaries below are the basic requirements from those who wish to be our servant now or any time in the future. I. IMPROVING THE SECURITY AND MAKING A COUNTRYWIDE STABILITY: I recall the time I was in Akobo especially in 2000 – 2004, we would never missed a single day without hearing a gunshot out of which most of them resulted into regular death and injury among the communities. I was a young boy by then and remained hopeless. I did not know that I would someday be stable. Therefore, in whatever luxury I get into, I do not tend to forget my time back then. I know that people in the other part of the country are severely suffering from different kind of instability and insecurity. Yau Yau has already extremely terrorized the communities in Jonglei, cattle and tribal conflict has left thousands dead and others displaced in some part of the country like Jonglei, Western Upper Nile (Unity), Lake and Warrap states. The South Sudan army should be professionalizing to protect the country from all form of internal and external aggression base on the laws and their mandate. Many citizens are already victims of SPLA atrocities in different forms and in different part of the country. People are living in intolerable intensive instability mostly caused by communal fighting and rebellion. II. ERADICATING TRIBALISM, NEPOTISM AND CORRUPTION THROUGH INCLUSIVE GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE: Tribalism; in all part of our country, in all the social media and website, tribal confrontation and aggression is the domain of their words and comments. Nepotism is the core description of our current government. These malpractices have even extended to INGOs where South Sudanese are working. The recent example, president has employed 300 South Sudanese as the country guards from his home state and his County. Corruption is the worse factor to the failure of this government because everyone has kept running to corrupt from public services and to make the matter worse; they don’t face justice once they are discover. It increase chance for corruption for those willing to extract resource through corruption as you could see a person employed for less than a year buys a car and build a house while his monthly salary might not be more than SSP2000. 2000 × 12 = 24000, can that money buy a car and build house at the same time? If you can take a look at the government structure of our Country, it’s obvious that there has been a “severe” tribal domination. III. PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT: many plans and projects have been made so far for road construction in the country yet; no single kilometer road done so far that would connect the big town/cities to the communities, the vision of SPLM to take town to the village is no longer in place, instead they have now reversed the vision by taking villages to the towns. I said this because they are keeping the rural areas developmental services in their stomachs in Juba and in fact, they have even gone beyond keeping the services in their stomach in Juba by collecting their relatives and families to abroad with our services for them to lives in luxurious over there. What a mess, eight years couldn’t be enough for someone to achieve a planned objective? I am more than convince that our government has no clear vision toward achieving developmental objectives of our country. People of this country as I stated it earlier that, they have natural humbleness and simplicity to the life obstacles which is in their nature and we wish it should continue for many generations to come in this beloved country. They have been silence for over 8 years in constrained and stranded developmental growth; it’s really very hard seeing someone stealing your property and says nothing. Their weakness (government leaders) is the danger to the community and again return back to them (government) as their gains and benefits; that must be a planned strategy to utilize the services of the country for their personal benefits. IV. ABSOLUTE JUSTICE, SOLIDARITY, FREEDOM AND EQUALITY: I’m not sure if South Sudanese ever witness something call “SOLIDARITY”. They must have learned it including myself in schools or somewhere but, never found prevailing on the ground. Because for my personal understanding of the word solidarity; it should be a feeling of togetherness, social and personal normalization. In sociology it’s defined as “the integration, and degree and type of integration, shown by a society or group with people and their neighbors”. Is that feeling exist in South Sudan? I cannot accentuate much on the justice system of this Country, because it has been crumpled by the top of the country going down badly to the grassroots. Therefore; it’s possible to say that there is no justice in the country, am sure no one will disagree with me including all the judges of the Country who have abandons their career for the sake of what we should call “wealth seeking”. Freedoms and Equality are working together with Justice; we should pray to God for our Justices/judges to upkeep and value their career. I don’t why they like justice which is very hard for them to comprehend their mandates. Conclusion:- I would like to conclude this article by saying that, we need to be familiar with our mission a I jotted down in the first paragraph of this article. Once you write an article stipulating the weakness of our government, you definitely choose to be living in hiding rather than proudness and appreciations. That is what we call ignorant of core principle of human right and freedoms. There what the Nuer community says which literally be said “missing a good wife is harder than missing a residential plot”. The reason why they said is that. Once you have brought a lazy wife, there is nothing you can do to change her so that she becomes who you want her to be but, for a plot of land, you can improve it for time being. We must take the same precaution on choosing our leader comes 2015. Because there is nothing we can do to change and person who is incompetent in nature simply because he is/has becomes our president. The writer is a South Sudanese upcoming political figure, believing in social justice, democratic political transformation, rule of law and can be reached via email chuolchotson@gmail
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 11:11:33 +0000

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